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RE: Do Real Men Have Feelings Too? [Pay It Forward, Round One, Day Three]

in #life7 years ago

The biggest surprise in regard to men feelings was when I started to dance, and, later on, to teach tango. In tango you need polarization: man has to lead, woman has to follow. If no one is doing his or her job, then there is no dance, no dynamic. It's dull.

So I met a lot of men who were actually afraid to lead and a lot of women who were very much resistant to following. On the surface, they all looked masculine and feminine and even in the social games they were playing their part ok. But once you put them in this specific context, of dancing tango, there is now way to avoid the problem anymore. It's clear as daylight.

Now here are the answers:

  1. a) gratitude
    b) enthusiasm

  2. I am 8 and 10 on that scale. 8 because I do have emotions and I don't repress them.

  3. As a tango teacher you must know both roles: leader and follower. It was always funny when I practiced with men, me playing the role of the follower, in order to check their abilities. A lot of fun looking at their faces.


Oh that's sooo true! Trying to get my wife to let me lead our wedding dance...
Me being in charge, just once.... hehehehe

there seems to be a Tango conspiracy going on - maybe it was through your feed I stumbled on @raluca's Tango inspiration here

It might be, it might be :)

@dragosroua - so it looks like the payout for this post is $0.02 which I should transfer to your goodself, is that right? I'll see if I can figure that out (and then you can send me a postcard from somewhere exotic on the proceeds ;)

Hey, thanks and I appreciate it. But... according to the rules, since I'm the root poster, I cannot be taken into account as a winner for any other posts from this block. So you should send the proceeds (after the voting period is over and you already cashed it, which is not the case, as I see it, the voting period isn't over yet) to another person. :) I will send back what you sent to me.

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