Day 17- Just Dance - 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge

in #life8 years ago

Day 17

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.” ― Osho

Dancing is the language of the soul. When you allow the body to move the way it wants to, you get out of your mind and completely into the present moment.

Dancing from the heart, for the sheer joy of it - and not to attract anyone or show off our talents - is a beautiful, fun way to enhance our mindfulness while being active.

When dancing, you allow the music to move you, you learn to surrender to the rhythm and express your emotions through movement.

If you give it enough time, like in a Trance Dance session, your rational mind is put on hold and you enter into an altered state of awareness. And this happens without using any external chemicals. The ones secreted by your body while moving and breathing are more than enough.

My experience with conscious dancing

I've experienced several Trance Dance sessions, where I danced blindfolded for two to three hours together with about 30 other people. In a session like this, I learned to trust my senses and other people while surrendering to the different rhythms and beats.
The fear of not bumping into other people while dancing blindfolded was quite strong in the beginning. But all went well with the instructions and the constant supervision of the organizers.

Another dancing meditation I've tried and enjoyed is The 5 Rhythms. I've been through two intensive workshops a few years ago and it was a wonderful experience. The idea is to move you through 5 different rhythms that are each associated with different emotions and ways of expressions.

There's also another type of dance that it's like meditation in action that I recommend trying. Although for this one you'll need a partner. I'm talking about Argentinian tango.

From all the dances I've learned and experienced, this type of tango is the best to help you train being present every moment. You need to be attuned to your partner, to the music, to your own body, and to the surroundings. It's a lot to deal with, especially when you're just starting out. But later on, when you get the hang of it and if you have a good partner, you can enjoy the out of mind and in the flow state.

But for today's exercise, you don't need to go to a Trance Dance ritual or sign-up for tango lessons.

Day 17- Just Dance

You can practice mindful in the comfort of your own home. I'll give you two suggestions, but it's up to you and the state you're in. And of course you can come up with your own ideas.

  • First thing in the morning, after you freshen up and drink your water, put on your favorite song or list of songs, and just start dancing. If you're feeling rusty, take it slowly. Allow the body to warm up and then expand your movements. Be aware of where you are in the moment and honor that.

For extra fun involve your partner, your kids, your dog, whoever is around you at that moment.

Notice the energy shift in your body and in your home after dancing.

  • Another way is to start moving without any music at all. To just allow the body to move to the rhythm that it likes in that moment. You can set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Then if you like yo continue and have time, go on, get wild!

So that was it for today. Less talking, more conscious dancing!

Have fun with it and let me know how it went.

image source Unsplash

A note on The 30 Days Mindfulness Challenge. I initially published this challenge 2 years ago on my blog Being Raluca and I'm using those articles as a base for this one. I sometimes rewrite 80% of the article, other times I keep more of the original version and rewrite and add less new content.

I'm a psychologist, intuitive coach, blogger and vlogger. You can find me mainly on my blog at Being Raluca where I write about communication, relationships, listening and sexuality. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @raluca.

Raluca Popescu


"conscious dancing" is an interesting concept to think more about. Dancing can be a great way for people to express themselves.

Glad you found this interesting. Dancing is indeed a great way for self-expression.

It's very beautiful post!!
Your job is very good :))

thanks :)

I've never read anything like this or thought about mindful dancing. Brilliant - definitely one to try with my girls too.

Even watching Trolls makes my shoulders dance, so I this I will enjoy doing mindfully.

Happy to have brought this to your attention. It would be awesome to try it with your girls, thank you for being around. :)

Appreciating and enjoying the presence of heart-mind-body you bring to this forum (and shall check out your blog)

I have a regular "Conscious Dance" practice (from Contact Improv. to Continuum, Soul Motion to Ecstatic Dance, etc.) and can attest to the profoundly liberating effect it has on body mind and soul.

Yet whilst Argentinian Tango has been dancing around the periphery of my interest for some time - your descriptive interpretation has brought it bang up front and center as something new to explore! Cool!

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoy the posts in this challenge. Awesome that you have a conscious dance practice, and now that you told me about it, I remember trying Contact Improv also a while ago. It was a cool experience but I didn't further the practice.
Yeah, Argentinian Tango is worth a try. Be careful when choosing the teacher, it's very important to have a good one that teaches also the subtleties and emphasizes the connection aspect, not only the steps and the rules. Looking forward to hearing from you once you experience it.

thanks for the advise, I am on the look out for classes!

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