What is Evil? (Bloody Fields)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Another day in paradise. What a beautiful day with a heavy heart! I've been wanting to share this version of what's evil, inspired by @andrewmarkmusic's post. It is just a friendly reminder of what makes things evil, in case some of you have forgotten. I'm very grateful that steemit is here to let me write things that most people cannot really say. This is more like helping some people see the world differently. You read the same thing every day by the same people, get a breath of fresh air. I have freed myself from the big lies of media and day to day government propaganda. It's time to share the truth with the world. However you want to see these things, it's not really under my control. You are free to think on your own.

(Warning: If you are a fragile snowflake who is not used to receiving offensive remarks, I suggest you skip this article because you might project your own life issues to me (inevitable). But if you are someone who does not cling to your dogma and recognizes freedom of speech, feel free to continue reading. So-called political incorrectness ahead.)

Is it evil to be wealthy?

It depends. Just because I am not rich does not mean I hate the wealthy. I do believe that people should have the chance to advance in life, benefit from the products of their minds and produce goods using their talent, hard work, and skills. Some deserve to be entrepreneurs and not be slaves to unethical corporations. However, the society here assures that most people merit their success and grand fortune. People argue that they worked hard so their children can have better lives and inherit fortunes. I do understand, but in the end, there's this inevitable inequality meritocracy will produce. The reality is that competition ruined it all in the name of profit. Income and wealth are increasing at an alarming rate, contributing to massive economic disparity and the neverending class war.

So when is it evil to be wealthy? Greed. I will talk more about my own politics to discuss this issue. I will tackle the plight of the peasants as I am currently in an agricultural country. I will speak for them as they cannot really write in English and don't know about Steemit or blockchain.

For example, you bought massive lands and established a corporation, engage in unethical production such as slave labor and violation of human rights. You are a CEO who basks in ill-gotten wealth, drinking Starbucks Frappuccino with sugar produced by your farmers earning $2 down to $1 a day (due to tax). Then sharing with the whole world how you earned your success through hard work and land investments.

Is it evil to be filthy rich and have the nerve to tax the low wage of the hundreds of farmers? Yes.

If you even ask me why is it evil? I don't know anymore, maybe you are a psychopath or something. The peasant class is the most oppressed in this society, they are supposedly rich with their own lands. They should be farming their own lands and controlling production but instead, the land grabbers (government, private and international corporations) cheated the poor.

Is it evil to cheat the poor? Yes.

In the past, some of these cheeky oligarchs sold these lands to farmers on credit. When they couldn't pay, of course, the rich landowners took away the lands. The feudal lords even make the farmers pay while they work on their farms. Some politicians even used tax money to purchase these lands, borrowing from government institutions and international banks, under the condition that the lands will be given back to the farmers in x number of years.

Is it evil to manipulate the law so you don't have to give the lands back to the farmers? Yes.

Someone once said There are no choices, white or yellow, everyone steals...Basically it is evil to have the government and military by your side in order to cheat the poor. It is evil to give extremely low wage to the farmers who are not supposedly working for these oligarchs. Only few people make their wealth through agricultural export. It is also evil to buy expensive horses, real estate, and more houses and live off the poor peasants. I know it sounds familiar, but it is evil to steal the lands from the natives so you can all live comfortably and shamelessly mock sweatshops and cheap labor in your sitcoms. Some people have no clue how unempathetic and ignorant they are of what is really happening.

Is it evil to deny the farmers of their basic needs? Yes.

Without their lands, how else can they live? Do you want them to go to the cities where the rents are expensive, and they can beg on the streets? Some of them couldn't even manage 2 meals a day, thanks to their rich landlords and the corrupt government for even taxing their inhumane wages. They are supposed to be living sustainably and benefitting from their own agricultural production. The top 1% has enough wealth to provide benefits to their workers and alleviate hunger and poverty.

Is it evil to displace farmers to make way for new highways, metros, real estate and golf courses? Yes.

I'm sorry but yes because these farmers own the lands and have been farming there for years. The problem is that they don't even get proper relocation or better lands. They lost everything and protesting means death.

Is it evil to establish a peasant movement and fight for their rights? No.

The farmers have the right to protest for years of abusive treatment and blatant exploitation. They are not asking for government aid, all they are asking is to return portions of oligarchs' massive lands back to them, increase the wage and provide benefits. The farmers just realized that it is time to claim their lands and not be exploited by the corporations anymore.

Is it evil to combine forces of military and police to massacre and kill the farmers instead? Yes.

It is evil to kill the farmers, I hope we are all on the same page? The killing spree is happening on a daily basis, thanks to the oligarch-owned mass media, people don't know even the truth. It is actually easy to kill a farmer in the province and someone in the city watching the tv the whole day won't even have a clue. The clan is very rich and powerful, those with money have control and power. They would not distribute the lands as promised. So to make themselves richer and richer, they asked the help of military and police to spray bullets on the rallying and unarmed farmers.

Is it evil to push for the rights despite the deaths? No.

I really do not advocate and justify violence but I do understand the resistance. When you are hungry, nothing really matters. The farmers do not want to convert to a communist state - they are simply asking for their basic needs to be met, such as food. Farmland is their life. Now if you are sitting there, reading this with your stomach full and with a clear head, you can lecture about peaceful means and all that. They don't want to kill the military men and police but sometimes they have no option. Fighting for justice for their families and to feed their hungry children, but instead, they are being fed with bullets. The rise of the peasant class, exercising their right to protest. It is so sad that the ignorant people of this society think they are communists and violent criminals (as advertised by the oligarch-controlled mass media). Do you really want to just stand there while getting sprayed with bullets? Will you feel angry and desperate when the society denied you of food? What if the government and the masses do not believe you? You need to walk in the farmers' shoes to understand the reality.

Is it evil to shoot farmers and kill them in front of their families? Yes.

Old farmers don't even need to work long hours anymore, instead of helping the poor, the oligarchs increased the pain of the peasants even more. Is it easier to pick on peasants because nobody will really believe them? 60+-year-old farmers and peasant movement leaders are being killed on a regular basis (thanks to fear mongering by media and those in power) Only those who live in the rural area with plantations controlled by banking and international corporations really know the truth.

Is it evil to deny the masses of the truth? Yes.

Money and guns now go hand in hand. To serve the interest of corrupt politicians and oligarchs, they try to divert the attention of the masses to petty news. It is now fine to label these farmers as leftists and terrorists, of course, it is easier for the masses to believe that. The military and police can now kill anyone they suspect for leading the protests and resisting the government, even student activists. They even prohibited the humanitarian organizations to travel to these provinces, otherwise, they will be killed on the spot. It is now fine to illegally detain farmers suspected as 'terrorists'. Farmers are now terrorists. Is it evil to be a poor farmer now and to fight for your right to farm your own land? Some ignorant people even called them lazy. Farmers are lazy, just wow. Wake up people, you still believe in the government despite all these, how ignorant can you be? I don't tolerate your stupidity anymore. Soon it will be like North Korea around here. It is scary to even defend the poor because the police will not have a problem to kill you. Surprise, surprise, the government is a puppet of fascist USA, that is even participating in illegal land-grabbing. The power nation couldn't even resolve their own economic disparity and inequality issues. The government has forgotten that they should be afraid of the people. This rule by force has to stop. Feudalism has to stop. This downright evilness has to stop. Wake up people.

I believe you can help in your own way by deciding carefully when you purchase agricultural products. Every product can be the equivalent of farmers who got shot in the fields or those who are massacred by the military during protests. It is literally a killing field and there is no justice. This human rights violation do not really make it to the local and international news to serve the interests of corporations. If you want to help in making the change to create a better world, you need to stop giving your hard-earned money to these corporations that do not align with your code of ethics. You think that by supporting these companies and their products you are helping the poor people. You only perpetuate the sick system. They need us more than we need them.


In my youth as a missionary in Mexico working concrete to build churches. Standing in the middle of the street looking at my right I see ppl living in cardboard shacks and to my left mansions with gates. It was quite shocking...and I felt like wow. I’m glad to live in America. Now I’m older and the homeless near where I live under a highway overpass next to brand new million dollar condos.... ppl just don’t give a fuck anymore. The day will come when the poor will eat the rich.... i came from the streets.... I remind myself constantly by intentionally starving myself to remind myself where I come from. ... I will be wealthy soon ... but not from exploiting the poor. but i will give back to the poor ... what I don’t need. .. by helping the homeless...and the forgotten. ...since I can’t take all this wealth to heaven.. when I pass. Every country has the same problems. Including the USA. This is why cryptocurrencies will help with this inequality as the bankster parasites. live off ppl who work and provide services and products that the community needs. Soon the day will come when parasite bankster elite and there corrupt politicians will be thrown off our backs. And they will be the ones suffering as they provide nothing to society. The day will come when the police and military will refuse to follow illegal orders.

It's cool you are glad you live in America, I have many friends from the US originally and who are glad they are not living in the US anymore, and some who are desperate to leave. I believe it is not all american dream as highly advertised. Class war is every country's problem, only worsened by US and Chinese corporations doing their unethical practices in many countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

Sadly, farmers are not supposed to be poor. While the other so-called lazy and miserable poor are just victims of lack of free education and jobs. Some people actually have no choice! It makes me angry that the military are even killing the poor farmers.

It’s a universal struggle class war is everywhere. The only thing I’m grateful for is the opportunity of upward mobility and that there is still a middle class in the USA which is shrinking everyday. But at the same time I’m surrounded by ppl who care more about there sports team. And tv shows than opening there eyes to the poverty here in there own country.

Thank-you:) But fair warning: 40 years ago I hitched into this little town on the west coast and thought it was damn close to paradise. The Central Bank Central Intelligence Chicago School Neoliberalism has turned it into a cesspit of greed and corruption. They've labeled human decency Communism and it's not to be tolerated...
It should be clear to any thinking person with common sense that they are on a suicide​ mission and people like Lennon clearly thought they were insane. I'm afraid​ he was right and at that point​, ​ I must turn to metaphysics as an explaination for their deplorable activities.
That is my next post.

My audience keeps on comparing these farms to western farms lol.

I agree with all you are saying here, but first you must realize, to these landless farmers, you are a wealthy elite.

I wandered far afield in the 1970s, hitch hiked and rode 2nd and 3rd class buses and trains. I tried to live on $10/week and was successful most of the time. I thought I was "roughing it" but when I compared how easy my life was to the poor around me I realized I was an elite. I had the option of travel. They did not. The other thing that I realized was that these people were far happier than anyone I had ever met before. They had nothing in the way of material junk but they had each other. They were already "communists," just not from a centralized government administered perspective.

I'm sure your peasants are no different. They lack organization but when things get bad enough, they will revolt.

The true nidus of evil is, dare I say it, the middle classes of the East and West. Corporations and oligarchs merely serve the demand of these consumptive entities. You can kill all of the oligarchs and corporations and soon more will rise in their stead since the consumptive machines will do whatever it takes to continue to be fed. Destroy Walmart and Amazon will begin to deliver 3rd world produce via drone directly to your home. The middle class is the beast, but very few of us who constitute it will ever give up our excessive lifestyles willingly. Therein lies the real crux of the problem, the real evil.

If we bring all of the peasants up to middle class status, as the "do-gooders" propose, have robots doing all of the work and all is distributed freely, the environment will not be able to handle it, will collapse under the weight of human consumption.

Chopping off the head of the snake is a good beginning, followed by return of the land to the people who work it so they can go back to self-sufficient subsistence level and organization to defend their positions against reprisal and reappropriation. This will lead to a collapse of the middle class and chaos, for a time, until population decreases to sustainable levels. Not a pretty scenario but the most appropriate way forward to avoid complete environmental collapse, which would be a far more painful scenario.

Population level itself isn't a problem. It's the consumption per person of the west that is the real problem. And unfortunately we are going to see this at a scale never seen before as the middle class in China, India and some African countries develop. As far as I see it, technologically speaking, the only way this could possibly be averted is with fusion energy and near to 100% recycling. Without that, the latter particularly, we are truly fucked. If an AI singularity is an actual achievable thing, then it's possible we could actually see these things well before the end of the century. That's if the AI doesn't wipe us out as the blight that we are.

Recycling and reuse. Don't support unethical corporations engaged in slave labor and human rights violation (Nestle, Apple, Kellogs etc.) Anyway, I can't even afford these products.

I do believe these people should travel now and see the real thing.

I'm actually not a believer to a great degree in consumer activism. To clarify that, I think it's a perfectly just and ethical tactic, I just think it's placing the emphasis in the wrong spot. It shouldn't be up to consumers to regulate immoral corporations. Governments should be doing this stuff. Unfortunately, governments are too much in the pocket of unethical corporations, so it often does fall to the consumer to attempt to regulate.

This is good, little mini-rants by me will get my rant gland in shape so I can unleash an almighty fucking spray at the 1%. It's been a while. In fact, I think I'm a bit out of practice. I might not even be able to deliver that rant I promised. I'm a bit scatter-brained these days. sigh

First, fuck government. There is no just government.

Second, most of the reason for consumer crapitalism is that products are designed to be profitable, not sensible.

Trillions of people can be sustained at levels of affluence unimaginable today, but it will take sensible design.

I can appreciate ire at the 1%. Eat the rich!

However, suckups suckup, and this empowers leaders. People are like fucking dogs, pandering in the hope of tidbits from the master's table.

I don't have a bank account, because I refuse to contribute. In order to be here, I have to have the internet, so I pay for that, but it pisses me off that mesh networks aren't a thing.

I am not attacking you, as I am certain you are as offended as am I.

But involuntary government IS the enemy. Is there a voluntary government? Not one recognized by other governments! Therefore there is NO just government.

The worst is when government officials, as Ronald Reagan did, say 'government is the problem', and then receive the support of panderers while they use government to crush freedom.

Obama did the same.

I am dedicated to the proposition that I am free, and so are you.

Imma post on how Steemit can take over the world. Stop by in the next day or so and have a look.


There's nothing wrong with government, per se, it's just the implementation that's gone so horribly wrong. Have you ever read George Monbiot's "Manifesto For A New World Order" (had a different title in the US, I think)? He gives an anarchist perspective on the role that government can, and should, play. My views align a lot with his. The reality is that localism isn't a solution to world scale problems. You don't solve global warming by composting and running a fuel efficient car. It's not going to happen.

I have not read Monbiot. I am working presently on @dbroze's 'Manifesto of the Free Humans', available as a free PDF on his Steemit blog.

However, any entity that claims my authority have better have attained my signature, because if they don't, they are criminal slavemasters, or trying to be.

No government seeks my consent. No government has it. The claim of it is a lie.

I am free, and have authority over myself, and every claim to my authority is an attempt to enslave me, as none first seek my agreement.

Government, as practiced, is evil.

If you don't have local solutions to local contributions to global problems, you will never solve global problems.

Lastly, I bid you examine Wattsupwiththat.com. Take the time to read arguments, and examine the data, regarding global warming.

We are, in fact, about to plunge into the next ice age. For millions of years, CO2 has been declining, as it is locked up in rocks, making it unavailable for plants.

If it goes much below 180ppm, we are facing extinction of all photosynthetic life, and everything dependent on it. All plants and animals. We bounced off that limit at the LGM, and CO2 has been over an order of magnitude higher than it is now, while life thrived on this planet.

The AGW (anthropogenic global warming) alarmists are trying to institute a global carbon tax. The whole thing is propaganda, so they can steal more money.

Look at the data. Decide for yourself. Call me wrong, I'll discuss it - but only if you have looked at the data.


Sorry, bro, you lost me at (paraphrase) 'conspiracy to steal money'. I'm a former scientist who has looked at some of the data and trust the peer review system on the rest. We are at over 400ppm at the moment.

In my own way, I don't buy these products from unethical corps, I don't have an apple gadget. I don't eat kellogs, I don't munch nestle bars. I don't even buy new clothes. I couldn't even take to eat grains right now because it makes me cry knowing what it takes to make those. I want to be wealthy so I can go to those farms, and provide livelihood and not be killed by the corporations' cops or military - because I have money. I can't believe some people commenting here don't even understand the truth and they still worry about my use of 'evil' word. Or compare their own farms to bloody farms. I am so fuckin' angry.

Population level itself isn't a problem.

Don't agree with you on that point. The Earth is a closed system and we are rapidly converting everything in the environment into human flesh. Redistribution would only make everyone poor (from a Western perspective). The middle class is the worst consumptive beast ever to inhabit this planet.

...the only way this could possibly be averted is with fusion energy and near to 100% recycling.

Humanity does not need more energy. We have no teeth or claws because we are a very dangerous and deluded animal. Fusion would allow us even greater power to destroy the environment at an even faster rate.

I am not a climate change denier. I've lived long enough to know that it's a lot hotter and the growing season a lot longer that it was in the past. Climate will always fluctuate and humanity cannot do anything about it and, in truth, any efforts we undertake to mitigate it will only cause disastrous blowback. C02 is a ruse to inflict more taxes upon the herd and create another financial instrument for the elites.

Recycling is re-manufacturing: free resources to the corporations. Most people recycle beverage containers already. I have a friend who owns a bottled water company. He's probably the richest person I know. He confided in me that from the business standpoint, it isn't about the water, it's about selling bottles. Recycling is just another scam. Even if we built our consumer items to last for hundreds of years we would still be destroying our environment, just a bit slower.

The fisheries are depleted. Power dams interfere with salmon runs. The forests are disappearing at an alarming rate so people can live in climate controlled boxes and eat hooved locust burgers. Monocropping and chemical farming are sending topsoil that took hundreds of thousands of years to create into the rivers poisoning the fresh water creatures and creating thousands of square miles of anaerobic dead zone in the ocean at the river mouths. Blaming CO2 for all our ills and recycling are red herrings: rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship.

That's if the AI doesn't wipe us out as the blight that we are.

The only AI scenario I see as being successful would be if inorganic consciousness looks at humanity dispassionately and does what is necessary to restore balance in the environment, and that means reducing human consumption to subsistence levels and reducing human populations to environmentally sustainable levels. We aren't a blight. There are just too many of us consuming far more than we need.

We must get over the idea that humanity is somehow exceptional. We are just a small part of the much larger (and far more important) biosphere. Humans existed for millions of years living vibrant, abundant, joy-filled lives without the trappings of civilization. In truth, civilization is our downfall, our fall from grace.

Ok after clearing my head I understand now what is going on. I used to live in a very polluted city so whether global warming is a hoax or not, I believe pollution and carbon emissions have disastrous effects on the environment and climate. Especially to the livelihood of farmers.

Carbon itself is a necessary plant nutrient, and below 180ppm, about what it dropped to during the last Glacial Maximum, plants start starving.

If plants go, we're fucked.

When the Earth had 6000ppm of CO2, well, that was about the most verdant and lush period of life ever.

We're at 400ppm or so now. CO2 is just above what we need it to be to not go extinct.

There's a lot of other crap we emit, or make on purpose, like pesticides, metals, herbicides, etc., that is horrifying.

And farmers get the worst of it, because no one tells them how dangerous it is, or how to be safe around it. Usually they're told 'it's Fiiiiiiine... Back to work!'

Male fertility has dropped 60% since I was born, because of chemical pollution.

Shit like that has gotta stop!


@ valued-customer beat me to it! Ditto

You haven't stated which nation you are in. I'm guessing Honduras, but unfortunately, it could be anywhere in the south. I know this is going on in Honduras. Amazon natives are also under siege by loggers and miners and anybody else who wants "development" and Africa is a quagmire of peasant death.

As far as I know, Honduras has been "friendly" with the US since the CIA helped overthrow the government at the behest of Untied Fruit in 2009. If you aren't in Honduras, just consider this another brick in the wall.

As long as governments are backed by NATO, the UN and the US and their ilk, the peasants will have a hard time gaining traction. These mega fascist hierarchies must fall first.

"Humans existed for millions of years living vibrant, abundant, joy-filled lives without the trappings of civilization."

Not a believer in the 'nasty, brutish, and short' meme?

I just want to point out that every single problem you mention is a result of poor management, rather than simply the inevitable result of population, technology, or society themselves.

I am pretty convinced that the Earth can support trillions of happy people, and do so while restoring natural ecosystems to full and robust viability.

I am NOT even close to persuaded we are on a path that will take us there.


Not a believer in the 'nasty, brutish, and short' meme?

Not at all, but I don't idealize their existence either. I've spent time with very poor people and for the most part, they were much happier than my friends who were more affluent. I'm just extrapolating, comparing to what I see in the faces of the previously uncontacted of the Amazon and the faces of the average New Yorker.

Ever see Nanook of the North? This 1922 short film is supposed to be the very first documentary. Many of the scenes are obviously staged, but you cannot fake the smile lines etched into the faces of the Inuit being filmed.

Shorter lives, Yes. Brutish? And we're not? Nasty? I've been accused of that myself, thank you very much.

Trillions? A thousand billion +? Maybe off planet on some starship where people are raised by AI in a petri dish. Not exactly my idea of utopia.

Yes, we could feed everyone with better management. But better management means less freedom, it means giving up your garbage compactor, your motor home, that house with 16 foot ceilings, those silicone lip implants. It means redistribution of wealth and I can already hear them crying, "I'll give up my Mastercard when you pry it from my cold, dead hand."

And didn't Marx (Karl, not Groucho) already try that once?

As you've probably already surmised I'm not much of a humanist. I'm an environmentalist. I'd prefer to live in a world where the sight of another tribe of humans would be something to celebrate, a reason to have a feast, to throw a party, not a hand grenade.

I know if you crowd too many rats into a cage they eventually begin to kill and eat each other. I think we're getting close to that. At this point I can only ask, "Where are we going...and why are we in this hand basket?

I disagree that better management means crowding people into petri dishes.

Most of the Earth is relatively empty of development, because we crowd our cities into the very finest cropland, coastal habitat, and the like.

That's what I mean by poor management.

Around 1989 I incorporated a nonprofit 'Lifehold', that was intended to:

  1. lease fallow land in order to keep it fallow, raising funds by getting donors to pay $1/mth to secure a place for 1 species on 1 acre.

  2. with funds beyond what was necessary to pay the landholders to keep the land fallow; wild, and free, inner city neighborhoods in disrepair were gonna be purchased and redeveloped with green roofs/parks.

I intended to provide cleverly situated units of ~5k ft (designed for privacy. Each was to have an unobstructed view of the park. One driveway per block, with internal underground secure parking for two rigs, yada yada yada...)for free to folks if they bought renewable utilities from me, composting toilets, etc....

Blocks at a time of urban hellholes would have been returned to natural habitat, and folks would have paid far less for their homes, and got a lot more homes.

I ran into problems, all involving lawyers scamming me out of earnest money, trying to sell me land they didn't have rights to, municipal and county codes regarding densities, and on and on..

Pretty discouraging. I thought about trying to make new real estate, floating/semi-submerged domes made of recycled plastic, tires, and such, but that entailed not just redevelopment, but much more, and I started having kids.

These things can be done right now, and it is government - management - that is making it not happen.

I apologize to you in advance @diabolica for this bourgeois conversation in this post about murdered peasants, but this is the world as it is and I am doing my best to change it.

I once had a dream of building a sustainable underground subdivision above the valley floor on south facing hills. Each dome house would have passive and active solar windows on the south side but would be covered in dirt on the three other sides. The CC&Rs would mandate underground utilities, no fences and that all personal junk be kept in the underground structures. All houses would thus have an unobstructed view as if they lived in the only house around.

Not only did this violate every imaginable code and present an engineering nightmare, people laughed at the idea.

Human conditioning is such that everyone wants more than their neighbors and also want what they don't have. People in Arizona want Cape Cod houses. People in California, where water is scarce, expensive and environmentally destructive to procure, want lawns. People in British Columbia, where lawns grow naturally without, water want so-called low maintenance gravel and rock in their front lawns, a landscape that must be sprayed with Roundup twice a year to retain it's desert appearance.

I had a cousin who lived in a small house in the Berkley Hills of Oakland California. She had a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. She wanted to sell her house but was concerned because there was a new spec. mansion built on the hill above her that had sat unsold for a very long time. She asked the realtor what the story was and was told that nobody with that kind of money wanted that house because it was hidden: you couldn't see it from anywhere. It's all about ostentation.

I prune trees and shrubs for a living: a tree service in service to the trees. People want their hedges left tall so nobody can see in and their trees topped so they can see out. There are jobs that I simply turn down. Not only is the vast majority still asleep, it's REM sleep. They're in dreamland.

The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.

William Shakespeare

A very good start.

I really have no time for these "it's all a plot to steal our money" conspiracy theory bollocks. I'm not even going to bother addressing this.

Yes, facts always tend to end controversial conversations. This horse is officially dead.

I expect this... I am wealthy for the farmers (I didn't realize that). And for me I am the farmer and you are wealthy elite, for the fact that you can travel with a backpack of privileges (you must realize this). As I said, it is hard to feel empathy and pain from a distance especially when you are not seeing dead bodies and you don't really understand.

No, I don't see the dead bodies, but I know they exist and that because I can eat grapes in the winter my hands are covered in their blood. And though I live without electricity and indoor plumbing for most of the year, I know that I'm an elite, and yes, I am very privileged. Had I chosen to be born 12 miles south of my landing point I would have been born a Mexican. How different my life would have been. None of that is my doing.

I shop in thrift stores, I work only for cash, I scrounge and reuse and I never willingly pay taxes ( I have never in 50 years of working paid federal or state or provincial income tax) unless it is absolutely unavoidable. That keeps my money out of the hands of governments that support the governments that support the corporations that inflict the pain and that you and I both detest.

I applaud your journeys and especially your reporting. Most of Steemit wants sunshine blown up their ass so you shoving our noses in it is exactly what it needs. I hope you keep it up and I hope it becomes more financially rewarding for you so that you can do small things to remedy the suffering of those who are not as privileged as you and I.

Just realize that philanthropy is a huge responsibility that can cause far more damage than it remedies.

I do understand the effects of philanthropy and I also do not like those who make money off it (usuallly white people posing as heroes). Those who go around advertising their deeds. I am quite skeptical when there's someone who takes the moral high ground.

There's a saying that one must walk a mile in other people's shoes. So some people sit there with stomach full lecturing me about peaceful means and philanthropy clearly do not understand hunger and innocent killings. And never felt how it is like to be desperate and hungry (I know how it is). If pain is closer to you, and people have no choice, it's very inhumane not to feel anything and not to help.

Interesting I try not to use the word evil. I know there is a lot around but kind of believe by stating it it become more. I prefer to think of it a lost an misguided, then they can be reguided and directed to the right path (not easily I might add).

There is some hideous thing going on out there thankfully I steer clear of the propaganda so live in a relative bubble but I have to say but cutting out bad and corrupt my life is so much better. And I think I resonate this back into society hopefully. Have a cracking day!

Interesting? The death of farmers you mean? Let's direct the police to the right path awww so sweet. Just Wow. Did you even understand everything? Or do you care more about my use of words? If there is more evil than the evil word I will freely use that. I had enough of censorship. It is easy to say these things especially if people have no idea what it's like. The pain diminishes with distance, so I don't think people can really feel empathy. Thankfully you are away from the miserable poor and you don't see these things you mean?

PS I'm not censoring or hiding this comment. I am just freely removing the cents given to you by @eturnerx. I believe he is also misguided for even agreeing to 'interesting' evil word.

Go reread the real issues people. The post is not about you all. It is about the death of farmers and the fascist government. Why your comments have to be all about your lives? Geez, how insensitive people can be.

Sorry poor choice of words writing late and not articulating properly. No i not saying they don't need to be stopped, indeed the police will do nothing as they support the regime that murders and ruins lives. I haven't explained my point well sorry!

I was not trying to censor at all! Of course we need to change this system that caters for the rich, it should be that only spare food is pasted on by farmers instead of the slavery growing that occurs. My point was we have the choice where we buy from and making that choice will in turn create the new way, if we buy from the sources that cause this slavery we are equally responsible It is kinda of about my life as if I don't take note and purchase the cheap convenient food I am funding this behaviour!

Apologies ;)

Ok point taken. I am giving back the 12 cents now. I am just angry with the current state around me.

Appreciated! Well all need a rant sometimes. Have a cracking day, sending you some reiki vibes :)

Thanks, I'm about to start my day again and read new comments. I will try to regulate my emotions today.

Why not attack / replace the politicians who are creating the problem? The police and military are following orders from the government. Go to the source if you can.

This is all a terrible situation and loss of life in any way should always be treated as a last resort, although it does sound like it has reached that point in many cases already (people being pushed to the last resort solution).

Bookmarking for later ranting (when my rant gland feels in better health).. ;)

You go girl! There is not a single word in this post, that does not deserve to be said. So may people are being exploited, so many people are taking advantage of that, ans so many cover ups about this things happen on a daily basis.
It is so terrible to see that there is such an enormous group around the world, that is just 'forgotten and uncared' for. These people deserve fair voices!

Yeah the cover ups is so bad. Thank you for reading.

cryptocurrency is the good and best evil ☺ lol

I don't think I've got a rant in me today. I can't comment authoritatively about the dynamic there (I don't even know where "there" is). But I suspect that a lot of this sort of abuse is driven by the developed world's demand for ever cheaper and cheaper stuff.

But it really is wrong at so many levels that the people who grow our food (over there and here in our own western countries), can barely afford to feed themselves. At least in Australia, I happen to think that the plight of farmers is probably the biggest (behind homelessness) indicator of how fucked up neoliberalism is. Particularly Australia, as agriculture has been responsible for so much of our wealth in our earlier history. And the really ironic thing here is that the country "farmers" party (The Nationals) does pretty much fuck all for farmers, as they have been in a formal coalition with the neoliberal Liberal Party for decades, a party that actively decimates rural communities in favour of get rich quick financial industry and property speculation in the big cities. To complete the irony, it's actually the Greens who are the party that supports rural Australia and farmers the most, yet farmers can't bring themselves to vote for the greens because they are more worried about Jesus, and gays and lesbians taking over the world, than they are their own and the nation's wellbeing. But that's conservatives for you. There's only so much you can do for such people.

Ok, that turned into a mini-rant. Baby steps... :)

I will go out and get some fresh air and eat. So I can respond with a clear head lol. I am so angry today. Ok. I will get back to your comment.

I suffer badly from depression, so I have to regulate how much emotion I can give to things that make me angry. It's kind of why I had to give away most of my political ranting. It was destroying me. The idea for me here at steemit is to try and promote justice without burning myself out with anger. But sometimes there's only so many times you can say something calmly while nothing ever changes. Sometimes a rant is required.. ;)

I'm sure there are farmers' party problems everywhere. The conservatives' anti-gay and lesbian problems would be the least of the farmers' concern (although religion is still a great enemy) around here. The military men and police killing landless farmers and party leaders is the great issue.

I should probably schedule my rants and not make responding to comments as my breakfast. I should probably stick to blogging about cats and how beautiful nature is, but a part of me still go back to ranting lol. Especially if I am surrounded with brainwashed people, I can't live with these bottled up feelings.

Yeah, I hear ya. I'm always torn between tearing someone a new arsehole, and just letting something go and looking after my mental health. As I say to people now - I'm no longer at the forefront pushing for a revolution, but as soon as one kicks off I'm going to be there with bells on.