Learning Some SEO Strategy ('Yoast SEO' review)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

To be quite honest, I'm still learning the ropes of SEO. Digital marketing is the next level in my entrepreneurial journey, another slow process of getting my brand out there. Some might even cringe at the term "digital marketing" for all its bad rap. It probably sounds like spam. As you all know, I don't really have a conventional office at the moment, so the website is purely my bread and butter. Gone are the days of handing out flyers or throwing pamphlets in people’s homes or when everything used to be on papers, newspapers, billboards etc. I'm not going to wait in an office for anyone to walk in and buy my service, though that still sounds like spontaneously building a human connection. However, it's being just like everyone else in this town, selling air on the street. The idea is to sell something else to the world wide web.

At the moment, I don't have a big marketing budget for social media ads or Google AdWords yet so I'm just going to rely on writing quality content. I installed this popular Wordpress plugin called "Yoast SEO" and so far it seems like a neat feature for starters. Honestly, writing SEO content is quite a challenge for me as I'm used to writing freely or whatever comes into mind, a.k.a. Steemit Blogging. Here on Steemit, I'm not bound by SEO rules or keywords. I'm just supposed to write my thoughts. With "Yoast SEO", I will be reminded of all those SEO rules and stuff. Mind you, it can be quite controlling. Without any knowledge of SEO, I end up becoming dependent on Yoast SEO's Greenlight system. Basically, it tells me what to do. Yoast has this green light feature or what they call the "Content Analysis Tool". This notifies you if the article you write is 'SEO good' enough. On the right side is the readability score and guess what? It analyzes your content for readability. This feature is based on their pre-configured algorithm and so-called 'Flesch reading' ease test. I actually didn't know that my articles are not readable enough.

I'm wary of stuffing an article with keywords or composing super awkward sentences that make the content sound unnatural. Yoast lets you focus on one keyword but it does not take into account the plurals, synonyms or rearranged words. Those variations still help optimize my content for the focus keyword. And of course, Google knows when something is trying to do the trick. Google always knows!

The problem with the green light system is that I actually start obsessing about making everything perfect and I can't seem to just focus on just writing good content. This tool only fired up my obsessive-compulsiveness once again. I've been blogging for Steemit for more than a year now, so I'm not used to oversimplifying content and inserting keywords. I know it is great to check on my mistakes, however, the readability score does not feel accurate at times. It says I write too many words in a sentence, a big % of my article is in the passive voice or that I need more transition words and all that.

I think that the Yoast SEO plugin is an easy SEO tool which is great for SEO beginners. Solopreneurs will find this tool helpful especially when editing meta tags and optimizing content. It's good because it's free unless I want some more features.

To Yoast or not to Yoast? I think it's a helpful tool for SEO newbies like me but it's not the end-all-be-all of SEO tools. I don't need to get carried away with all that hype. I'm not a fan of oversimplification either. I'm not going to change the tone of my content just for the green light. It's just good that I'm learning more. The more I research, the more I find out how much I don't know about SEO.

In the end, I just want to sound natural even when I'm promoting online. I still want to be myself even when I'm writing marketing articles. I think people will come to my website for my unique approach just like what I'm doing for Steemit. Right now, I just want to focus all my energy on writing engaging content that can be read by human beings out there, no if's, and's or but's, even if Yoast says so.

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I have a person who frequents my blog that does this for a living. @minimining and he accepts steem!

Thanks for the recommendation. Great thing he accepts steem! I will check if I would be needing his services. I need to look into the steem market more as it's easier to pay!

Ya. It is easier to spend money you have. I am all about businesses that accept steem. If you were not aware of this website, it shows all the places you can spend your hard earned steem. https://steemeconomy.com/

Thank you @allcapsonezero, Yes I am a contentwriter with focus at SEO. Yoast can be a good tool - But use it with your brain.
IF yoast analytics was perfect for Google that would be a dream for everyone working with SEO. It is not. It is a guideline. My experience says that you have to find your way of writing. Your ow style will keep your visitors there. I NEVER use this tool as a contens writer. BUT I use it frequent when making titles, description, and technical things. I hope that was an answer.

My experience says that you have to find your way of writing. Your ow style will keep your visitors there. I NEVER use this tool as a contens writer.

Exactly my thoughts! I just keep Yoast now just as a helper or something.

good attitude - Yoast is handy tool but not the be all end all. especuially nowadays where the Google algo is much more sophisticated and will continue exponentailly to do so

"I think that the Yoast SEO plugin is an easy SEO tool which is great for SEO beginners."
No - All my friends who earn money from affiliate or SEO use it. This is not only for beginners - it is a more technical than only textanylizer.

The problem with the green light system is that I actually start obsessing about making everything perfect and I can't seem to just focus on just writing good content

I know exactly what you're talking about, and I can assure you, that with time you'll get better witrh (not that I'm an expert by any means)

with time you'll get better

I really hope! Thanks!

Yes you writes complex and long sentences but that the beauty of you writing and as far I am concerned, I am OK with it.
So Green Light from me:)
Best of luck with your endeavours.

Awww thanks for the green light!

You are most welcome:)

"Gone are the days of handing out flyers or throwing pamphlets in people’s homes or when everything used to be on papers, newspapers, billboards etc"

Haha does remembering those days make me old? lol

"I'm wary of stuffing an article with keywords or composing super awkward sentences that make the content sound unnatural."

Unnatural is about right when it comes to most marketing language. When I used to telemarket they tried to give us a script but if you used it, you sounded lite a robot or something lol.

Haha I don't know how old you are.

I feel like I have to control myself too much on writing content lol. Even though it is my website, I still like writing for Steemit.

Haha Yeah I guess it would help to mention that lol. No I'm 32 so that isn't exactly old but it is old enough to remember how things were before everyone used the internet for marketing. Even when I was like 10 or 11 they still charged you by the minute to use AOL lol.

I feel you there. We have a lot of freedom here and shifting to writing in that very specific kind of marketing style is hard. I would feel the same way if I had to write a paper for a lit class right now.

Young yes! I'm 35 not that it matters that I'm older lol.

It's hard to write mainstream topics actually. I'm also used to the Steemit audience who are way more open-minded and uhmmm... intelligent? Not the shitposters of course. lol.

"I'm also used to the Steemit audience who are way more open-minded and uhmmm... intelligent? Not the shitposters of course. lol."


Yeah it is pretty easy to get spoiled here lol. I don't think my content would fly elsewhere. I know YouTube and Facebook take down weed stuff sometimes and talking about psychedelics would probably get me banned lol. That is why I like it here.

You write very well though so I am sure you will produce something good, even if writing it is painful.

talking about psychedelics would probably get me banned lol

The best thing here is that there's no censorship..thoough there are some occasional trolls who downvote lol.

Yeah I have been hit by a little one or two but, for the most part, it is still way better here.

hahaha I remember my days of writing SEO based content. Most of clients wanted something that more or less, robotic. I tried to bring awareness that people are actually reading their brand stories. Yet, they were careless about it. Anyhow, just be natural because some, if not all people are actually reading. Keep in mind that smart customers tend to read. So don't worry if Yoast says differently.

Keep in mind that smart customers tend to read.

Right, I want my articles to be written by a human being and be read by other human beings lol.

plus that's what google wants too so - focus on human readability not appeasing google. minimum 300 words tends to be a good yoast benchmark last time i checked though. long form > short form

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