Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You - Comedy Open Mic (for old time’s sake)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I’m a 43 year old male, when I turn 44, I’ll have lived a total of 45 years. I’ve been 33, 23, etc. so I know what I’m about to say doesn’t pertain to any males in their 30’s, 20’s, etc. because you’re the best, you’re one out of seven billion people who’s unique and unlike anyone else, I don’t know anything about you and, if there’s one thing I’ll never understand, it’s you—I know! Believe me, I know this, I’ve been every number between 0 and 44.


Just hear me out!

Real quick, I should probably add a #comedy tag right here otherwise someone may read these #jokes and brush it off as though what I’m about to say isn’t going to happen to them—in the real near future. A big shout-out to @comedyopenmic just to see if there’s anyone left on the platform from that channel, “hello-ello- looooo!” I’ll add them to the title just in case they didn’t hear me (for old times sake).



Look, I’ve been shaving my face off for a long time. The first time I applied a razor to my flesh was between 9th and 10th grade—I would’ve 14 years old. That’s nearly thirty years of practice—three decades. I know exactly how much foam I need—I can lather my cheeks with my eyes shut and I know when I need a new razor. I always start on the left side of my face and work my way to the right, I know the proper direction and force to use in and around my nostrils (yes, in), I know how long to rinse the razor in the sink between strokes and I even know the optimum water pressure needed to flow from the faucet—I got this! It’s shaving, something I’ve done a bajillion times, like putting on shoes—I’ve developed a method and I know which up strokes and down strokes work best for the contours of my face.

Welcome to 39’ish, fellas. Somewhere in your late 30’s is when it happens, it happens overnight. It’s the age when your Adam’s apple, the same one you’ve been shaving since you were 14, sprouts a new patch of scattered hairs without warning! One post-shower shave and suddenly you’ve got about a dozen, unfamiliar, non-directional stragglers protruding from your Adam’s apple which is already a difficult contour to navigate without cutting yourself. Circles, cross-diagonals, sideways strokes, get used to it, all of it! You’ll be developing your own method in no time—don’t say I didn’t warn you. Speaking of hair removal...



You’ll want to invest in a #quality pair of tweezers with a tweezing-edge that runs parallel to the body of the hair-plucking instrument, you following me? No, really, are you #following me?! You don’t want a pair of tweezers with the sharp edge at the point of the instrument, the type that require a stabbing position for optimum plucking, negative, those aren’t the ones you want. You want a pair that lays parallel to the contours of your face, length-wise, with a sharp plucking blade approximately 1/8 inch long for maximum surface grabbing area—it’ll decrease your chances of air plucking (see, grab, pluck.. nothing = Air plucking).

You’ll need them for your nose hairs—not nostrile hairs, either, not the ones you’re familiar with that grow inside your nose, trimmers still work best for those! I’m talking about nose hairs that are unfamiliar, #newbies, the random 3-5 hairs that begin their bi-weekly appearance cycle on the exterior of your nose around age 42. And, you won’t catch them in their blooming phase, either—never! I’m convinced they don’t have a blooming phase, they’re only noticeable once they’re the length of an average-sized, slightly singed, lower eye lash. Yeah, about that long. Don’t cut yourself short when it comes time to purchase your first pair of tweezers, go all out, splurge on yourself, get the nice ones! Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Speaking of short...


Shake it:

Look, I’ve been peeing for a long time, I’ve been peeing regularly since before I could get ahold of myself. Even if I only peed twice a day, which I’ll prove in a moment isn’t prossible, would mean I’ve peed two times 365 days which equals 730 times, now multiply that by 43 years and you have a lot! That’s a lot of practice. Back in my drinking days (this is the proof) I’m going two and three times an hour so when it comes to practice—I’m a seasoned vet! I can clean paper remnants off the side of a toilet bowl without hitting the rim, I can overflow an ant hole without getting any on my feet, I’ve been writing my name in the snow, in cursive, since before I could tie my shoes—you name it! I can speed pee, too, that’s the side of the road pee where you have to hurry and pee with force because there’s a vehicle approaching—I got this!

Well, fellas, this is what’s going to happen in your early 40’s, let’s just say you’re not going to trust yourself speed peeing anymore. You’re going to have to give yourself adequate time to shake it about 40 times more than what you previously considered normal. Ok, 40 is an exaggeration... for now! I’m not kidding fellas, you’ll understand soon enough, get your shake game on, one miss-shake in a pair of board shorts is going to ruin the next 35 minutes of your day and you’re going to need to develop multiple cover-up techniques—stat! Why do you think the old dudes are always at the urinal before you and still they’re there when you leave? There, now you know! Ladies, I’ll let you in on a secret, you probably don’t know this: when your man comes out of the bathroom reaching at his knee like he’s got an itch or he’s adjusting his pants—he didn’t shake it enough. He’s not scratching his leg at all, he’s rubbing the drip(s) he didn’t shake off thoroughly into the leg of his pants. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Speaking of bathroom...


It’s perfectly natural:

Look, I don’t need to get into a poop game detail right here, everyone knows how it goes down in the morning, that’s all I’m going to say about it.

Butt! But! ‘Morning’ is a vague wOrd at age 41 whereas “regular” is more accurate and, as far as I know, it extends 10 minutes with age. What do I mean by that? Simple! 41 means your day starts at 4:10, 42 - 4:20, 43 - 4:30 and so on. Sure, there’s going to be fluctuation depending on what you ate last, what time you have your coffee, timezones, etc. these are all genuine discrepancies. However, 10 minutes is 10 minutes and, at 70 years old, all I’m saying is I wouldn’t chance extending your daily regiment beyond seven a.m—the consequences could be disastrous, far worse than a pair of spotted board shorts. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Speaking of things...



Look, I’m sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news but it’s for your own good, I’m here to report they don’t go away. I’m starting to believe they never will, ever—they’re lifetime followers. They’re not near as noticeable or unattractive as they were when you were a teenager, just know the ones you’re not so fond of at this very moment, yeah, those ones—they never go away, ever. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Speaking of never go away...



Yeah, I’m here to report they don’t go away, I’m starting to believe they neeee... hey—hold up! Wait a got-dang minute!! I already did this part, see that? Did you catch what just happened? I’m repeating myself. That’s another thing to look forward to when you reach 40, when you reach 40—you start repeating yourself, you start repeating yourself. Speaking of 40...

Count on being stronger than you ever were, it’s a fact. I know that’s difficult to believe for someone reading this who’s in their 20’s but it’s the truth—I’m substantially stronger now, at 43, than I ever was at 25, it’s no comparison actually. Wiser, too! I’ve been around the block a little bit, with that comes wisdom, it’s inevitable thanks to the knowledge gained by the phenomenon known as life’s daily occurrences. I’ve been told by several of my seniors that 35-45 is the age of a man’s prime and, as far as I know, they couldn’t be more accurate! That’s another thing—two ears and one mouth when your elders are speaking. You’ll begin rolling into your mental and physical prime at age 35 and you’ll really start to feel your #new stride around 37-39. Some of my seniors have told me a man’s prime extends to age 49—I’ll take it! The shaking, repeating yourself, the shaking, repeating yourself, poop schedule, etc. are just part of the evolution process—embrace it! It only gets better from here—I promise! Each decade has been a steady climb toward better, clearer things, 40 is no exception, it’s the best one yet!

There’s one more thing I wanted to tell you but I can’t remember what it is now—danget! Eh, trying to remember things, that’s another one.. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.




Thanks for the warnings. The only problem I'm having now is with the weight. I used to be one of those guys who'd eat all I can and never get fat. Not anymore. I gained 8.8 KG in a few months! WTF!? I haven't changed a thing on my habits and I get fat? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Well this sure is a pleasant surprise! I’m glad you liked this one, trincowski, I’m not the only one, huh? I remember when I could sleep wrong and wake up with a sore neck, I wish that was still the case! Nowadays it isn’t uncommon to strain a muscle just laying down in bed—didn’t have to sleep or anything! Adjust the pillow maybe and “ouch!” It isn’t just me is it?

Weight, I’m still heavily into training, I’m thankfull that one is still under control. From what I hear, I only have about 5 years left! Haha.

Thanks for stopping by @trincowski.

A highly educational piece, sir...

I'm not goin' into things when you hit 50 ,

I’m glad you liked this one, Lucylin, thanks for letting me know you appreciate it.

Go ahead, fire away! I’m not making this up, one of those seniors I was referring to in this article had great things to say up until 45 and what did he have to say about 50?

“Enjoy it while you can, Arts, cuz as soon as you hit 50 it’s all downhill from there.” <— verbatim. Lol!

Thanks for stopping by @lucylin.

Confucius say:

"Man who tells other man, about life over 50 - is a complete twat."

I'm not a twat. lol

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank you @artzone! This is your style @surfyogi, did you catch it?

Suffering a crisis of faith on just what is the correct reaction to this?

  • Do I feel utterly depressed at the memory that it wasn't always like this and look back on the good old days with a wry smile?
  • Do I hire a lawyer and send them to see @dandays as he has clearly had a surveillance team watching me to know my every moment in such glorious technicolour detail?
  • Or Do I just embrace what is now clearly my lot in life?

The hair thing, especially when ya have a lady who likes to attack those stray hairs when you are on the sofa watching TV, is the thing that makes you start thinking...

"Hey hang on a second, was this coarse, multi directional rug attached to my throat all along and I just never noticed it was there?"

Once we have the answers to the questions that rack-up faster than night-time toilet visits it begins to slowly sink in just what is happening to us...

It's like an initiation though, right? It's just a guy thing, when we first ask an older guy about the changes we are going through ((hey this sounds like second puberty, right? Maybe there should be a book...)) The guy just looks at us, nods and smiles cryptically adds a quick bit of advice that would leave even Yoda staggered with it's vagueness.

But we're all on the same ship, heading in the same direction, right? I think there is some comfort in that, the day you finally realise your biological systems have not gone haywire...priceless!

I guess there are some cultures maybe deep in the Amazon who see all of these changes as a badge of honour, a great reward for a life lived well...To me, honestly, the jury is still out.

Oh 46 by the way, 47 in a few months...I know you wondered 😀 Far too old to be using emojis like that, right?.

Oh I made up my mind let's take it for what it is and roll with it Clint Eastwood style ((there's also the embarrasing matter of using a celebrities name from the 80's and nobody...NOBODY, knows who they are!!!)) after all, every guy did not make it this far yet, we will one day be the torchbearers who pass this wisdom to those Bieber fans of today.

"Now why did I walk into this room?"

First things first, I would’ve guessed you’re between 46 and 47 for questioning that @dandays investigation rather than insisting on it! must be getting tired 😉 <— and that’s what I think about being too old to use an imoji, oh! And, btw, mis spelling emoji is a sure sign of wisdom. And, if that’s the case, stevenwood, then what do you call this, sir?? (Read’em N weep, stat! Before your next bathroom visit)


I don’t just go around handing those out you know.. that might be the 4th one I’ve given away so if you’re feeling like your emojis are lame, no worries, I just trumped them!

About the hair thing, I had a feeling I wasn’t the only one—no way! And I didn’t even mention the tough-to-reach stubble in the corner of my mouth!!

I never thought about a second puberty but you may be onto something. And, if that’s the case, this is the second out of how many?! Does it stop at two?

Could you imagine how frustrating life would be if we couldn’t make these evolutions funny and call them something like @comedyopenmic?! That would suck worse than saying goodbye to speed peeing!

But really, my prayers never consist of something like ‘less bathroom pit stops’ or ‘less aches and pain.’ What is consistent, however, goes something like this: “Please keep my mind sharp and please let my mouth continue to keep up with my mind.”

Thank you for stopping by @stevenwood, this was an awesome response—I really appreciate it! Happy wedensday to you, sir, I hope this week is the best one of the year for you—it’s a pleasure to be met!

Now what the.. Danget! There was something I was gonna do....

edit I’ve onky seen/heard ‘wordsmith’ from one other person, my wife called me that on about our second phone conversation ever. I love that wOrd.

Oh wow!!! You are quite the engagy-dude yourself, I love that oh and wordsmiths rock my friend!

Never in the history of the world have I restricted myself to so few words as this... But I am prepping for a Discord show I host.

I shall return and finish what I started here...((cue the ominous music...))

😀 <--- Hasn't learned a damn thing...

Im only 35 and i cant speed pee anymore 🤣🤣,

Well sometimes i can lol.

At least our initial intention is a speed pee, right? It’s a good idea at least. Once you pass 40, though, you’ll realize your intention needs a little more time. Ha!!

Thanks for stopping by @weirdheadaches.

When the years pass, problems arise and accumulate, but it is the life.

“Bring it!”

Thanks for stopping by @eii.

Funny stuff #dandays. All too true, and more changes are in your future. Rolling with the punches is key. Being able to laugh at one's self is a quality that pays dividends as we get older. We all know what the alternative is to avoiding these very real impending situations.

If one is able to laugh at themselves as they get older, they are in store for some real good belly laughs.
Here is an example of a situation that has provided many good laughs to everyone I have shared this little event with. I found it hilarious, and rather than worry about what this event may be indicating, I knew it needed to be shared.
Just recently, after a rather long day of hobbitizing, I sat down on the couch on our front porch ready to relax, and bask in knowing that I had accomplished everything I had set out to do that day.
It was time to slip off the boots, take off the belt holding up my trousers, and gloat at all that I had done. After discarding the boots, the belt was the next thing to go. While still in the sitting position, I unbuckled the belt and pulled it through the loops, placing it on the chair next to me.
Mission completed, I was ready to let it all hang out.
After relaxing for about five minutes, I could not understand why I still felt pressure around my gut. Looking down I realized that my belt was still in place. I knew I had just taken off my belt, but took a quick glance to the right just to make sure. As I had expected I had removed my belt, as it was lying there in the chair where I had placed it five minutes ago. The pressure I continued to feel on my midsection was from another belt that was still in place. Well, I laughed at myself for several minutes remembering the events from earlier in the day. I had spent several minutes looking for a belt before finally finding it. I proceeded to install it over the first belt I was already wearing. I had been wearing two belts for about 10 hours and never noticed.
Shake it, tweeze it, and shave it, and as the years pass remember it.
" Don’t say I didn’t warn you."

Oh man do I miss me some @thebigsweed comments! That’s funny as ish, dude!! Eh, you can rest assured, the day I rock two belts on accident I’m gonna be “right on, Sweed!”

Where ya been man? I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss these kind of responses. I got a good visual out of this one—way too funny. You went Florida once and then ‘poof!’ I see your wife sometimes, everything cool? Well, it’s great to hear from you again, sir.

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.

Great to hear from you as well. Have been ultra busy with so much here at home and back in Nj with some special events and giving my son a hand with the business. Things should start to slow down,and can't wait to get back into posting on a regular basis. Every thing is cool and and miss our regular banter as well. Hope all is well with the both of you. LOL the bigsweed

:>) Got a few good laughs from this one @dandays .... Thanks

Oh nice! Awesome, I’m glad you did, sir. Thanks for letting me know—the ones with a #comedy tag are the toughest ones to click “post.”

Thanks for stopping by @angryman.

That is awesome babe; really good stuff right here. I love you and all of your shaking, tweezing, repeating, and early poop scheduling. Haha… you’re the funniest person I know. Muah

Thank you beautifullest, I sure am glad you think so. Check out the mirror—I’m the luckiest guy you know too!

iheartu all the time Pura Vida!

You've pulled! lolol

😂😂😂😂 this is sound like a funny middle-age syndrome story to me @dandays 😂😂 you're so good on joking😆
Need to ask doomz, when will he starts the comedyopenmic again.

Would you look at that! You know it makes me happy whenever I see a response from the sweetest chef, right?

How was the plane ride, trip, etc. you and your husband just took? You’re back home now, right? Are you in favor of airplanes yet?

Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

I'm at home now 😂 I came back yesterday morning and the flight was safe (I slept since I took a seat and woke up when it landed on Jakarta😂😂).

Too bad that I couldn't get many pictures because I spent my time sleeping all day at the hotel.

I like to read your post too, always fun to read and make me laugh out loud. As if I can see the comic version of the story😁

You’re such a sweetheart.

Interesting you mention Jakarta. Pura Vida and I have been looking into our next destination based on countries who want to offer her a teaching position. I just found this one in Jakarta earlier this week.

What’s your impression of Jakarta? How would you describe it? Safe, fun, exciting?? Or, expensive, unsafe, boring? Or...?

Jakarta is safe and fun if you're there for vacation 😂 and all you want to do is eating but not roaming around with car... the traffic jam is worst than bangkok😅. But you know, as a capital city of a country, what could you expected?

Best thing is all is cheaper than in europe and america, you only need $355-500 to rent an apartement around the city per month. And about the same for daily foods (if you cook, not eating at restaurants😂)

Expensive for my wallet but probably cheap for you 😉. It's a crowded city. Better spend time somewhere in Jogjakarta, Bandung or Bali.

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