Let's talk about the DYSGRAPHIA-What are their symptoms how to diagnose and their causes.

in #life6 years ago


As I have spoken on other topics of learning difficulties such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia and attention such as ADHD. But We've not heard of dysgraphia. If your child has trouble writing it is important that you read of this condition.

The problems and difficulties with writing are most common among children.

The diagnosis may become difficult or very little satisfaction when specialists tell uss that there is no cure or an easy fix for this disorder called Dysgraphia, but there are many therapies and strategies that help a child to raise its performance and improve your writing

With the good help , progress you can do better in school and in any part which expresses by itself through writing.

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Let's talk a little bit and enter into a brief definition: is a condition with the written expression causing a difficulty to run something written, is a brain problem

Children with Dysgraphia find it difficult to something as simple as holding a pencil and arrange the letters in a line. Your writing is disorderly, struggling with the spelling, spell out, or just write down on a piece of papel.

What are the symptoms of Dysgraphia?

Are divided into several categories: visual space, language processing, spelling/handwriting and organization of language. If we can see that the child is delayed in comparison to their classmates and presents some of the symptoms below may have or suffer from dysgraphia.


  • Copy the texts with slow.

  • Problems to write about a line and also within the margins.

  • You can not organize the words on the page from left to right.

  • Have problems holding a pencil correctly, tying shoelaces, rig up puzzles and use computer keyboards.

  • In the process of writing your be wrist, arm, body or paper unusual positions.

Language Processing

  • Avoid writing.

  • Gets tired when you write.

  • Clears a lot when you type.

  • Trouble putting ideas on paper.

  • Lost in the idea of what he was saying.

  • Cannot with spelling and presents difficulties for the handwriting.

  • You do not have the ability to say if a word is misspelled.

  • Mix Upper and Lower Case letters.

  • Presents problems to read their own writing.

Organization of written language

  • Does not save the information to tell a story and could start in the middle.

  • It leaves out the important facts and details or give too much information.

  • Assume that others know what you're talking about.

  • When he speaks, he organizes ideas better.

How is the diagnosis of the child with Dysgraphia.

The signs are mostly at the stage of primary school, in some cases Signs may go unnoticed by complete, as it is a learning difficulty, if you recognize the signs of dysgraphia and is treated with a specialist will be much better.

With an evaluation of the specialist one of the steps would be to write a text or write a few sentences, he will calculate the culminated in the child's task, also evaluating his writing process, including his position, posture and how he takes the pencil.



What are its causes?

You are not sure what are the reasons that cause as well as other difficulties with written expression. The brain receives and takes the information through the senses, the saved and used later.

experts believe in one or two steps of the writing process lose their course.

The child may have problems with the orthographic coding

A skill that stores the written words that are unfamiliar in the working memory.

In another step could be to believe that it is a genetic link that is repeated in the families of the child.




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