in #life5 years ago


So who’s that caterpillar in the picture? It’s me...or at least it feels like it. One moment I’m up and going, ideas flowing, posts being made, at home on point getting things done and accomplished, meeting goals, then...all of a sudden...


Have you ever been there? It’s an instant slow down and halt just as this caterpillar performed while I was photographing it. It seems after the holidays I just haven’t found my momentum again. I had all these plans for January but I’m at a stand still and struggling to get motivated.
We homeschool year round so we extended our holiday to take a longer break off for the rest of this month. I’m supposed to be planning and getting some unschooling ideas and resources together. I did order some curriculum items we needed but haven’t gathered any other ideas yet. Everyday I tell myself

This is the day I will get on it...

and I fail miserably by keeping busy doing other things (play not work). I am on relax mode and can’t escape.



There are also some health challenges being faced in my family. We just found out my nephew, who is in his twenties, has congestive heart failure on top of kidney failure. It is so devastating and such a scary situation and all we can do is pray and remain hopeful. He recently got married to such a supportive woman who is taking good care of him and their children.
Another factor in why I’m feeling so slump is because our last working vehicle is now out of commission. First it was our van that went and now this. We are working on getting another van now and should hopefully have it by next month. We prefer not having car payments so we buy used cars in fair condition with cash. We just keep up on the maintenance and drive them till they drive no more. 🚐



I did however manage to start making a crocheted nest for the rescued Australian birds and rodents. My goal is to make several with my scrap yarn. Right now there is a pause in donations in order for them to count stock of what has been donated all over the world. We just have to wait and see if they will still need more. I’ll finish this one I started and hold off until further instructions.


If you’re wondering about my lace yarn that I am using to make my first knitted scarf with...yea it’s still tangled. Every time I look at it I get more in the slump zone so I haven’t messed with it for awhile :(
I am still fascinated and excited about knitting it’s just been put on hold until I can get this yarn detangled. I am determined to work with it as my first project. 🧶


Well getting this post out is a start. It’s been 11 days since I wrote one and that’s usually not normal for me. I shoot for making at least two posts a week but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. This time away will maybe help my creative juices flow again. Oh well, until that happens back to sleep I go. 💤

Thank You for Entering The Slump Zone with Me! I Hope You’re Able to Get Out! 😆

All photos are my own and were taken with our Cannon EOS Rebel T6.


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Logo/Banner created by @rigaronib!


Me I'm in a slump and I think it's permanent x_x and not even in relax mode I'm just tired and I keep pushing it because I don't want to stop any of the things I'm supposed to just drop in favour of other things XD

Given the crap going on with your family I think you're well within rights to just keep taking it easy for a while.

That nest is adorable XD

Oh I can very easily be in this mode permanently too if I didn’t fight it lol! Once you’re there it’s such a struggle getting out.

Thank you so much. It’s such a joy being surrounded by family but the scary part about that is dealing with heartache and disappointments that come along with having family. I get so nervous every time I get a phone call about my nephew, it’s heart wrenching.

WHile reading your post, I pondered that in my eyes you are not really in a slump but you have so many things going that perhaps you simply need a bit more time to refill your energy. Especially being in fright about a beloved family member is very draining and often the brain is constantly working without ourselves noticing it. I hope he will get better!!!!
And not writing about things does not mean you are not doing the things :-D You know I admire how much you are handling on a everyday basis. Nevertheless, it is so nice to hear from you and the little caterpillar looks extremely cute.
Sending you hugs

You hit a great point and truth. I think sometimes I forget how jam packed my life is and how much responsibility is on my hands because I’m just so used to doing it all. I really hit a stand still and just wanted to do nothing. You’re right, being concerned about my nephew has been so mentally and emotionally draining that it has depleted a lot of my energy. Thank you so much for your comforting words and support. I so appreciate you ~ 😘💓

I feel you mama. This time of year, I think, is especially hard. All of nature is resting and I just want to rest with it. I admire that you have found some comfort in creating your nest for animals in need. Being a helper is something that usually works to get me back to myself when I am in a slump. But also, sometimes it is nice just to rest. May you have exactly what you need. Sending healing vibes to your nephew and whole family. 🌱

Thank you! Yes making the nest really did help :)

I really appreciate your comforting words. Resting has really been good for me during this time ~

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