Unhealthy Expectations VII, Contributed By @Olawalium

in #life6 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6


He recently called my wife that he is in our city and he came to do something. My wife asked him to come around because I felt he just want to visit and by evening or maximum the next day he would be travelling back to Lagos. He wanted to take advantage of the warm reception and leverage on the fact that he has known her for long and she might not talk. She didn’t even know this guy actually planned on staying with us. How can you want to stay with someone and you wouldn’t even brief them ahead of time. I already sensed it and I told her to ask him.

She did and he said he won’t leave again because he still has something to do even though he clearly stayed over in another friend’s place before my wife told him to come over for a visit (when he informed her that he was around). He started asking me about dry cleaner and stuff that made me know he wanted to stay and I asked him when he was leaving. He hesitated a little and then told me later that he would leave my city in like 5 more days. I laughed inside.


In as much as I love being nice to people, I don’t appreciate when others try to take your kindness for granted. It is a good gesture when you are taken for granted, yes but then I don’t like when you don’t give me prior notice. We are all different and you can’t just barge in into me. If I decide to let it slide because anything could have happened that would make you not to give me prior notice, but then never try to overplay yourself. I am too smart and I notice when someone is trying to play on my intelligence. He tried to stay with us without informing us.

He felt since they have been close and that is what he does with others, everyone should also be cool with it. He had an unhealthy expectation because I would never plan to stay more than 2 days with a couple that I know just got married. I feel it is common sense not to expect too much from someone that just got married.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


The button line is we should be considerate, and always try to put everyone in our shoes, I believe if he had thought of that then he wouldn't have done that. Some people think they are too wise they try to play on one's intelligence. If he has a common sense nearly staying overnight, he should have got the message. Though some people don't care what your reaction is. They will still go ahead with their plans.

Yes, you are right. It is true. Many people don't care how you feel so far they are satisfied. A lot of people would do to others what they would never accept because the feel they are entitled to it and that is wrong.

It is always good to have you here, brother.

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