How Steemit and @exyle made me a crypto investor!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Many of my followers are also followers of my son @exyle.

@exyle when he was just a little baby!

If you read his last post then you know I asked him to buy me Cardano yesterday.

It is strange really, but I know that when I have an urge to do something, I better listen. Of course, I am who I am, I am rather cautious and I take some time to think, I also only invest money I can spare and I advise you urgently to do the same.

But even when Cardano will become red again I will not worry because I don't need the money tomorrow or next year. I can wait. I hope it will rise, really I do, it will be nice to have some extra money in the future.

I also asked him to buy me more Steem, but he said to wait a bit longer and you know: Steem went also up today (after being very very low).

I always listen to his vlogs, to hear his voice of course after all he is my son and I am in France and he is in the Netherlands, but also because I think he has something to say to the Steemit community of which I am a part.

Every morning I check the price of Steem, of SBD and of the top 5 cryptocurrencies. I saw all the red, but because I am in for the long run, it did not worry me and I thought this is a good time to buy.

Then I heard @exyles vlog. I checked the prices again and I sent him a text to buy me Cardano.

When I am back from France and @exyle and I see each other face to face, I will ask him to show me how it works so I can buy and sell on my own. But for now I gladly accept his help and it is fun to be able to do this together.

It is a blessing and I feel very fortunate that all my children and grandchildren are doing well and are happy and healthy.
That is so much more important than worry about money.

(@exyle, my daughter Eva and my son @look4balance together on my couch 5 years ago.

Of course, I don't mean money you need for food etc., that is very important. I mean the extra money because the cryptocurrencies are green and become greener.

Go to sleep and wait, worries are for the moment when there are real worries.

You know when you worry about tomorrow and the worries are for real then you won't be happy tomorrow, but also not today because of all the worries.

We don't know what the future will bring, so I hope you will enjoy today. Live today, be happy today if you can. Each day has enough trouble of its own or in other words: "The future is going to have enough problems; worry about them as they arise, not now".

Have a nice day,


Wow!!, this is really great mom, now you are not just only a Steemit mom, but also a crytpo investor, am really proud of you. A woman of your age going along with the crypto new world, it really sounds great. I wish my mom can do the same, but not even interested in any online media.
@exyle is a crytpo lord to me, his blog as really help me a lot on Steemit, and much about crypto. I do share some of his videos to in my whatsapp group chat for my the new steemians to learn much about the platform and also cryptocurreny.
Am also planning to make my own family just the Same as yours, with the new crypto world.

I will like to say a big thanks to mark for his great
support on the growth of Steemit in Nigeria, in my blog.

A mother's thought for her kids should always be positive.
Lesson learned. Cherish your kids.
Glad that you take your time to inform and help all steemians.
Good choice with cardano.

Keep on steemin'

Thank you @pouchon. And yes, we should cherish our kids!

Could not agree more. Enjoy today and be happy if you can. Little Fee (@Clio grandchild) just vomited tonight for the fourth time (nothing to worry), but besides Fee the parents - after a full day of wood sawing - also have a rough night... Lots of love!

Oh, my dear, I am so sorry to hear that Fee is sick. I hope she will feel better tomorrow. I also hope that the rest of the family stay healthy. Lots of love to you and your three girls! And again, thanks for sawing today. I saw the video. You have done an awful lot of work!

Thank you for your post. You are a good inspiration to create better and invest. I also admire your relationship with your family. It's really important to have good communication with your children and keep update your thoughts with new generation. That way you can create more and stay young.

When I read your precious post, the hopes comes towards me. As a minnow, or small size investors like me wouldn't check the price every time. It goes up, then down almost every second. It is not quick earning system to make you rich or broke in short time. We should invest as much as we can and work to create good post to make steemit stronger in the future. This is how we become successful in the future. By the way I should follow your son @exyle and listen him. Peace and Loves from Spain.

You are completely right. I only check the prices out of curiosity. I invest and create posts, good posts I hope. I am not a day trader.
My son Exyle is really good, you should indeed follow him.
Greetings from France (where we are at the moment!)

Yes, I followed him and actually, I am reading his posts right now. He is really good on those things. Thanks for raising such a good son like @exyle. If you visit Valencia region in Spain, or If I come to France one day I would like to meet you. Have a peaceful weekend.

Thank You for sharing Mark with US @clio, Now if we can just get a Wallet that we can all use that makes it easier for all of us to buy and hold some of the other ALT's that we like. I think and I hope that Pillar and their wallet is the answer for us in the not to distant future....

LOL! I hope with you, regarding Pillar.

I love that you listen to your son's vlogs just to hear his voice - and of course his advice. That warmed my heart.

I haven't ventured out to invest yet. Because I am a bit behind - as I powered down to zero last year sometime figuring I didn't like Steemit....I had to start over again about 4 months ago.

Thanks for sharing this great info. It's good to know.

I agree with you about worry - altho I don't realize I am worrying until my body tells me - I shake and feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin.....I stop and have to think about the why of it and I always figure it out - I'm worrying about something I have no control over.

Worrying about something you have no control over is terrible. When my husband had his severe heart attack, I felt exactly like you described in your comment, it was a terrible feeling!

That would be a worry. I can't imagine how you must have felt watching helplessly. He's good now, I hope.

Yes, he swallows a lot of meds, but he is doing well. There are limitations of course, but we are very happy and content and live by the day.

for being a crypto investor made me research and ending up with finding steem it...i am glad and blessed @clio

I think you made a very wise choice. All the best for you in the future!

A wonderful post and your photos confirm this. Mark is so cute in the photo when he was little, and now it's already a solid witness to the Steemit! I congratulate you that you made a very good investment, because now it is a very convenient moment and you can succeed well. You have wonderful children, my friend and I wish your family all the best in life! Thank you Clio.

You can do it @clio !
My son also got me involved in crypto,
and I do all my own buying and selling aswell,
I can afford to make mistakes because I only play around with small amounts of money, but it's so, so much fun 🤗

Thank you for the encouragement, I will certainly learn how to do it. I already find so much fun in it.

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