Stay Focused In Your Strengths - Distractions Are Expensive...

in #life6 years ago

Hello Steemians

Moving along the story I've been sharing on this blog, I wanted to continue from the time I was 22 years old, a time when I had to learn how to adapt to the new opportunities, like I shared on posts If you are new in my blog, this post is a continuation of the other two I've previously shared, so in order for this to make sense, please I I suggest you check those out first.

1 - Building a Successful Business

2 - Winning By Adapting to a Changing Life

3 - Opportunities Come to Those Who Prepare Themselves...

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If you are finding these blogs for the first time, I recommend you read those first.
So, right after starting my publicity agency and with the audio production company running at full steam, many things started to change in the market. It was right around the time where all magazines started to include Multimedia with them, they included CD-ROMs.

The challenge was very great, to pack all the audio needed with the publications on a very limited space. Back then audio files were huge, there was no such thing as compressed formats like mp3, etc…

It was then that I took another leap and decided to open a tech company, my third business venture. This seemed like a natural step because I was already dealing with a lot of these challenges in my production company. We managed to create software that helped us compress the file sizes by four, allowing us to have a great advantage over any competitor. Very soon we were working with many editorial houses and online magazines, recording, coding and programming their multimedia CDs.

Soon after we developed streaming protocols, and the online magazines were able to offer on demand audio, and we are talking about a time with 256 Kbps internet connections.
In other words, I was 25 years old, had three companies to run and would spend 16 hours a day working. As a consequence of that I was able to prosper financially, and in other aspects of my life, but I will leave those details for another time.
It is very important to be aware of the potential that resides within you. All of us have talents, things that we can be very good of and not be fully aware. If we don't recognize the potential we might be seeing opportunities pass us by or not see them at all as if we were wearing a blindfold.

I did want to bring something up before closing this post.

Many people have been asking me lately what they should be doing due to the situation in the market. I've been trying to tell them that they are free to make their choices but that in my opinion is not a good time to be selling your steems. However that is my choice, my personal experiences. As you can see I share my personal story, things I have lived. There are many ways to make money in a negative market, but I do not intend to come off as some financial guru because I believe everyone is living through different things and all choices should be made personally.

Pay attention to what @lauram @gowealth @akdx and others are doing. I do not give votes in people's comments if I observe that they have not read the post. In the first post (links above) you can see what happened. Almost everyone who struggled to write something positive is with 8, 10 upvotes because

What I asked will be very important in what I intend to to everyone on a positive and positive mindset. I really want you all to understand the true spirit of networking and a union between everyone who comments on my posts. I told you not to vote for yourself. I also asked you to vote for everyone who made positive comments. Please understand that it costs nothing and if everyone votes among themselves we can create a community where everyone will always be receiving more votes. No matter how much you have of Steem Power, what matters is the attitude, change the mindset so that everything can flow genuinely. This generates respect and unity and as a consequence financial prosperity and perhaps true friends in the future. This is one of the keys to building an honest network between all of us.

Don't forget to follow @chbartist and resteem these posts if you like them. The content and conversations could be valuable to someone else, even if you don't know that person.

With that said, have a beautiful Weekend



Life gives us many opportunities. Sometimes we waste it and then remorse for our loss. But when we grab the opportunity, work on it with all our efforts, we get success. So, success is recognizing opportunities and making their use. If one doesn't see that one has no chance, one can make one's own way. One cannot wait for opportunities to come to him. One has to make one's own way and force destiny to work in favor of one.
Nothing is impossible if we are determined and stay alert and focused. What @chbartist advised regarding hodling of Steem is also a very important message. There is no use of selling your asset in a loss.
Also, interaction is very important. Mutual help can grow each and every minnow's Steemit account.
I wish a very good day to all.

The biggest mistake is typically not about doing something wrong, but about not doing anything at all.

Exactly! Life is about taking risks, if I don't take risks I'll never know what I'm capable of ;) for example if I don't risk commenting here I'll never know if I'm capable of improve other people's mood at least for a while ;)))


programmingvalue tell to her XD :


Thank you dear! I am learning from you.

Agreed, you must just start then things will begin to change for the better.

Agreed, you must just
Start then things will begin to
Change for the better.

                 - rynow

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Those who try never succeed.
Those who criticize rarely see.
Those who blame rarely hear.
Those who are open and clear can conquer the world.

great stuff

You just hit the aspect I have been battling with. Seven years back I was earning a living through visual arts back in school but when I left school. My Dad back then demanded that I should return home from the state I was. I never had the attitude of not listening to my Dad, So I did as he said.
When I returned I decided to start what I was doing, but I realised that people around dont have demand for pencil work . I tried creating awareness for six month but the people around doesn't really appreciate art work and I wasn't selling.

Art been the only thing I know how to do.

Naturally since I wasn't getting works, I wasn't getting enough money for materials to continue. I tried to leave the state but my dad insisted that I must stay that he needs me to get a Government Job which I naturally don't have zeal for because you will placed in a situation where you will be unproductive and be monitored to remain like that.

Years passed ,though I still venture into pencil sketches once in a while but I am loosing touch.

Secondly, you did mention that demand was your driving force in opening new companies.

      "The challenge was very great, to pack all the audio needed with the publications on a very limited space. Back then audio files were huge, there was no such thing as compressed formats like mp3, etc…

It was then that I took another leap and decided to open a tech company"

Then how did you mobilize resources, both financial and human resources to meet those demands?

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At first I think you should never leave the pencil. About the question about opening new business on my journey one thing led to another and I did not need much capital because I already had credibility with the people I had worked with previously. It was only a necessary expansion because of the evolution of things, especially those involving technology. About development I made them myself with my knowledge in audio engineering. But I will write in the next posts what are the most important values for you to get money in your life and also some moments that I also went to the ground and got up again. It is impossible to achieve success without many failures. Regards


You are really a mentor.

Posted using Partiko Android

No, I'm just share my journey and life. Regards!

interesting to see your life, 👍
maybe I start with a consistent foundation

Yes! Failures and successes are Siamese twins!!

If you cannot sell your art, won't their perhaps be people that would be interested to be taught to draw, this can also give you an income, and you will still be doing your art!!

Distractions are incredibly expensive and will slow you down

Yes dear @chbartist you are right. Sometimes distraction are so hard to recover. When I am starting my crypto investing carrier I was distracted by Scam MLM plan and I lossed my 80% money in that scam it’s hard to recover but somehow I recover.

Every bad experience increases our knowledge. So, we should not lose hope. If wealth is lost, it can be regained.

Yes you are right my friend we don’t have to lose our hope

Good to see that you were strong enough to stand again after getting a massive hit. You are going to rock bro, mark my words.

Yes my friend, when we have emotional intelligence we always recover and we are reborn with more experience.

Yes , you are right my dear friend

I had a scam on me a few years back. It kind of sneaked up on me and bit me where the sun don't shine. I was so ashamed and felt really stupid. When I spoke to my lawyer he said that I was "lucky" to lose what I did. He said he had horror stories of people getting scammed out of millions......

Well, I never had millions to begin with, but the amount I lost was not the end of the world. He did put it into perspective. I counted my blessings.

On the other side of it, the whole experience made me more cautious. I chalked it up as a learning experience and tried to move on.

Mom always said: Time heals all wounds.

Change over time becomes very important. All the companies such as Nokia Bus Phillips HMT have not changed their product over time, these companies still remain far behind than others. Geniuses are all filled in some of them are few in them, and in some, innate talents are big, using their talents in the right direction is the biggest capital of success, whether it is the life of a business whether it is its own life Everywhere you will have to face difficulties. Our ideology should be positive. Negative ideology can not move forward with difficulties And on the move, the person who moves forward with positive thinking of settling down with these difficulties succeeds in the life. Estimate market is a stage where people with different types of perspectives present their own approach . I am very impressed with your passion and passion that you handle companies together for 3 days and 16 16 hours of work, even at the age of 25. The number of steamers on this steam platform is hardly familiar to each other personally. Still, through their thoughts, their articles understand each other's feelings, thoughts and attitudes, and perhaps this is the best way to get to each other To understand the interest, mentality and ideas.

Exactly, thank you for your words!

Thanks sir for encouraging

Again One More Beautiful Blog @chbartist I'm Reading U r all Bolgs U r Thoughs Are really Helpful And motivated Thank U for making A Another Good Blog @chbartist I Think Limits are really all in your head. Just because you can’t do something a certain way, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find another way to reach your goals.

You are my idol @chbartist Thnx For Reply Me !!!

Making money in negative market is indeed an art. I am still not sure people have knowledge about this or they test their luck i.e. gamble on this.

The time to make more money is when the market is negative, it always worked for me. About people I'm sure many think that the market is like a casino and most of them make bets. This is a big mistake. I have been in the financial market for at least 10 years and there are many people need to learn and the most important is that the market is not a gambling game. Regards

Thanks for sharing this tip which is backed by 10 years of experience. I am also learning as I have spent 10 months so far not any other financial market but crypto market.

Hi @ chbartist
As I always read you posts and upvote you and try to upvote other having good content.
You are a standing example for me & other that nothing is impossible. Only thing is that one should not stop trying and should have belief what you are doing.
Thanks for this post. Eagerly waiting for upcoming posts.

Thank you friend!

I agreed that we should find out and develop the potential within us. For me it is writing and Steemit is a great platform for me.

Posted using Partiko Android

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