A Path to Being #4: How to Start Distancing From Negativity

in #life7 years ago

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Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. —Guy Finley

Pain will leave you, when you let go. —Jeremy Aldana

So, in my previous posts, I talked about having that “aha” moment, where I realized that I was blocked from finding inner peace, because I was drowning in a world that was pulling me down. I encountered confusing situations that didn’t make sense to me. I started to think, “was it something I said?”, “was it something I did?”, “was it because I was different?”, “was it because I was old?”, “was it because of my culture?” etc. I started being hard on myself, because I really thought it was me that caused such a spiral downward. I actually started to become anxious and depressed about it, using the blame game on myself.

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On the other hand, I was also so blessed, by various wonderful people on Steemit, who actually supported me on my journey. These people were so positive, so caring, so real and true, that it actually gave me validation, that I wasn’t that bad after all. Steemits would be so lucky to encounter these fantastic, warm and loving people who only encourage and lift up others around them. They don’t play games and honestly want everyone to experience the warmth of Steemit and its success.

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Having said all of the above, I totally feel that we all have to stop this MADNESS and begin to do some soul searching, in order to find joy, happiness and inner peace as we go down life’s path. It has taken me decades of experiencing all the trials and tribulations of living, to finally realize, that it was within my reach and power all this time, to find a happier and more fulfilling existence. I truly hope you all will learn the same here and now.

How to distance oneself from negativity…… first of all, it would be helpful to take a moment to think about what has had a negative impact on you. So identifying what causes you stress and anxiety should be the first and foremost step you take. Is it a certain situation that triggers it? Is it someone or something? Is it a reoccurring pattern? Is it a side effect from medication or an illness? Is it due to a change in a life event? It can be many things.

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What I like to do is actually take some paper and start writing down what makes you sad, nervous, anxious, mad or restless. It can be anything that causes you anxiety or a negative reaction. In order for this to be a healthy endeavor, also make a column for what makes you happy, excited, joyous, peaceful, appreciative, content, etc. Keep adding to your list until you feel that it is complete. It doesn’t have to be done in an hour, day, week, month. Just within your own time frame. You will know when you are finish. Use your gut feeling on this.

So now you have your list. Look it over. If you want, put the listed things in order of stress level it causes or put it in what is the easiest to accomplish. Whatever is meaningful and useful to you, organize it the way you like it to be. Do the same with the happiness column. I know you think that this may be a waste of your time, but trust me, it will help you truly realize how bad or how not so bad your situation is. It will give you a visual perspective.

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After all that, sit down and look at your list. Is the negative longer than the positive list? Is the positive list longer than the negative one? This will help you to put your situation into a better perspective. It may give you an “aha” moment to truly see where you are at. Now take an action plan. Which of these negative situations can you work on today. What is doable and what will take more time. It least you can identify what you can control immediately. Getting started is the first step.

Decide on an action plan and put it into action. By immediately doing these things that can be done, you will feel more in control of your situation. It will give you the impetuous to continue on this effort to minimize the negativity in your life. Remember one step at a time. Before long, you will see how far you have come.

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For me, writing these posts was my way of helping myself, by expressing my inner turmoil. I must say, it has really helped to put me on a better path to freedom. Writing a journal, writing a list of what impacts you and your life, writing a post, writing poetry, are such wonderful ways to help yourself. Sometimes you really have to hit rock bottom to begin and start helping yourself. I turned a rock bottom situation into a good experience by channeling my frustration into something positive. You can too!

Holding on is believing that there’s a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future. —Daphne Rose Kingma

I will continue to write on ways to help distance negativity in future posts. There is so much that we all can do to help ourselves, so it may take more time than I had anticipated. I hope you will continue to follow my journey to inner being and peace

Thank-you for reading my post. It is much appreciated! If you would like to follow me, please check HERE


A great post and great advise I am lucky in that some of what you suggest here I have done myself over the last few years and have found I am even more positive now than ever before
But it was good to read and reinforce the choices I have made

Thank-you @tattoodjay. Really appreciate your comments and visiting my post. I've had a need to start writing about my journey to find inner peace and on becoming. It is a spiritual journey for me which I've been wanting to take for a very long time. Writing is bringing me clarity and focus and a more peaceful existence. Again, thank-you!

I am glad you have found a way to document so you gain clarity that's a very good thing

It really is. And thank-you!

Hello @cabbagepatch! Thank you for sharing this quality post with us. It reminds, and describes, me of some of my own experiences.
Now that I think about it, I just had an AHA moment, looking back on what I am doing.

I also do analyze and write down things which I perceive negative about myself, and I believe that doing that helps us see them from more of an objective point of view, which helps us overcome them easily.

The AHA moment I was speaking about is that, whenever I analyze some bad thing about me, I tend to write things down about it.
But now, with this beautiful community that Steemit is, I select whatever bad quality I want to improve that that point in time, and I make a post about how to overcome that very quality. And it's GREAT! And it HELPS a lot. I believe.

Any way, thanks again! I'll make sure to follow and check your profile for some more quality posts ;)

Thank-you so much @cipriang! I really appreciate your insightful comments. I'm glad you had some "aha" moments. It always helps to get that moment of clarity so that we can make the necessary corrections on our life's path. It is refreshing to know that when you encounter some bad situations, you can channel that into something that helps not only yourself, but others as well. I really believe we need to have a more positive outlook, because this world has been getting progressively more darker.

I wish you much success on your life journey and on Steemit. It has its ups and downs, but as long as we keep trying and being positive, I'm sure our lives will be full and happy. Have a wonderful day! :D

really good post, These tips are really useful, They advise us in school to do the same with studying and I can see how this is exactly the same, you get frustrated with certain areas of work you need to know and other sections are a breeze. Life sucks but if you can find the positive side it won't be as bad as you think :) you and a bunch of others have made me realize this

Thanks Ethan, for visiting my post. Lately I've been able to let all my inner concerns out so I have been on a roll. What I have been writing, all came out from experience. Expression really does help to alleviate a lot of inner turmoil for me. Take care!

You are so right @cabbagepatch, it is madness to surround ourselves with negativity and stresses and think of it as normal. We must change our core way of thinking and I like your list idea. I will be making one this weekend!! I agree that writing the posts helps to ditch the negatives and reinforce the positives. You have been a huge influence to me since starting here and I look forward to learning more from you!!! For now I have to go read the previous installments to this series...for the life of me, I can't figure out how I missed them. Thanks you SO much for being such a positive force in my life :)

@tamaralovelace the feelings are mutual. You've also inspired me to write and your infectious personality gives me the desire to be a better person. I really appreciate your candidness, honesty, sincerity, and good humor. You possess qualities that I love in a person. I am really glad that I've met you on Steemit. I don't usually tell people about my posts because I never want people to feel obligated to read it. I guess I believe in the universal laws that if it was meant to be, it will be.

I had an "aha" moment recently on why I couldn't write. When I realized that I was stopping myself, I decided to just give it a try and let my true inner essence come out. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Once the flow hit, I felt the desire to write more. It's amazing how, once you let go, you can't stop. So while I have my "mojo" and drive back, I guess I'll keep writing.

Thank-you for your wonderful support and friendship. I am so lucky to know you! Have a pleasant day tomorrow! :D

The return of your mojo is a benefit to all of Steemit LOL....Once I am able to cut back on hours at work, I want to be much more active here. You can bet I won't be missing posts nearly as much lol. Keep up the good work and you have a great day also :D

I think that it is important to create a community with positive images of each other. Praise good things, encourage if it is depressed. I think that steemit should be the place like that.Thank you for great post.

I am on a path to find more inner peace so I have been writing more. For some reason, I have found writing very helpful in connecting with my inner self. Thank-you again for your comments and support. It is deeply appreciated!

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