It's Okay Not to be Okay

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It is.

I spent some time thinking about something motivational or cute or witty to write and drew a complete blank. I spoke to a few friends last night and messaged some people I'd have liked to have spoken with but it's probably a good thing to have reached the people I did who have known me the longest. It's hard to feel in limbo and it's hard to see suffering and it is hard to suffer. It is hard to keep having to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances beyond our control. It is hard to keep controlling the situations that we have the power to influence.


There are a few days that I have completely alone and am finding myself and my mind wondering about people and places and what is true and what is false. Then the "What If's" come creeping in stealthily and you realize that most people are just trying to push forward like you are and there is freedom in that realization. Some of the people I care about on Steemit seem to have been having a lot thrown at them at once....this post is for them as much as it is for myself. ;)

Synchronicity or the absence of it probably does mean something. Some things do time out beautifully while some paths are only chaos and a facade of being..."Okay". We can not force some things in life to go faster or slower and the passage of time can be seen as a triumph or a marathon. The majority of us are in a society that rewards greed, apathy and Sociopaths. Realizing that and digesting it is difficult and accepting it is absolutely not mandatory. It is okay not to be okay, if the norm is something that goes against the grain of your own soul than perhaps it is the status-quo that is broken and not us. Instead of feeling the need to put on your happy face and march along like an obedient zombie, I choose to throw off as many shackles as possible and bask in knowing that it is perfectly normal and fine to not be rocking some sex,drug or society forced smile.

I am ending this non O.K. post with a dedication to my friend



Good Post Hon ... This post is a prime example of why I "friended" you in the 1st place ... I detest plastic people, honesty is the best policy, imho ... Personally, I believe it is better to tell the truth and make someone cry than to lie and make them smile. That sounds a bit harsh, but I'm trying to say being honest is better in the long run ... for everyone. Just like what your saying, it IS OK to not be ok. As long as we tell the truth (As you have) then all of us that read this post KNOW WE ARE NOT ALONE! And HELL NO, I'm NOT ok, haven't been for years. but as long as I know people like YOU, that tell the truth and don't fake life and have fake friends and wear fake smiles ...I know that I WILL be ok, because i'm NOT ALONE. Life can be brutal, and wonderful. But honesty iho make life great one day and at least bearable the next !
Hon, as you know I'm 56, life has been great and has been hell. It is nice to hear you speak the truth and not be a FAKEBOOK person ..fkin SHEEP !! BAH !!!! Here is a /Hug for you, keep up the idea that it IS OK not to be ok ... love it ! Hope to hear more honesty from you and others ... I'm old, all I have time for IS the truth !! /Big Hug

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Glad to have ya back on :)

/hugs Thanks Hon !

thank you :)

The majority of us are in a society that rewards greed, apathy and Sociopaths.

Yes indeed. It's very disconcerting very frustrating. When it all start to becomes to much it's time to head out to the forest and take some time there.

When I see all those comments then I know I'm not the only one to think you're awesome.

you're not too bad yourself ;)

Very candid, and true. The gamut of human cognitive function, electro-chemical brain state, and emotional experience is far greater than "super, thanks for asking", "everything's awesome!", "winning!", or a constant myopia caused by the envy of what you haven't got or achieved, but feel you should.

It's apparent from your anecdotes that you maintained the objectivity to reflect and express the experience, the upshot of which is that others may now benefit from the insight, even if only in solidarity, but solidarity is a good position to occupy when faced with adversity.

nail hit on head, wonderful reply and thank you for taking the time to respond :)

Thanks for taking the time to share, and for pausing to reflect, something that goes missing amidst the noise and haste of modern Pokémon life practices.

Often find myself wondering what this "okay" idea is that people ask me if I am "okay" is about. Probably me thinking too much...

I know the feeling all to well...

No more forced smiles and pretences from me. My shackles are off and I'm free. I'm not okay today, but hey tomorrow the world will be good again.

Today, To this Day....extends middle finger ,tommorow extending open arms?

Yes that's what I'm hoping. Definitely a middle finger day, but tommorrow, it's my first day tomorrow when both my girls are at school all day and I start to have TIME to work on a few internet dreams. YAY!!

good for you, today sucked but tommorow I'm with you !

Well said my friend! I have felt a lot of NOT OK feelings lately myself but I am trying to look on the bright side and see the positive in everything!

it takes courage to be as honest and out there as you were in this post .. thank you for your @originalworks

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Great not to be okay ... the shackles off .. I'm meeeeeeeee .. fantastic post sis!!!!

it is liberating, thanks :)

I completely applaud this mi amigo. This is something I talk about pretty often with my friends. I actually wrote something on the same level as this about a week ago. There is this almost "need" for other people to hear the words "I'm great" come out of mouths, cause it means they don't have to do anything or be bothered. And we feel the need to put on the mask and pretend everything is ok when its not, only making it worse.

Great post! Definitely upvoted! @suicidalviral

I probably should bullshit more but it's not in my nature, with those who know me they know if they ask me how I am they will get the truth, double edged sword I

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