Why are you sad when everything is beautiful around you

in #life6 years ago

People's disposition for the suffering sometimes amazes me, they are capable of miseries in any situation regardless of their surroundings. Why so?


The suffering I am talking here are not real ones like hunger or poverty or the war and famine induced, but the pain and suffering human cause to himself even in the most wonderful circumstances is what is the cause of concern.

More than fifty percent of humanity is malnourished, they merely afford food even one time a day and in that respect when your plate is full all the time with thousand of dishes, you would be doing injustice to them if you will carry long faces. And don't think you are in any way different from those who are bearing wrath of poverty because sometimes people have notions of racial superiority and that way they justify this inequality.

You are not dead yet, well that is enough reason to rejoice because you should know that nearly 150 persons die every minute on this planet, be happy that you are not among those 150 because you could very well be. That is what I say, being conscious of the fact that you could die any second will all the more make your life more intense and exuberant. The sad thing is that we take things for granted, and don't values them when we have it.


You might have experienced that when there is some danger to your life, like when you are extremely sick or you have some pain in your body, all your mental, social and self created problems evaporates, because life is in itself the biggest phenomena and reason enough to be happy all the time, but we forget all about life when we have it in good condition and damage our brain for the things which will not even matter next day.

Everything is good around you but still you are nasty inside, well that is the biggest tragedy of life.

Whenever you get entangled into some situation where you are suffering be it in your relationship or in your career or in any other sphere of your life just remember that people are dying of hunger in the world, well people are dying anyway and you could be dead any moment so don't die in instalments at least and rejoice life when you have it.


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