Why It's Important To Choose Your Friends Wisely

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Friends. We all have them, we all need them, and we can't imagine our lives without them. But for some people, making new friends is as easy as falling in a bad company without realizing it.

Today's friendships are all about who has the 'chillest' friends and are always down to have fun and party. Having fun with your friends sure does seem like the only point of friendship, doesn't it? I mean, why even make friends in the first place, right?

But that's not what friendships are all about. It's way more than just laughing and drinking beer together. A true friend isn't one who always agrees with you or hangs out with you, but one who understands what's better for you and leads you into the right direction even if it's at the risk of the very friendship itself.

Bad Company Ruins Your Character.


When it comes to making life long friends, it's important to differentiate those who force you to join their bad habits, from those who encourage you to get rid of them.

Adopting bad habits with an unhealthy group of friends just to be more socially interactive might not look like a big deal at first, but it has major consequences later in life.

Believe it or not, but you are the reflection of the people who you are close with. Think about it. We all pick up aspects of other people's personality who we find appealing and try to shape ourselves into being more like them.

Real Friends Don't Leave You That Easy.


A real friend is one who knows and understands that there are bound to be disagreements between the two of you, and believes is sorting out the problem instead of putting your friendship on the line.

A fake friend, however, is the exact opposite. It doesn't take them a long time in breaking away soon after a fight or sometimes even just minor disagreements or misunderstandings. They think that being right and wrong is all that matters.

Winning an argument or proving the other person wrong is not as important as accepting each other's point of views and opinions. After all, friends are there to understand, not debate about every little thing.

Your Friend Circle Influences Your Actions.


We all want to be accepted and be among like-minded people. But sometimes, it's hard to enter a group without changing a few things about ourselves and our actions.

I'm sure you guys can recall atleast one moment in your life when you did something that you didn't really wanted to do but did it anyway just to impress your friends and be more involved in the circle.

The people we choose to hang out with ultimately influence our actions and therefore our future. So it's better to have less but quality and trustworthy friends who will have your back in hard times than a huge crowd who doesn't truly care about you.

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Such a great post. Friends are as essential as our family.

I agree. One of the reasons I have been married for so long is we are also great friends.

Exactly! Most people make a mistake of not being friends with their partners first. Friendship isn't apart from relationship, it's a part of relationship.

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