Chronicles of Alan; Lucas 9

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So, after being asked by so many of you to get on with it. Here Goes:-

"As I shoot in between the 2 Bikes into the lead, I feel Chris's hand tap me on my thigh( she is scared) I see I am doing a bit over 200kph ,I lay it down into the left hand bend , feel my Boot scraping the Road , and can hardly believe my eyes as everything switches into slow motion!"

Remember the statement?, " Don't worry , from here to Magaliesburg the Road has just been resurfaced."

Here I am going through this bend faster than one should be, Mother of my three children on the back, The resurface stops half way around the bend! Potholes , sand and a gully just off the right hand side of the road with a concrete culvert in it a few hundred meters away!

Worst possible situation, other than a Horse and Trailer parked across the road!

Even these older machines had ridiculous acceleration , Car Drivers tend to misjudge the speed at which a Motorcycle is approaching them, and racing between 2 lanes of cars is plain suicidal!

Warning:-Do not watch this if you do not have a strong stomach! This is a mix of Motorcycle accidents.

I do not remember but was told that I grabbed Chris by the collar and hurled her off the Bike, to the left. I remember being in the Gully heading straight for the calvert , swerving up the side , Bike taking off , and lying in the veldt with my left hand twisted somewhere up behind my head , from the Back? The Petrol Tank had burst covering me in fuel,

Peter and someone else , asked me if my back was broken,shook my head slightly, dragged me away from the bike , which burst into flame.

I vaguely remember Peter saying " Don't worry Alan, I'm picking up the teeth and bones?"

Evidently the 2 Guys I had passed before the Bend , saw the cloud of dust, slowed down , they came off too, but with minor injuries.

I felt tremendously tired , battled to talk, Evidently my face had smashed down into the instrument binnacle!

Gayle sat with Chris under a tree, right arm broken in 3 places with bone protruding, cracked ankle , little finger on left hand broken virtually off.

Two Provincial Traffic Cops arrived , walked up to me and said " Hierdie Ou sal nie tien minute hou nie!" Afrikaans for I was not going to survive, Was not sure who they were referring to?

It took three and a half hours for an ambulance to arrive. I started to drift in and out of consciousness all I focused on was my parents phone number .

Chris tells me that in the Back of the ambulance they put a drip in me, the other Paramedic told him to take it out as I would not make it to the Hospital!

We were taken to the Krugersdorp Hospital where my Folks were contacted , Peter went to my House to let Mother in Law know we would not be back! Let My Parents know we were in Hospital ( and they had better rush)

I have 5 Brothers and Sisters and Our Kids were farmed out to the Family to be looked after.

My Jaw was fractured in multiple places, Skull fractured on the left side, both arms broken, both elbow joints shattered, Broken ribs , broken breast bone, Broken Pelvis, Broken nose, most of my teeth gone , and a hole in my left elbow that you could see the bones through! Also a number of minor injuries.

I could see by the expression on the faces around me , that not much hope was held out for me!

You can gather by the fact that I am writing this story that I am still around?

I will finish this tale for you in 10 but there are quite a few addendum's to it , which I will keep separate.

Thank You for staying with me, My friends!


The resurface stops half way around the bend!

I can only imagine what went through your mind at that moment. After the list of broken bones you listed, it is a wonder you are still alive.

Thankful to have you here my friend!

As soon as I saw that, I knew exactly what was coming! Thank You , my Friend.

😱 that is too hard to see these accidents really terrible
check my new poems on War Of the Word,Suden Light,All My Heart
Hope you like

Thank You.

That is really heartbreaking :(

Not so sure about the Heart , but certainly Broke a lot of other things? Thank You for the visit.

definitely it has

"Don't worry Alan, I'm picking up the teeth and bones?"
Ops that might be a worst nightmare for me. This untold story is giving very important information to the community! Actually, we can heard a lot of bike accidents and most of times it was ended up by death of rider.
So, thank you very much for sharing your bad experiences with us! People who wish to ride fast, should read this post! Sometimes it might help them to save their lives for an another day!
Awaiting to read your next life experience! Thank you very much!


Thank You , Yes flagrant disregard for consequences can cause a lot of unnecessary pain to oneself and those you love.

You are a very lucky guy! Nice you survived from that crash~

Very Lucky, Thanks.

thank you for sharing


How much belief your wife has on you.. she must be scared on the backseat but she accompanying you... rides

Very dangerous motor bikes accidents...
This is very sad moments...
I'm really like ride bikes....I 'm always watch the motorcross games in my country...
Bcz I 'm crazy motorcross fan....hahaha..(LOl)
My dear friend @ awgbibb
Thank you so much sharing this post...
I'm always be carefull ride motor bike again...
Bcz I cant remember this accident...
Upvoted and resteemed
My dear friend @awgbibb

Thank You My Friend, Appreciate your thoughts.

Wel come friend @awgbibb
I'm awaitng your next valuble post..
Thanks again

Man that sounded real rough. There was probably a long recovery time I'm guessing. At least you made it man.

Thanks, and you are right.

Oh.. god.. Very sad story..

Carry on with me and you will see how it became positive ?, Thank You.

Definitely.. i'm always with you..

OMG, keep it suspense. That is scary

I did not have time to be scared. But later you realise the one thing you don't have control over is your time on Earth, rash decisions can seriously alter how much of it you have left? Thank You, my friend.

You are right. People should learn from such trials. They are not stories but facts.

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