Simple Ways How To Be A Productive Person

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hi! Good day to all of you fellas! I'm here to share some of my insights about in HOW TO BE A PRODCUTIVE PERSON for a brief introduction, for some instances and for some people learning to be a PRODUCTIVE PERSON will need a lot of educational seminar and professional lectures, but its wrong! Yes its wrong and I myself can proved it by giving you some advices in HOW TO BE ONE.

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**Remember this quote

The Nature of Productivity is nowhere to be find by books, it is in YOU since you was born

STEP 1: Remember all the things you need to accomplish or the things you want to do, List down it in a piece of paper and later on in your mind

This will help you in boosting your PRODUCTIVITY, like when you remember you have something to start immediately it will give your mind the 'guilty feeling' and 'guilty feeling' is a BAD at the same GOOD thing. This only shows that you care and your beginning to have that productive guts of a productive person. Attentive to what to do and to Prioritize, You'll accomplish everything with a positive outcome time will be used wisely.

STEP 2: As much as possible, Learn to execute things one by one at a time.

You cannot check a button with the measure of 2 km far from each other right? like you cannot accomplish things at the same time at the same space . Prioritize is a must especially if your aiming for a perfect outcome.

Working with a bunch of things with a mess up outcome is not consider as PRODUCTIVITY, thus completing things at a time is PRODUCTIVITY

STEP 3: Use your time very wisely and avoid PROCRASTINATION

Do what you must to do, set time and limit for each task. Delay things if it must and some very important matter came up. But remember! never ever delay things this might give a big hole in your project

STEP 4: Find an Ideas for your work that will suit up you're personality.

No one told you cant have fun while being productive! Work + Fun Ideas = PRODUCTIVE

Listen to musics that you think its best to mixed up to what you doing
Have some delicious snack and beverages next to you. Browse for inspirational stories
Have someone to help you or accompanied you spiced up your production by traveling and be inspired!

STEP 5: Always be a positive thinker.

Whatever you do, whatever it might be, Always thing positive! You might messed up with one of your goals but it will always free and fun to start again o build a new goals right? But this time apply all the things you learned from the past works you did.

AND LASTLY: REMEMBER! Reward yourself when you accomplished a whole task.

This will give you a relaxing feeling of being a completer in your own way. not everyone can do that! especially if your working in much harder task. You might find situation in your life very complicated or time consuming to do, and then this is where you give up and nonchalantly walk away from those work you started. Well, Its time to be motivated!

Here are some of my post that you might enjoy reading.

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Thanks for passing by guys! Hope you like it.

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Good read...Totally agree with what your saying about the positive thinking, what a difference it can make to your life...negativity can be so destructive and can lead to mental stress..We can achieve our dreams and what we want with focus and organization

look forward to your next post @livethedream0208

Great post ! working with a lot of things at the same time just simply distracts you and makes it impossible to be productive.
Check out this post that covers the same topic. It wasn't made by me but it's useful !

Thank you for sharing.

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