Everything I’ve Learned About Money So Far.

in #life-lesson7 years ago (edited)

A lot of people told me The sooner you start thinking clearly and honestly about money, the sooner you can start feeling great about your financial situation. Which is right, they're not saying this to make me feel anything or what they're saying this because they're concern and make me realize that now a days there's no free in this world, everything cost money.
Don't save just to make you feel rich or anythings, save because you wanna give you and your family a good and secure future.


It’s never too late to start being smart about money.

Maybe you’ve never been all that great about saving, or you’re a seize-the-day or live-beyond-your-means type of person, or you were raised in an environment of abundance so it's nothing to evwn if you spend a lot of money. Well, don't worry most of us didn't know how to use money im a rigjt way until we finally realize we have nothing.

Being fiscally responsible is a practice—like playing a musical instrument or doing yoga

You can’t just be responsible one day and throw caution to the wind the next. this is me ouch! this hits me! When i say i wanna workout because i feel fat or anything i workout for 3 days and the next day ill stop, i'm not consistent If you want to lead a healthy life from a financial standpoint, you have to work hard at it day in and day out.

There are plenty of ways to have fun without spending money.

Too often, we equate a good time with spending loads of money. Of course, certain activities do have a cost. But there are always zero-dollar alternatives out there. It's just take a lil discipline but you can go to the park with your friends or family jave some chat. Go on picnick, be creative.
and your bank account will thank you later.

Small changes can make a big difference.

Don’t forget that making tiny changes to your daily life can add up fast. For instance, consider bringing your lunch to work three out of five days a week instead of buying something, or brewing your morning coffee at home instead of purchasing a cup on your way in.

Before buying something, ask yourself: Do I really need this?

It’s easy to get swept up in the moment while shopping. Those lil dress, those cute shoes wooo! but think about it for a second, do you really need those? maybe you can wait until you save up until you have enough to pamper yourself. Yes it is hard to save but it's worth it.

Here are some of my post that you might enjoy reading.

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Thanks for passing by guys! Hope you like it.
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Beautiful written !
Agree with your view.

Learning how to manage your money is definitely a solid skill to have. The golden rule of "Spend less than you make" will always be true.

The only way I have found to do that well is to budget. We use YNAB and it is the best budgeting software out there! 💸

Yup, it is really hard but if you're really habe the patience and self control. We can do it

Mmm yeah, I've never been a great saver. Only in the past year or two have I began to realise that putting some aside for the future and family is something that is worthwhile doing.

Thanks for posting this gentle reminder.

Me either, specially when you saw something you really want? it's hard to control yourself not to soend money. But you know you also habe to stop and think if it's necessary

Yeah I like to spend mine on holidays and not material possessions so much. I moved to live in the sunshine so I'm hoping there will be less of a need to chase the sun!

I've always been good with saving money. I guess it helped that I'm not a social butterfly, so I don't go out and spend everything on drinks and smokes (yuck). I wouldn't ever want to be in a position where I don't have my savings as a back-up for any unexpected setback. I'd feel so crappy, knowing I'd have nothing to fall back on!

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