The secret life of a Software Developer / Programmer

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Software developing and programming is the one of the most indemand job today. According to research and statistics, this is the highest paying job in the world.

Year by year, the technology is getting more advanced and almost twice advanced than its previous year. We are now on the age of technology. Some things that were impossible before, now its possible.

The main success for this is the programmers and software developers. Today, I will tell the secret life as a programmer and software developer base on my 10 years experience in this industry. Being an SD (Software Developer), you'll need a great critical thinking, solution making, mathematical calculations and codings. I'm doing all this everyday except sunday. Lets begin this discussion when you'll to receive a new project.

For me, when I got notified for a new project, first things I want to know is the target deadline. Deadlines are very important to balance your time and subdivide it according to dates. Some programmers didn't do this time managing. In this terms, you'll need to understand when you can do this and do that.

I always use my basic programmer time management at it always divided like this.

  1. Gathering info like users, process they want and the output they need.
  2. Analyzing and making unique function for every process.
  3. Constructing database or back end
  4. Making a interface design that fitted to the project.
  5. Computer languages to consider for target users.
  6. Codings, combining all data.
  7. Documentation and System Manual creation.
  8. Demonstration and orientation.
  9. Execution and final installation.

After I identified the target date. Next is I to set a meeting with the client to gather information to whatever thee esult they want to. These is one of my most hated part. This is the most crucial part. But still I need to make a deal with them. If everything goes smooth and clear then the decision making to accept it or not is now on my part. I have to ask my team if we can work for it or we can't just hit the time frame. Decision making to accept it or not must be done within 24hours. 😄😄😄

In my team, we have Software Developer and Programmer which is me, a graphic artist, assistant programmer, database manager and network admin.

Now after we accept the project. We'll need to start and finished it as fast as we can. Time is very important to us. Now lets check for my daily routine.

Coding using different programming languages is very difficult at the start. Creating a basic code structure which I will gonna use for the entire system and the basic functions is the hardest part. Why? Coz this will become the foundation for the software you gonna develop. Think of something that don't really exist and you'll have to make it exist. Thats the felling.


Day by the, the lines of codes you'll make is increasing. I always advise myself to put a remarks for every code function I made so that when time comes and i need to update something on the software, I can recall where is the exact code that I need to update.

You'll also need to consider the security of your codes. So make a code to secured it. The code for interface is one of the hardest part of coding. Try and error in this part is multiple times. Everytime you add a code, you'll need to try it if it is compatible and exact with the design of your project.

From graphics to back end and front end, all was connected to codings. Without knowledged on all this aspect will surely make your project failed.

Now lets go to graphics. The graphic artist must be versatile and have a broad imagination about the project. He/she is the one to make a model interface for the project that will translated to code by the programmer. This artist must be skilled in photoshop or coreldraw or other related types of graphic editing. Graphic artist sometimes called interface master coz he/she is the design maker of the entire system.


(DA) Database Administrator is very important not just for my team, but for every company in the world. They are the one who handled all the information of the client. They are knowlegeable in securing information within the company. Anti virus is not enough for this security. Network admin and Database Admin work together to create a massive security. They deals with hackers attack and making advanced security before the information leaks. Monitoring the database minute by minute is really hard to do.


But they must do it to check if their are some unknown process and connection to the servers. No information must leak or else they'll get fired. Most database admin was also a programmer. They know how to protect each information specially on the banks or accounting company.

All of this must coordinate with the programmer or softwate developer and that is also me 😁😁😁. For those who doesn't even understand this. Let me explain it. Do you already ask yourself why when you open WORD in your laptop and press "A", it display "A"?. Actually its not "A", its a numeric code which is the value is 0 or 1. But the programmer program it to a human readable form. So when you press "A", the computer reads it with its digital form and the programmer creates a code to convert this digital form into a human readable form.

That is what the programmers and software developers do. After the project is done, the programmer will test all his codes if it execute correctly. If there is an error, he will open the codes again and check for the errors until the software runs smoothly.


After we successfully finished the project, the entire team celebrate as usual. 😊😊😊 And that is what we do, our life and our passion. Hope you enjoy reading it and helps you understand our secret life.

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Hope you'll teach me in your software program fields

Ii already followed you .Hope mine too.

That was an interesting peek on a life of a programmer/developer. I have thought of being one given the opportunity. In fact i have read up on some stuff about phyton when there is time. I want to learn the in and outs of steem blockchain and the upcoming SMT... what would be a good starting point would you advise.. I like learning things on the fly since time is very valuable to me.

W3 school is one of the best site for this. Start with basic javascript or c++. Most of the programming languages and coding syntax is just like it. There is just a very little difference

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