Money and Government Control Our Lives

in #untalented6 years ago

Money is the most impluential product in the history of the planet since it was made. It is widely used to trade items with its value that is printed on paper or coin.

Trading system is a process of exchanging an item to another item. Since the begining of time, people were already using this system without money at all. They can exchange their items like chicken to rice without selling or buying.

Without money that time, people have a freedom to developed, enhanced and make a progress to their lives.

And then suddenly, a goverment was form. They create something that can control the people. They decide to make a value for every items that is used to trade.

They set diamonds, silvers, gold and other stone as a mode of trading. The BUYING and SELLING was created. They practice this system for many years and become the culture for every people. The government succeeded in their mission to control the people. People are now working to gain gems, diamonds and other precious stone that they can exchange into food, shelter, clothings etc.

Years later, the government experience lower supply of gems, gold silver and stones. They made another way by creating a coin that is made with silvers and gold. People of the first century accepted it again.

People were hungry for gold and silver coins. They work hard to gain more and more of it even they cant eat or drink it. They're becoming more hungry to gain coins. People didnt realize that they are being control by coins. Until the goverment call it MONEY.

The bible mention that the LOVE FOR MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Why the bible say thay? Here I will explain it. Before money was made, the priority of the people is to worship God and request for blessings to grow their plants, animals trees etc. Since money was invented, the priority of the people was diverted into it. People forgot what God can do to them.

People becomes selfish, boastful because of money. Our modern government continue to control the people by printing money and releasing it in the market. One time I ask a hungry person. "What do you want, this food or money" then he choose the money then I say "you are so hungry, can you eat the money?" and he said "yes i will buy food by that money". I give him the money coz that is his choose.

This scenario tells how the people controls by this called MONEY. We are working to earn money. We are making business to earn money, We are living and controlled by money. This is the reality. We cant change the culture anymore. Goverment becomes more richer while we as a people are working for something that is only printed by the government.

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I strongly agree with you @alfren. Indeed these two things gives mans power and influence, esp. in the Philippines we are being monopolize by some certain private individuals..

Government has the control.

Nice, good point of view, totally agree.

This is why we need decentralized currency like Bitcoin or even Steem!

Yes that is true.

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