How to fill your free time with productive stuffsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


Spontaneous changes in our lives can open up free time periods that we didn't have before. Much of this free time can come from a change in lifestyle, retirement, career changes, getting your kids out of the house, or graduating from school or college. When you fill your spare time with useful purposes, you find a way to increase your creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and sense of satisfaction with life. When you use your free time productively, it can help you cope with the inability to relax because you are afraid of "doing nothing". And ultimately, using free time in a way that you feel is beneficial to you will ensure that you feel balanced, fully committed to life and a much more productive human being. In this article you will have the opportunity to explore different ways to use your free time with useful and satisfying activities. #


Make a plan for your free time. Free time will only be useful if you have focused on how you would like to use it. Just waiting for free time to become productive, creative, or satisfying will not attract you because you haven't thought about the process necessary to effectively occupy that time.
The first thing you need to realize is that it's up to you to "do something" to make your free time work better for you; it won't come from somewhere or someone else, just from your decisions to make it useful.
The second thing to consider is to think carefully about what is considered "useful. Relaxing, doing nothing, rejuvenating and thinking are all "useful" activities if they lead to a better and more fulfilling life. Don't think of your utility in terms of what you think you should be doing, but in terms of what you know will make you feel more productive, committed and content with life. Here are some possible plans for you:
Write a list of things you'd like to do in your spare time. You can list them in any way you want, or mark them all with the same level of importance, that's up to you.
Create a diary about your life and include how you would like it to be. Be sure to describe the activities you are trying to do in your spare time, so you can evaluate whether they are worthwhile or not.
Make a' dashboard' where you can set out the ways you would like to spend your free time in the future.


Separate your free time from unnecessary stressors. If you want your free time to be completely useful, don't let other people's things interrupt it. The reason for this is that your free time is intended to refresh and improve your energy, creativity, and your sense of self. If you allow mundane day-to-day activities to get into your free time under the pretext of being "useful", you will get no profit from your free time and you will have blurred boundaries between your free time and the rest, devaluing your free time.
Some of the things that are suggested that you don't do in your spare time include working or chores, answering emails and voice mails, watching TV, being in constant action (free time needs to include some space for naps and reflections), and electronic games (if you tend to spend a lot of time in this activity). Instead, it takes time to "catch up on work,""internet time," and "email response time. Identify them and separate them from your free time.



Expand your comfort zone. A great way to use your free time is to discover new things and have dimensions that you were not aware of before. If you get out of your comfort zone, your free time becomes a journey of self-discovery and helps you grow. On the other hand, it helps keep you interested by increasing your curiosity and expanding your consciousness. Some things you can consider to expand your comfort zone include:
Try new things you've always wanted to do but always find excuses for not doing them, including saying you don't have the time - use your free time!
Do things that you loved doing 10 years ago but have been neglected for a long time. Take them back and see where they'll take you this time. It will probably feel strange to get used to something you haven't tried for years and possibly time has caused the situation to change considerably, but enjoy the challenge of renewing your interests.
Write down the things that excite you and increase your energy. Look for activities and experiences that bring this to you.
Consider some of the hobbies you can start with yourself: learning a new computer programming language, learning a different language, writing a book/short story/work, making jewelry, graphic design, photography, learning a new style of dance (Polish, Arabic, zumba, tap, jazz, etc.), cooking or baking, teaching private lessons about something you like to do, among others.


Change your approach to media use. Turn off the TV and leave it out of your free time. Think of creative ways to use the media. The Internet allows us to be in charge of the information circulating in the media, giving us ample opportunities to turn your free time into a useful activity to spread creative, practical or informative messages that you want to share with the world.
What do you think about creating a video that highlights something you're passionate about, or something you care about, and then upload it to YouTube? Or maybe you can write some poems or short stories and add them to an e-portfolio. If you are passionate about fashion, put together some eye-catching pieces, look for a model and create your fashion page. Maybe music is closer to what you like and you like to compose songs and share them online. These useful uses of your time will activate your creativity and give others something they can worship, enjoy, or learn as a result - everyone wins!


Volunteer to volunteer. If you have already volunteered, you will realize the benefits this will bring. If you have enough free time to share it with someone who needs it, it can be a very satisfying way to work for your society or community. Even better, you can choose where to volunteer according to your beliefs and what you think is most important. Look for volunteer opportunities by asking people you know have already volunteered, looking online or on the volunteer pages, or asking people who work in places that call your attention to volunteer. Regardless of your level of experience, there is a likelihood that you will volunteer and over time, gain knowledge, develop professional experience and a good reputation through volunteering and you will find that it can become an incredible and satisfying experience that helps others.
Some ideas for volunteering include computer/mailing/wikis work for charities, helping in a thrift shop, fundraising, shelter kitchens, working with animals (wildlife reserves, zoos, animal rescue or training, etc.).), join a conservation team, volunteer abroad, do things for people in need, and do activities at a museum/exhibition/guided tour/museum club.
Volunteer as a volunteer if you like it little or not. You'll dedicate your free time to a good cause, so you should enjoy it. Even consider volunteering in different places and at different times of the day, to give some variety to the experience and the people you will meet.


Consider a simpler lifestyle. If you find that your free time has been hampered by having to carry a large house, its maintenance and cleaning, look for more free time cleaning up the mess and even consider buying a smaller house.
It can take months to clean up the accumulated mess of your life. Give yourself a time but also a deadline by which everything must be finished and eliminated from your life, for your own good.
Make yard and garage sales to get rid of things you don't need to keep. You can use the money for your leisure activities.
Avoid seeing the readjustment as if you were deprived of a certain standard of living. Once you've freed yourself from the high maintenance requirements, you'll soon learn that the extra free time you've gained is worth much more.
Some organizations like, for example, the I. R. S. in the United States, require you to have your financial papers seven years ago, so don't throw away the paper without first seeing what it's all about.
Break down paperwork with personal information, such as your social security number or bank account numbers, before you throw them away to prevent identity theft or financial data theft.


Learn for the sake of learning. School, college, university and continuing learning on the job are usually focused on guiding us to a profitable job. Sometimes, learning for the sake of learning is lost to deadlines, the need for good grades and the pressure to keep a job. Learning in your spare time can be free of these restrictions and can be a completely different experience from the profession we choose in life, free of the usual reasons why we acquire some skills for a specific job or promotion. Have you always imagined yourself involved in archaeology, ballroom dancing, jewelry making, learning first aid, or safety? Use your free time to immerse yourself in learning these things for the pleasure of learning them, without having the pressure to achieve the goals you have set yourself.
Consider returning to college to increase your knowledge.
Ironically, while this type of learning may have nothing to do with what you do for the rest of your life, it will still be beneficial because it increases your ability to better understand the world, gives you new ways of seeing things, and equips you with new skills that can be applied later, allowing you to think beyond and come up with new, creative solutions for your everyday activities.



Give in to your hobby or hobby. Free time is an excuse to get completely involved in doing something that you consider a hobby or hobby. Hobbies are useful because they give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge, improve skills and stay focused, diligent and active with your brain. In addition, a hobby allows you to enjoy yourself while immersing yourself in its complexities. Be sure to approach others with the same passion so they can talk, share ideas and brag about their accomplishments. This is an area where bragging occasionally does no harm as everything is done in a fun environment and you also return the favor by complimenting the efforts of others.
Even with a hobby, there are many paths you can take to keep yourself busy. For example, art is full of ideas with different angles. Only in painting you can investigate about acrylics, enamel, encaustic paint (wax), frescoes, gouaches, inks, oils, oils that dissolve in water, dry pastels and pastels, pastel oils, pastels in pencils, spray paint to create your own graffiti, tempera, water paints and sketches.


Make cooking and gardening fun instead of chores. These two activities can be a burden or a major source of therapeutic development and inner joy; it really depends on your approach and giving you the free time to explore. This will open up the possibilities to see them as useful and enjoyable, rather than as a task.
Get a cookbook and try to cook new recipes. Or look in the refrigerator and pantry, and then search online for a recipe that uses those ingredients (for example, look for "broccoli, pineapple and jalapeño recipes"). Spend an afternoon baking and learning how to use techniques you've never tried before. Do your best to have a casual dinner for some people you really care about.
Redesign your garden or change your proposal about what grows in it. Plant a cactus, they are incredible plants that have beautiful flowers and are almost impossible to kill. Or you can try herbs that are easy to maintain, fun to use (in the kitchen or in the arts), and keep innovating year after year. Or how about creating a meditation garden or a Persian garden?


Spend more time with your pets. If you don't have a fish, now would be a good time to get one. Pets require special care and can help you create free time just because they have needs and because that can be very positive for you, especially if you are obsessed with work. Find a pet in an animal shelter to save the pet's life and become the center of his or her life.


Focus on your spirituality. Free time is the perfect time for all spiritual things because you give yourself the space to develop, reflect and think about what is really important and the purpose of your life. Whether or not you are religious, spiritual time is an essential part of a human being's life and if you lean for this side of your personality, it would be one of the healthiest decisions you can make. There are many ways to learn and know about your spiritual self, and you can start by reading and learning as much as you can. Other things you may like to do with your free time and increase your spiritual life are:
Learn to meditate. Sit quietly for 20 minutes and breathe naturally. Count your breath to 10 and start again. The idea is to have something to concentrate on, so that you keep yourself completely present and don't digress mentally (which you will tend to do, by the way). Some sentences use similar methods in a Christian context. After several weeks and days of prayer, you can begin to notice positive results in your life: calmer, more concentration, more focus and more understanding of how negative the mental "chatter" can be.
Join or return to the church, synagogue, mosque or temple. This is a safe way to meet interesting people and get involved with your community. You don't have to be so religious if you're not - for example, universalist unitarians, who come from Christian roots, are known to welcome and include people of other faiths, including agnostics, atheists, pagans, free thinkers, humanist and liberal lay people of all kinds.


Make new friends. Last but not least, don't hide during your free time. Spend time with people you care about. Arrange meetings with your friends on a regular basis, go out spontaneously once in a while and catch up with family members you haven't seen in a while, to find out how they are doing. Even if you don't want to spend a lot of time on these activities, include some time in your week to make sure you're keeping your connection with others in a way that's free from the constraints of time, obligations and timelines you've imposed on yourself, so that you have the opportunity to share your ideas, have fun and reenergize through your connections.



• Stay in good physical shape. Free time gives you a good opportunity to maintain your exercise levels, whether you're walking or working in a gym; how well you stay fit is up to you. Try to make it fun. You can even listen to music while you work out.
• One way to appreciate life more is at the end of the day. Before you go to bed, write down five things for the day that you are grateful for. It can be hard to think of five things at first, but it's okay if you repeat things from the previous days. You will find that you look for good things throughout the day and write them down at night. This will improve your vision of life. Don't be strict about punctuation, writing, how often you write, etc. You'll just get discouraged. Write whatever, however and whenever you want (unless you're trying to improve your writing skills).
• Take your time trying new experiences. Something that initially seems difficult may begin to please you and will be more rewarding when you get used to it.
• Don't get too committed. You don't want to ruin the fun by putting a lot of things together to do. The free time should be pleasant, not stressful.
• It's your time. If you decide to leave a church, volunteer group or hobby, that's fine. You are the first and last person who can judge what is good for your time; other people's opinions are only their opinions. Remember, it's your life, so do your best with it and become a good person.


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