Four qualities of my dearest friends (almost 10k followers!)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Every year I go up to Vermont and host a multi day party. My brother and I own a small cabin in the woods and we pack it full of people. It's like a little ski shack, but we shove people in it like crazy. There are 5 very small bedrooms in the house. We've had as many as 34 people stay the night. It's packed! I'm actually thinking of hosting a giant Steem party this summer since I like hosting these. I may end up renting a summer camp before/after camp is in session and let people from the platform come for a week and hang out like it was steem summer camp :)

We've been hosting this party for over 25 years. And I'm blessed to have friends that have been coming for more than a decade some of them I've known for 30 years. Most of them I've known for 20 years or more. I have a very blessed life that I'm grateful for on the daily.

Now, it takes some qualities to be handle a 15-30 person party in a house not really designed for more than 10 at a time. I just want to pull a few of those things together and talk about some characteristics of my best friends for 30 years.

Current/Former outdoors people

Most of us met at outdoor summer camps. I've personally hiked over 400 miles on the Appalachian trail. Some of these people have done most of those miles with me. If you can handle the stress of carrying a 40-80lbs pack, filled with communal stuff, have to take turns at chores, pissing and shitting in the woods and outhouses, and living without electronics for a while then you're my kind of people. These folks have inner strength, a lot of character, physical strength, and a tolerance for living in less than luxurious settings (which this party requires).

Professional Nerds

Look at the room I see an architect, a computer programmer, an accountant, a pharma project manager, and me. Often we have some lawyers, teachers, and doctors up here too. We're nerds. I roll with nerds. Literally, I roll dice with nerds as we play pathfinder, splendor, catan, and a million other euro style games. One of the foundations of this place is a willingness to hang out and play games and have that be a fun weekend.

Work Ethic

The house is heated by wood. I had to go out this morning in sub zero temperatures to take wood from the primary stack, bring it inside, and stoke the fire. I would have done it alone. I didn't ask anyone to go, and within 5 minutes of being outside two other dudes were there to help me stack. Stacking wood sucks. It even sucks more when it's sub zero degrees, but that's who these people are. They have a sense of pitching in. Sure it makes us all warm, but they could have let me do it all, but my peeps don't mind contributing.


I think after all the years I've lived I've finally settled on the most important feature of a person that I look for is warmth. You're allowed good days and bad days. You're allowed to be happy or sad. The best measurement of your baseline is your level of warmth. Not temperature so much as genuine kindness and caring towards other people. Looks will fade. Brains will slow. But your heart will keep being kind towards others if that's what you cultivated. My friends will pickup the phone to check in if you're sick. They'll root for you when there is success they themselves aren't currently experiencing. They look out for one another.

I'm blessed

Most of the world doesn't have it as good as my family does. That's part of why I think it's so important that I spend my time fighting for change. I'm looking to spread Peace, Abundance, and Liberty throughout the world. I'm blessed by a lovely wife, amazing kids, and fantastic friends. Hopefully your friends support you, love you, and care for you and it's reciprocal.


You really are blessed. Its good that you have that many wonderful people in your life. I'm very picky with friends and uncomfortable hosting those many people but I feel in some ways blessed as well that we have you here in STEEMIT. This platform will be successful no matter what but its damn sure awesome to have people like you here.

YES Steemit summer camp, let's make this happens!

You have a wonderful blessed life it sounds like heaven, it sounds like so much fun to get together at the cabin, what a blast! I'm one of twenty children and when we get together its amazing so I kinda know how that is, have a healthy happy and blessed me year!!🎊🎊🎊

Nice job! I'm reading the tenth article of yours. You just got my witness-vote.

I am also a beginner in steemit,I hope we can work together,I am sure you are a great writer,so you show all your works in this #STEEMIT ,if you like short story,follow me @mindsmania
, Now i am in the process of writing a short story that i will post on the #STEEMIT platform..Thanks for your

Friends, family is what makes our lives enjoyable and make it come alive.

awww :) im glad you guys have such a great time together, and that so many of your friends sound very different from one another but still enjoy each other's company! Unity in diversity! The more the merrier :)

You are a wise man. Yes those are wonderful qualities. I look for some of the same qualities in those I am close to. I would rather have a small handful of good friends than a whole bunch of 'friends'. Thanks for sharing this.

I love this @aggroaed. This made me smile. :) We will always have friends who'll stay with us through thick and thin. How you are accepted despite everything or years of friendship is something and valuable. And now I understand PAL, you're so blessed because you're a blessing to others. :) I am happy I met you here.

Good friends are hard to come by. Especially one’s that will hike with you through the tough miles, literally and figuratively. Real companions make life worth living.

Reading your entire blog carefully I am so happy that people like you @aggroed are still alive who carry on the very beautiful tradition since long (almost 30 years). I solute you on your great job which you have done so far for your friends, This is indeed a rare practice in this world:
We've been hosting this party for over 25 years. And I'm blessed to have friends that have been coming for more than a decade some of them I've known for 30 years. Most of them I've known for 20 years or more. I have a very blessed life that I'm grateful for on the daily.
All the very best for your good work, keep sharing and Stay Blessed!

Hey, @aggroed!
There is a very famous quote of Lucius Annaeus Seneca;
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood

First of all i would like to say you that you are blessed if your span of friendship is of about 30 Years Wow!
This thing indicates true friendship does not need money or status it demands sincerity and understanding only. The above traits which you mentioned in your blog are actually the traits of REAL FRIENDSHIP.
Absolutely right you said;

Looks will fade. Brains will slow. But your heart will keep being kind towards others if that's what you cultivated.

I have also a strong bond for past 18 years with my Friends who are cousins in relation to me, my age fellows as well. Your blog reminds me them as they are working at different places of the glob at the moment but still we have bond and we are in contact to each other. Your scenario is entirely different then ours, as i said you are blessed because they all are with you.

How beautiful example of humanity and Friendship i just read via this blog.

Thanks for sharing such motivational wording it will definitely boost our relationship with our friends zone.

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

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