ADSactly Life: Do you hear my heart beating?

in #life5 years ago


Do you hear my heart beating?

Hello, friends of @adsactly

Another month starts and we barely notice. We are so accustomed to living in a fast race against time that stopping to think that we are entering the ninth month of the year seems like a luxury or a madness. In recent days I have been doing a thousand things, every day I have woken up from sleep, yearning that the day had more than 24 hours, but not to rumbear, walk, eat, but to achieve all the things I must do. The verb that is repeated is TO DO; not to feel, to see, to listen or to live. To do nothing is almost blasphemy, a sin, a crime in these times.

Society robotizes us, we systematize our lives in pursuit of what we believe is good for us and will make us happy. We work like ants hoping to obtain economic benefits, comforts, and when we obtain them, we continue working more and more, because we are nonconformist, because the more we have, the more we want, and this is how man falls into a spiral of never ending. And in the end, in the end we die without knowing if we have really lived what we had to live.


Once, my grandmother told me that a child had been born in our family who didn't know how to laugh. This curious fact went unnoticed by the whole family until the boy in question grew up. Everyone in the family wondered how a person had grown up without knowing how to laugh. When the boy's parents took him to the psychologist, they discovered that like many things, laughter is imitated and exercised. No one in his environment, whether for lack of time or you know for what reason, had taught the child to laugh. It took a long time for this person to show his teeth in a splendid smile, but a few years later he died, so he could not exercise much of this action.


Like the previous family story, I remember reading a text by the Venezuelan writer Pedro Berroeta entitled El olvido (Forgetfulness). This story tells the story of a mature woman who has dedicated her life to work and in one way or another has forgotten to live, so her life is sterile and gray. The narrator tells us:

The day the woman discovered that it was easy to become sad, that day she chose grey and dressed in it. Her sadness was not one of those masks that are put according to the occasion. No. His sadness was "prior to the womb". Her life was conceived so that all of her would be a shield and a duel.

This passage allows us to see that the woman always had a sullen, pessimistic disposition, as if it were a birthmark, since, although she tells us that she chose at a certain moment to be like this, her sadness was "prior to the womb":

The fact that she was no longer a girl gave the woman a grim expression that made her unsociable and a hermit. The family managed to find her a suitor, arguing that the lack of husband and children was the cause of so much severity in the face and so much dryness in the body.


The woman fell in love and married, but always with a face of desolation. Everyone who looked at the woman was infected with pessimism and bitterness. One day, the woman discovered that she was pregnant and while her environment was celebrating with the news, the woman took a sigh of resignation. Working at home kept the woman busy, so bringing a child into the world was not one of her fundamental tasks. One day, the woman did not feel the baby in her womb so she went to the doctor. The doctor, after several examinations, told her that the fetus had stopped consuming food. Naturally, the baby had felt all the indisposition of the mother and little desire to live from her, so the fetus or body had activated a suicide:

There was no doubt, the fetus had not managed to survive the sour environment of the mother, the amniotic fluid altered the beats that were just beginning to feel. The sadness had begun to be inherited, but this creature, unlike its mother, had disconnected such a nefarious legacy.


I don't know to what extent this is true and good, but I think sometimes that, every day, we commit suicide. We activate in our organism the process of turning off, to silence what we feel, so as not to suffer what we live, so as not to know anything about what surrounds us. Not definitively, but slowly, almost imperceptibly. We are that relative of mine who never knew how to laugh and when he did, it was already late or like that baby, who knowing himself in a hostile environment, naturally disconnects.

In these days when STEEM was down, before ranting and pulling my hair, I left my room, had coffee and enjoyed the pleasure of doing nothing. I was also with my family, watching the sea, laughing and celebrating being alive. I realized that each beat of my heart was an exact and punctual constancy of being grateful and content with life.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I invite you to vote for @adsactly as witnesses and join our server in discord. Until the next smile. ;)

Enrique Congrains Martín (1967) Venezuelan stories of the 20th century. Monte Ávila. Venezuela.

Written by: @nancybriti

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" I realized that each beat of my heart was an exact and punctual constancy of being grateful and content with life." Nothing to add! Have a beautiful day!

A beautiful day for you too, @johano.

Your post, @nancybriti, is charged with much vitality, admirable and favorable attitude, especially in these dark times that touch us live. To live the day to day with that vital force, the "carpe diem" of the ancients, is not an easy thing. I do not stigmatize sadness or hopelessness, because they are also forms of existence, and thanks to them we have been able to access transcendental literary, artistic, philosophical works... For a long time I have thought that it is a question of finding this "unstable balance" between opposites, which, of course, is a conscious and arduous task. Thank you for your good post and greetings, @nancybriti.

I agree with that balance that keeps us upright and alive in life. Who knew about the day without living the night? But I bet on the feeling of joy and optimism that is very scarce these days, because it is in the midst of the storm that we learn to fight. Greetings. ;)

When we live we must be aware of the value of this very valuable life. Every heartbeat and every clink of the clock is in place. Make our lives more meaningful. Make life a pleasure that we are grateful for. When our hearts are filled with gratitude, our faces will be radiant. A smile will expand and a laugh will be easy to do. do not make our lives so full of burden, even though problems will always come. but believe that all storms will pass and life will feel more beautiful.
Thank you @nancybriti
thank you @adsactly
Thank you Steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia

Sometimes I believe that the sum of the years does not age, but when we lose the joy and passion of living. I have seen many young people with the souls of old people, almost dead in life. On the other hand, I have seen old people with all the joy of a child. To live each day as if it were the last one ;)

I often hear people say they want to wear their problems on their faces as they think this will help them get someone to help them, but on the contrary, I think it is essential to live a happy and glowing life irrespective of what life throws at you.
Amazing piece you've got here and the art work is beautiful as well.

The idea is not to be overwhelmed with work, activities or labors; the idea is to live, in every sense of the word. To enjoy even the crumbs and to be thankful to be alive. Greetings

Of course Nancy, you are absolutely correct.

I have one friend who has a beautiful life, a good career that takes her all over the world, healthy children and a very beautiful house in the woods near a stream, enough money, enough time, enough. Yet she can not stop complaining about her ex-husband, or her bosses, or her lovers, or even her children. It is very difficult to be with her. But when we go for a walk outside (which I do rarely because I don't want to be stuck with her for an hour listening to her complain) she can often access joy. I believe we need to unplug, get outside, swim in the ocean and lay on the earth. That way we can recalibrate and find more of the positive human traits inside. I feel so sad for the child who could not laugh and the embryo who chose not to be born.

They are very sad stories, but they help us to understand that human beings are complex and that sometimes we are unable to see the importance of being alive. Your friend's story is very significant and comes in very handy as an example. It is enough to look at our environment to realize that life is only one, that there are people with less than us and happier. Betting on life, without complaining, can be a good daily exercise. Thank you very much for your excellent comment, @owasco

there are people with less than us and happier is so very true. I hope you don't mind if I place a link here to a recent post of mine regarding this. If you do not want it here, I will remove it. I am still unclear on what is allowed, or not, on steem. @adsactly gave me a nice upvote on this, for which I am very grateful.

Excellent report, @owasco. I didn't know your work. I will try to follow you because I like your style and your tone. @adsactly supports people who comment on his blog and especially supports quality work. Your work is of high quality. Would you like to be on our team of writers? greetings and Thank you ;)

@nancybriti, In my opinion Life is not fast inturn we human beings created this fast moving lives and definitely many lost the peaceful times and that divine slowness where we experience every moment with great attachment but now months are passing like hours. Times are changed and don't know how this Fast Race will be converted in the future.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hadn't seen it from that perspective! It is true, time is the same, human beings are those who move faster and faster and erratically. We have less time to embrace, to talk, to observe things. In the end, when death is near, we will say that we have not lived and it will be too late. Thank you for commenting, @chireerocks

Welcome and that's how Human Beings deceiving themselves.

Posted using Partiko Android

An alarming wakeup call. Drastic as the afirmation may sound, I agree with you that we have somehow managed to kill ourselves every day. Let's call it a partial but persistent suicide attemp.
I feel like that sometimes good or bad news provoke the same nonreaction.
It should not be like that, but like the character in the story we may find it easy or confortable to choose numbing our senses.
Thanks for the reflection.

In recent years, I have seen how every day I become more insensitive to certain things, how I disconnect more easily from my environment, how I manage to deactivate my brain in the face of some political event in the country. It's like I'm mentally and emotionally somewhere else, somewhere where things hurt less and it doesn't cost as much to live. Hugs, @hlezama.

Sometimes the environment inevitably affects us, I must confess that the current situation of my country has led me to moments of depression with the desire to leave everything and emigrate to another country, with two daily power cuts and an almost useless Internet sometimes leads to despair and bad mood ... But these moments have also helped me to find myself, reflect, be more patient and not allow the environment to affect. Having a positive attitude towards adversity is definitely the best option. Excellent publication.

I too have felt many times like this, @lights, and I try not to fill myself with hatred and turn unhappiness around. Maybe it won't be the best solution, but it will be the healthiest. No one told us that being Venezuelan would be easy. Hugs

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