Dog walks, Grandparents, and Steem all the way

in #life6 years ago

About 6/7 weeks ago, I started working in a Bar. Find out how that came to an abrupt end this weekend, and what my plans are going forward....


I took my mothers dog for a walk this morning, something that has not happened that often at all recently. Now though, my mornings are free again and I can again choose what I fill the day with. Taking the dog around the town and accidentally bumping into an empty dog-park was just what Scruffy needed. She is almost always on her lead when she is outdoors - her desire to chase cats and square up to dogs twice the size of her, means she has to be restrained. The dog park was a rare chance to be un-chained and stretch her legs. It's funny though, she just followed me around until I made the effort to run away, or I sneaked off whilst she was sticking her nose into something.


Not that you can tell from these photos, but she's actually pretty swift. Apparently, Tibetan Terriers have stamina and energy to burn. I will take her out a bit more often.

No longer a barman

Well that didn't last that long did it? 😋

And if I hadn't already named the place and the town it is located, this would be the part where I lay into the things that aren't right there, and if spotted by the 'right' people, could mean serious implications for the bar. However, I can still write about why I resigned, and if the boss wants to argue, she'll have to create a Steem account to do so.

Say you accidentally turn up for work when the night before, you've received a text message saying 'no need to come in early, do the evening shift'. This message slips your mind, and you turn up as normal, 15 minutes early and start opening up. Then, the owner arrives and reminds you about the text they have sent...

I checked my phone, and laughed. 'Woops'.

She said something along the lines of, 'I don't need you this morning, but now you are here, I can go to the stores and get some stock'.

And so I empty the boot with the items purchased that morning, stock the bar, clean up from last night, and get the place ready for action. My shift ends early afternoon and I then return to work for my evening shift, and as it was Friday, it's payday too.

When my shift ends, I text the weekly hours worked to my boss, she has a quick scan (having never written anything down herself with regards to my hours worked), and hands over my pay.

'I'm splitting the difference with you for those hours you weren't supposed to work this morning'.

I said 'OKKK', and took the money. It was a hours pay short - I wasn't clear what 'splitting the difference' meant before that point.

Having thought about it further, and along with everything else that didn't sit right with me with regards to the bar, I decided I would be handing the keys over the next day as my resignation. I was met by the boss, and another colleague who were in summary, impolite, accusative, and not very cool at all.

I waited until they had finished, and then asked the co-worker a question.

If an employee turned up to work by accident, would you a) send them home, b) allow them to work and pay them, c) allow them to work and only tell them they wont be being payed when handing over a reduced paycheck.

Of course, the question was partly rhetorical, they were siding with my boss until that point, when they were silent.

My (ex) boss, when to the til, or probably the tips jar, and said 'you can have your fucking 7 euros'.

For me, this is not about the 7 euros, there is more to it than that. I think the above is super shady and unfair, and not something I would ever consider doing to someone. There's only 2 possible answers to give to the question above, right?

Anyway, I calmly put the keys on the table next to the 7 euros, and walked out. I'm not a vindictive person, or someone who wishes bad towards someone else, but if the bar and it's owner were to come up against hard times, I wouldn't say that they did not deserve it.

So I'm done, for now. What's next?

100% Steemian

For now, it's back to full time Steem 😃

I've not been keeping up with replies I receive, and I've not had as much time this past month as I would like to curate or produce content. Hopefully, this can now change and the little jobs I do for people each week or the tasks assigned by @utopian-io or in preparation for Steemfest 3 presentations, will not seem like chores and I'll have the energy to do a good job.

He was a shadow of his former Steemian

The type of content I can produce when I have more time in the day can change too. I can get stuck into more analysis posts, and produce pies/charts for people. It's these posts (Utopian), and the potential for 100 replies (pies and charts) that can take a lot of time up, and so for the past month or so my feed has been without them. Hopefully that can change this week, and maybe I can include some more delegations and prizes.

Before I leave today, I want to mention my grandad, who has recently gone into a care home. He's 91, and no longer able to look after himself, and so with my uncle working and mother over here in Majorca, this is the best place and only real option.


That's him on the left and my uncle on the right at the care home last week. My grandad took the family to Menorca (not far from here) when I was about 9, it was my first trip on a plane. He also worked as a brick-layer for 50 years and had a hand in a number of buildings, in and around my home town in England.

His time left is unlikely to be long, but I just want to say, 'thanks for the memories grandad, you and grandma were always kind and loving to us'.

Thanks for reading



I am sure that everything will be fine with you. I would do the same in your place !!!

Thanks @cranium, I'm glad to hear you would do similar. Steem on :D

I'm sorry to hear you barman career found an abrupt end. The issues with your boss sound pretty strange :/
Nevertheless, great to have you back at full-time Steem and looking forward to pies, tables, figures and graphs! :)

It's been an interesting couple of months. I've enjoyed working there, excluding the BS - bar work can be fun. Anyway, back to working hard here and fingers crossed, the potential far exceeds pulling pints :D

"...if the boss wants to argue, she'll have to create a Steem account to do so."


It's true :D But I don't think she has the address saved, so I'm probably 'safe'. Some people eh!

lovely message to your grandad.

And good to have you back on steem full time ;-)

Thanks Paula, looking forward to being involved more here again :)

Where one door closes, others open. In this case, it was you who closed the door, and it was probably for the best when I read this. I personally wouldn't stand for this kind of behaviour from a boss either. And you're right, it's not about the money, but about principle. If it were me, I probably would have told her to stick the 7 euro up her...., of course: politely and with a smile. The Karma train will come to those who mess with people, I am sure of it. I'm glad to hear you're full-time Steemian again, and able to step out of the shadow :) I am sure you'll be perfectly fine.

Thank you for this lovely message!

I was close to telling her to stick it where the sun doesn't shine, but I politely declined the money because as you say, it's the principle that counts for much more.

We'll see how the place goes over the winter, without my custom of course. Thank you!

Okay, 1. Bar tending will always be there because people will always drink 2. It’s unfortunate but sometimes working in that industry we are forced to be amicable with some of the less dignified people in our society 3. There is no flipping way anybody wouldn’t pay me what they owe me. Not necessarily because it’s about the money but it’s about the principal. The owner of that bar sounds like a complete and utter turd and not cool enough at all to create a Steemit account so feel free to tell us all about it.

I’ve been a bartender my entire adult life and what I’ve come to realize is that most people are great. It’s the few that are dirt bags who can really ruin it for the rest of us. Lucky for you and every other bartender out there, there is no shortage of bars to tend. So the famous words of my Dad strike me in this instance, “piss off” (in extreme English accent). Haha

Thanks for sharing @abh12345

... it’s about the principal. The owner of that bar sounds like a complete and utter turd...

Yes it is, and what a fine word to describe their actions :D

Piss off was likely close to my lips, being British and too old to tolerate douche-bag behavior. There are a lot of nice people to serve, it's a shame that some really put a dampener on things. Anyway, glad to be back and more engaged :D

Yes, I call it “douche-bag-er-y”. My dad was British too :). A much funnier bunch if I do say so myself. Anyway, good to see you engaging more then, and who knows maybe another bar gig will come up that is ran by decent people 🤷🏼‍♀️ It happens… I swear.

Seems like they/she really "squeezed" you. Good decision man.

The thought of that makes me want to vom in my mouth a little :D

Thanks man, onwards!

Sounds like a win win all round :) Life has an interesting way of steering us in our true direction....
re. your granddad... it is never easy but you have put your focus in the right place.

Yeah for sure! If I focus here as hard as the likes of you for example, I could probably make better value of my time. I actually quite liked the job, but will not work for people like that.

and they will unlikely change... so you are better off! It may not all be roses, but worth it in the long haul :) and I am certain you will make the best of it.

The 'irregularities' around the bar I am unable to count on one hand. I'm better off staying away, as my mum told me the other day :)

Morals and ethics will carry you a lot further ;)

I believe that too :)

I once quit a job (after hitting critically low patience level for similar mistreatment) by locking the filing cabinet and then walking to the river with the key and tossing it in during my lunch break. That was nearly 20yrs ago and I'm still on that lunch break to this day. I bet, by now, they've realized I'm not coming back (and neither is that key).

ahaha :D

'critically low patience', I have felt that often and normally in relation to employment over the years.

That's why I like this place of work, y'all over the world n stuff :D

Oh man, that is terribly shady and underhand. You did the right thing. Feck them. You don't accept the work then diddle them on their paycheck regardless of the amount!

I'm glad it's not just me thinking that is proper shady! I would have been happy with being sent home as it was my mistake. It's no mistake though not to pay someone for time spent working. Feck them indeed!

Sent home is the done thing in those circumstances! Double feck them!!

Did you hear steem won the netcoins thing!

Which I would have gladly accepted, and gone for a snooze by the pool.

I didn't know that, nice one Steem! Now we just wait potentially for everything to fall into place :)

It's falling! Slowly but surely!!

And who wouldn't take a chance of a snooze by the pool!

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