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RE: Facebook’s Libra + Bitcoin + Trump + Israel = 666 Orwellian Dystopia

in #libra5 years ago (edited)

I presume if you commented (and thank you) that you want my frank reaction.

Christianity is the truth.

That blanket statement “______ is truth” is too open-ended which enables many fools to be fooled by fake “________”. So I must agree with ESR’s justified fear of “Christianity” when it is so summarized as being truth without stipulating which truth(s) specifically?

Christianity basically only means to me:

  1. Decentralized, selfless, superrational sacrifice for all of God’s creation with a priority on those are eager to learn and uphold these two truths herein.

  2. Coming out of the Great Harlot which are the failings of men who try to organize in Babylonian governance thinking that man can rely on such things which instead turn against man, because of the Iron Law of Political-Economics.

Jesus lived. Performed miracles. Died on a cross. Rose from the dead.

I wasn’t there so I do not know that for sure. Were you? Do you personally know anyone who observed these claims?

Literary metaphor to make a philosophical point doesn’t depend on the archaeological record.

The disciples that abandoned him after his arrest proclaimed that he rose from the dead and all died for their faith except John. Saul of Tarsus, the biggest opponent of the early church, was confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus. He became Paul the Apostle, the biggest defender of the faith and the one who spread the gospel the furthest.

How do we know that Paul was not a false prophet spreading blasphemy?

Jesus stated that he spoke in Parables so that only those who really want to understand will understand.

I instead focus on the self-evident two truths I have pulled out as being more fundamental to Christianity.

Gold and silver are what you want to invest in.

Disagree. I cited the Parable of the Talents in my blog. Burying your capital in the ground is an abomination. The entire point of saving is in order to be able to put that money back to work in the economy eventually to help more of humanity. Money is not our own. We are only caretakers of capital. It can all be taken away from us if we’re not using it to do maximum good.

Gold is barely usable as money anymore, because the governments have a stranglehold on its movement across borders and exchanges at dealers. Cryptocurrency has orders-of-magnitude more monetary utility than gold: Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless

Central banks around the world are stockpiling gold while the prestitutes in the media criticize gold.

Why should I emulate what Satan’s evil system is doing. That should not drive the decisions of a true Christian. I cited the scripture in my blog that says we should give to Caesar what is his and render unto God what is God’s.

Besides Bitcoin + Libra have arrived to disintermediate the nation-state central banks. They’re dying:

Silver is the ultimate industrial metal.

Which is why it is nearly worthless as a monetary metal. The stock-to-flows ratios are too low and physical money is dying, especially as a medium-of-exchange.

Both silver and gold prices are being suppressed by paper contracts that outnumber physical by a hundred to one.

From all that I have learned about this topic, I can assert with confidence that’s confirmation-biased, delusion put into your head by propagandists.

Many delusional, arrogant, and ignorant goldbugs prefer to regurgitate Wikipedia’s lies about Armstrong, because they want to discredit the truths Armstrong explained about precious metals.

$50,000 gold is coming. Most likely much higher.

That would require gold to have a $250+ trillion market cap. Impossible.

It would be quite selfish of you to wish for gold to rise to $50,000 because: Rise of Hard Money is a Harbinger of Misery

That is even more true now given that gold can’t actually be used as transportable money by society-at-large anymore. Essentially what you’re implicitly wishing for is a scorched earth Mad Max outcome, because gold has become totalitarianism, not a free market.

Remember Smaller Things Grow Faster. Better to invest in Bitcoin which has a much smaller market cap than gold.

Quoting from the article someone cited in email:

gold is also the ultimate asset to own and possess in times of crisis and emergency

False. Delusion from people who have not an accurate understanding of history:

“Will there be a black market for hard cash in the states? […]” Gold may still be viable outside of the major cities the further you get off the grid. However, keep in mind that absent moving too far into a Dark Age where even gold loses all value, such a period historically tends to last 3.5 to 6 years max. Dark Ages you multiply that by 100.

So the period in which gold is money during a scenario where PUBLIC CONFIDENCE in government is trashed, only lasts at most 6 years and then only FOOD, GUNS, and CIGARETTES become money.

I wrote in a BCTalk forum thread I created in 2016 (WHEN BITCOIN WAS $600) Precious metals are not useful in a collapse scenario!:

[…] your arrogant misunderstanding is you do not understand what money is. You seem to confuse money with other things such as investments and speculations (which don't necessarily require ubiquitous public confidence).

Very few people correctly and fully wrap their mind around what money is. So you'll likely find a lot of sympathy/support for your blissful ignorance.

This is why now physical money can't move us forward. Gold and silver could only take us back to a Dark Age. We must move forward, because the degrees-of-freedom in society had shifted due to technological advancement. I would need to write another essay to explain this in more detail and don't have the time nor cognitive energy to do it now.

Actually doesn't make sense at all. You want to be buying bullion that can be liquidated if the collapse doesn't go extreme. Otherwise you don't want to be buying precious metals at all.

This is why crypto-currency is going to kick ass.

Please stop talking nonsense about silver coins as an investment. It is stupidest thing I have ever once thought was true until I woke up from being a dumb ass tinfoil hat.

There is no strong case for silver. It is more volatile than gold, less liquid, and there is no supply crunch problem. The precious metal promoters are fooling you with lies and propaganda.

Peak oil is propaganda lie that Rothschilds has been funding same as the Man-made global warming lie.

And they aren't buying silver dimes. They are buying Comex bars, bullion, ETFs, and otherwise investing based on liquidity.

Any BS from gold propagandists to the contrary is not factual.

The issue is whether it will be liquid during a collapse, which has nothing to do with the relative supply that is stored in some few numbers of vaults mostly controlled by super wealthy and governments.

Comparing the liquidity of gold to Bitcoin now for an individual with a wireless computer connection in most locations of the world to liquidity of physical precious metal coin in those locations, makes gold look pathetic.

You son, don't understand precious metals. Get off my lawn with your pathetic attempts to insult yourself.

You have a significant reading comprehension deficiency. This is 3rd time I've told you that the scenario entertained is "in a collapse". We aren't talking about being able to drive over to your coin dealer (who btw in a collapse scenario has already been killed and all his inventory stolen). Your Porsche 911 has been destroyed in this scenario.

Btw, there are no coin dealers in Mindanao nor in rural areas of most of the world.

Try to sell some precious metal where I am, and you'll be missing an arm or finger or eyeball not too long after that.

I tried to be liquid with gold and silver in the Philippines and I lost my ass because of it.

Before you spout off nonsense from your armchair, you should actually have experience.

Gold can go very high if we don't get abject social collapse, and it will rise because it is a hedge against governments. And $5k is plausible, but not higher.

But gold is not going to go up in the in between scenarios, such as the one we are in now where the dollar will become very strong (go read my posts in the Martin Armstrong thread to understand why) and then later if we slide into abject collapse.

So gold has a very limited window of scenarios for large gains.

Whereas, crypto-currency is a nascent technology that is going to spread all over the world and become used by millions and billions of people.

You are comparing a maybe 4X gain over the next decade, to a 100X gain. Precious metals are pathetic.

Any one buying precious metals right now and not Bitcoin @$700 is an idiot.

Those who stay in precious metals are going to see losses in 2017 (due to the surging dollar) and then only at most a 4 X gain from current prices over next several years.

Those in solid crypto-currency speculations are going to see 10 - 100 X gain in that same timeframe.

Precious metal bugs are irrational extremists, who are locked and loaded in their basements. They are goofy insane. They may be smart in other ways, but they have a few screws loose in the noggin.

If you believe gold and silver are great investments, then buy an ETF. But noooo, y'all 'bugs are preparing for the end of the world scenario so an ETF isn't reliable. But in the collapse scenario, their goofy silver dimes are as useful as eating concrete.

I tried to sell at $21 to take profits before the crash to $9 and again at $48 before the crash in 2011. I was rebuked both times. 18,000 oz of physical metal is difficult to sell at the top if you don't have it sitting in a Comex warehouse or otherwise have a very deep pocket dealer close by. Forget it in the Philippines.

400% gain over several years ?

Life's a bitch ~LOL~

That is the maximum possible. And good luck actually cashing out with that gain. And good luck with your governments not declaring you a terrorist and money launderer for having gold and silver.

What you fail to understand mathematically (because you don't have a high enough IQ to reason about this issue in a mathematical abstraction) about efficient markets in general is they always require a market maker who has deep liquidity. Barter doesn't require a market maker, but barter is extremely inefficient because the currency is not fungible.

That is the reason that for example USA dollars were liquid in Argentina's collapse and German marks in Bosnia, because those both had market makers externally which sustained the liquid value of the currency. Whereas, the market makers in gold are the damn investment banks such as Goldman and JP Morgan who you think you are fighting by buying the metal. When chaos ensues, your local dealer can no longer use a futures contract with the Comex to hedge his purchases and sales. Why do you think mega dealer Tulving went bankrupt!

For fiat, the market makers are the banks and thus ultimately the central banks which set the reserve ratio requirements, etc..

Crypto-currency is unique because for the market makers are all of us meeting a free market on exchanges.

Rather than speculating, just go study history. Armstrong has, and he says that if it gets bad enough to where you need to abandon the established money system, then you go to food as money.

Where metal was used as money was because it was already the money system before the collapse ensued. Even then when the collapse was severe enough, only food was money.

So you pray that we don't lose the existing money system or that Bitcoin can transition to a popular currency before the collapse, otherwise only food (and maybe bullets since you can use that to steal or guard food) will be money.

The only way your fantasy of a silver dime monetary barter system would take form is if you have an organized community with governance, security, and enshrining silver dimes as the monetary system to give it the confidence it needs. And then some market makers to provided the liquidity between debt, silver dimes, and production. And you have to then provide for defense against more powerful invaders, so your community can't be too small.

Money has always been what people trust and have confidence in. This doesn't mean the metal itself, but as Armstrong has explained many times it was the stamp on the metal. Even when the invaders took over the Roman Empire, they used the stamps on the coins from the former Empire because it was more trusted.


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