ROMEO: Share the love - Brand Movie [with steem-bounty]

in #lgbt6 years ago (edited)

Metaphysics of Gay Love

Most of you, who know me from private chats, also know my critique on several issues regarding dating platforms and similar variations.

After few weeks of discussing what's going up on Romeo, my abstinence, what kind of philosophies one has to deal with, get used to and what kind of topics one is forced to, I decided to make a post, after seeing a groundbreaking new brand movie. Btw. on their blog they now have plastic surgery on the agenda, maybe not that wrong to have this topic on the table, I'm curious what you think about, how it is presented from your viewpoint as professional cryptoblogger. Well, categorizing it as lifestyle says already a lot I think, please take that into consideration when writing a comment on that issue.

Back to my motivation: Please try to feel into this sensitively created sentiment, how the lyrics of the song are intertwined with the moving pictures, the emotional moments, which are implicitly embodied through the couples:


And I realize
With our tongues tied
We got nothing to lose at all
And I realize
I still wanna stay
Wanna stay ohhh
At the sunrise
We say good night
But I don't wanna go
Don't let me waste away,
Don't let me waste away again, again
We got nothing to lose at all

Yours Cryptolover Undercover, locally known as @sciencevienna


So much content condensed in this short article. It will require from me to sleep on it and I'll try to reply when I'll be more involved about the topics and links related to your post! Glad I found it thanks to the fb notifications on steemitvibes as it is not easy to follow when one of us is publishing without runnning from a friend account to another to check (yes I know I should use steemworld or :P)! Have a good rest. ;-)

So are you going to actually comment in regards to the article - strange how you have recieved to many upvotes without actually saying anything.

I took the time to check fast the article, and just wanted to show effectively my support to my friend by letting a first comment on his article. What is the problem?

Yes @jnmarteau, we're still waiting for your comment :P

I think this is a way to scam the bounty system see the screenshot below.


The same people vote on all his comments - all his comments have nearly the same payout - this is some vote ring scammy bullshit - I hope you reconsider voting for his comment.

and yes, I have invested in +12 community projects to support the community, and share the rewards with the contributors notably of or @globalschool, so yes, these accounts are effectively supporting my committement and reward redistribution.

last thing, such messages here, motivated me to react to them, not to the article, thanks for making me lose my time and mind.

Your system may have been created with honest intentions but seeing as there is a bounty on this post - and how bountys work it's hard not to think that there was something sneaky going on - all I was attempting to do was ensure that someone was not taking advantage of the system to maximize rewards while not actually providing value to the post in question / the blockchain - I apologize for implying you were intentionally doing something dishonest.

That being said - I don't personally agree with the idea of having the same groups of people upvoting your comments. But that's just me.

@steem-bounty please review this.

Sorry I am a busy person, was not really available these last days, and I am still busy. I think you are going fast in judgment here. ;-)

PS: I have no clue whats steem-bounty, I'll check out this asap. Thanks for sharing. Best, Jean

Thx yes so many different levels to write about there :)

Congratulations! Your submission earned you 0.195 SBD from this bounty. You have received 0.000 SBD from the creator of the bounty and 0.195 SBD from the community!

well produced video w/ nice lighting on actors - dating sites are hook-ups mostly - plastic surgery among gays I could see this trend definitely - when I lived in Hillcrest all the dudes were very hot-went to the gym, etc........they looked better than straight guys

Hahaha indeed, but gym is not surgery, gym is like a prerequisite, this is also why I like that video so much it has a kind of authenticity, not pumped up aesthetic !

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I met an amazing guy on tinder, but I'm afraid I may not be good enough for him, so I'm scared to ask him out. Watching this makes me think about how happy we could be, but my fear is the only thing keeping me from that kind of happiness...

Ask him out! :) The interesting part starts after one or four months when first taste of love has disappeared. Being rejected is part of every lgbtiq+ person's life. Living between heartbreak and heartbeat:

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this lyrics are very poetic :)

and cinematically so carefully interpreted and transformed :)

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Alright well first off I clicked on the article to say "who the hell kisses like that" lol come on. That looks super uncomfortable!

That being said - let's discuss the song/video in question - I feel I must point out that I am a straight male - but have no problem with anything LGBT - none at all- the song and video are very touching - love is love - regardless of wheather it's between a man and a woman or two dudes - I actually really liked the song - tons of powerful imagery in the video as well.

Thanks for your quick, first comment. I am not sure which one of my relationships I had in life I could call "comfortable". For years I am struggling for words, to be able to say

love is love - regardless of whether it's between a man and a woman or two dudes

No problem at all. I just showed the video Tommy wife and she really wants to see more of the film.

that is the full movie already ;) just a short brand video, maybe they should have call it brand video, but the quality is far beyond that, what makes to call it "movie" quite appropriate

Wow yeah we got the impression that this was an epic story about multiple partners from the LGBT community. I say again very powerful film.

Yes indeed, would be nice to see a whole ne production aesthetic of this kind ;)

Yep... what he said... but I'm not a male... I'm a straight female!

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Nice one dear crypto lover and lover of #bounty

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When love is allowed to respond to life fully, freely, without preference or selective withholding, that’s true love.

I really liked the song and video

And if it is strong enough to sustain daily routine of each other ;) One often loves more then the other one and after amorousness is gone the question remains how truthful that kind of love really is

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Heyja! You've got a upvote from @PRP-LGBT, the Curation & Magazine Account for content like yours!
Thank you for sharing this!

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Yay thank you <3

Just let the love flow, there's nothing else you have to do if you want to be happy.

Nice song btw.

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Muy bueno tu post amiga saludos desde venezuela

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