Who have you met that brings hate to the community?

in #lgbt6 years ago

I've just left my last place of work a couple weeks ago and there was a guy there that I'll never forget.


He described himself as a 'neo-nazi protestant' with pride, and no shame whatsoever. First of all, the racism and sheer ignorance he displayed when it came to other people other than his 'own race' was disgusting. It's unacceptable and disrespectful beyond belief. I haven't heard somebody talk about people from different races with such hate before in my life.

The other thing he had a problem with was 'the gays', so he put it.

After asking me if I had a girlfriend and I said no, he swiftly followed with 'You better not have a boyfriend or you'll not be working with me anymore'. If it wasn't for his shiftiness and complete look of disgust, I would of put it down to joking tradesman banter, which in itself is bad but after working in the building trade for many years it's something you get used to hearing when your on the tools.

After learning a little about his past, I'd realized it wasn't just himself who acted in this way. His father also shared similar beliefs. The other striking thing being that his son also acted and spoke in exactly the same way.
Beliefs and views about people and communities are passed down and influenced by people before you and people around you. When they aren't challenged, they don't change.


This is wrong. It's influence from the wrong people that brings the next person down to their level.

I believe this man would rather die than get help from someone who is of color or was part of the LGBT community. How can beliefs like this get so strong and without sounding so cynical, will this hate and disgusting behavior still be strongly evident by the end of our lifetimes?

It's not just people at this extreme that fuel the hate. It's the people who do nothing about it and don't speak up when something is wrong. Like I said, if somebody is not challenged they won't change. There is no perspective change there.

People who are part of the LGBT community are completely equal to everybody else. People who spread hate and try to break the will of this community of people are not worth the energy, they don't add any value to any of ours lives. And the fact they think they can take value away from others just shows the sheer lack of intelligence and understanding of the human world we live in.

These people can not break us. They don't have the intellectual capabilities. They don't have the understanding. They don't have a heart.


We have to learn more about all aspects of people, we are all in this life together and I'm sure if you are here on Steemit you understand the power that we all have if we support and care for each other. By learning and understanding the walks of life everybody comes from we can create lasting change further down the line of our generations. Some people are doomed, they will carry on being the bringers of hate and won't change for the better, but they are not worth the breath.

No matter what, there is always somebody that needs support, we all have those days and it's always the little things that perk us back up and get us on our feet. So never forget to share your joy when you have it, you never know when you are on the other end of the stick.

I've wrote this post because I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines while people go on this way. I'm part of a great community and I need to make sure everybody is gaining the same exposure as each other.

Letting hate manifest and not challenging people for what they say is the route of our problems. We should stand up for all of the members of our community. It's not enough to say you support a community if you are not willing to challenge those who bring it down. We will actively challenge this mentality with support and having the posts of our LGBT community more visible across the platform.

Helping the community gain exposure is massively important. We should all do our bit to make sure every bodies voices are getting heard.

This isn't anything special, it's what we should all do. But making a commitment to change is the step in the right direction.


Unfortunately we run into these types, it's maddening and can be very hurtful. I struggle with knowing whether or not I should share the truth of who I am with them, or even when I should. Usually with some body with this strong of a position on what they believe I just keep being myself around them, and I don't force any awkward conversations on them.

Eventually as we get to know each other I'll open up more and if they aren't receptive I just don't go there. They're not going to change if they don't want to. I feel like if they get to know me for more than just being "insert label here" I have a better chance at them seeing me for who I really am, and that's when they start being more likely to want to examine their beliefs.

With that being said though... there are many people out there that are never going to be willing to change their minds. How do you know who those people are though?

This is a brilliant answer! No labels, no judgments. It's a shame there are people out there that are so bad that it's not even worth talking to them.

We just have to pick out the people who are worth the energy!

Well said.
The problem with challenging others is that they get defensive though ... it is very difficult to make people understand your point if they see everything you say as a personal attack - but that is how people are, some more than others.
One way of adressing these issues is involving people and showing them your point so they will figure it out themselves. But how can you influence people who basically hate almost everyone or everything that is different around them? How do you get people listening to other opinions if their very philosophy is that all those different views are a danger to them?

Totally, it's a difficult situation to handle. There is a definite spectrum when it comes to these highly opinionated types, trying to defuse someones thoughts will end up landing you in more trouble. Last thing you want is to end up with a brawl with somebody who isn't worth the time.

I don't have the answers to your final questions. I need to expand my knowledge so I can begin understanding where these beliefs truly stem from and if there is anything we can do as bystanders to their life which can promote change in even the most difficult cases. As much as I dislike the way some people go on, I still believe we are all human and are the products of our environment and social circles. Change is always possible.

Hey @alumam thanks for bringing this to light. And also showing us that this level of Hate still exist. Quite honestly if this guy had said to me " you better not have a boyfriend" it would have been hard for me to contain myself. I would pray I would control myself but it would be hard. I'm the guy who would retort and say "well maybe I do and what are you going to do about it " lol . I'm almost certain that would be my response.

Anyway, Iam right with you on standing up for people. Iam not gay , probably will never understand how a man is attracted to a man. But there are things about me that others cannot relate to.

So I totally say, Amen ! I have friends that are a part of the LBGQT community. And I love them. Some of the best people in the World.

Much better than that fool at your work :(

Thanks for this inspiring post and letting Steemit know there are people that still actually care :)

P.S. This Post of your deserves much more Upvote payout than this. One day when I get more influence I plan on making it a point to Reward excellent content and insight like this. You should have $10 or more at least

Not a problem at all! I'm glad you were able to find some inspiration in my words and story.

I think I was afraid of the bloke to be quite honest, it goes to show how easy it is to be mislead-ed and influenced even when my beliefs are no where near linked to his. If I continued to let him talk and go on like he did around me, more and more things would seem acceptable, purely because of the brains ability to soak up the information around us and link the familiar with what's acceptable. I should of been a stronger man to challenge him.

I'm the same, I have a couple friends who are part of the community and they are awesome.We go out to the gay bars in Newcastle whenever we are out with them, always a fun night out. The musics always quality and as long as you are polite and can be respectful if anybody gropes or tries to come onto you, it never gets out of hand. And yes, it's not just guys who grope girls in clubs. Their is a societal problem that effects the type of people who believe groping and throwing yourself onto people is acceptable.

The upvote payouts don't really matter so much to me right now, I'm more interested in comments and feedback on my posts so we can spark healthy discussion and make better connections! Thanks for stopping by anyway Robert, great to hear from you again :)

Well said, this was a very good read. I cant imagine what i would do in the face of such hate. I am very glad you are sharing this experiance, ignorance like this needs exposure to wilt away and die. Bravo.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it. My first piece of personal writing! It was niggling at my mind I think, being faced with somebody like that is almost like you are in a movie. I wasn't the best person to face up to him, I was scared of the guy, I should of been able to challenge him and stand up for what I believed.

The next time won't be so similar, lets put it that way.

I’m sorry to hear that you were a victim of this type of verbal and emotional abuse at your workplace. So many people take being comfortable in their work places and in public for granted. I think twice every time I want to hold my wife’s hand in public. So many don’t understand that micro level of discomfort.

I’m glad you’re out of that environment ❤️❤️❤️

It wasn't taken as abuse directly at me in all honesty, I'm used to micro levels of abuse on building sites now anyway. It's more to display the fact that I didn't stand up for what I believed in. I'm a straight guy and it's a community that I believe in and the fact I didn't challenge him on that just means I'm not fighting for the beliefs I hold.

I'm glad I don't have to work with him again that's for sure, but there is always someone else around the corner! That discomfort is something you have to learn to be content with I think, it's always the voice in your head that runs amok. I hope in time the thinking twice goes away and you can be at peace in public, things have to get better over time.

At first I thought you meant on Steemit and I am sad to say I did have at least one downvote that was clearly only because I had posted some LGBT content and talked about my girlfriend. The person's profile was pretty anti-gay. I really didn't know what to do about it. It freaked me out and made me madder than I would have thought. In the end I decided to do nothing unless it kept happening and it didn't. So that's good. Still, it was an unwelcome and totally unexpected wake up call to becoming a part of a new online community.

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