There's No Such Things As Bad Things Happening to You

in #lawofattraction7 years ago (edited)


I say some things in my blog that will make your ego freak out. This is one of those things. *Please don't even read this post if you're not a spiritual person. You will be incensed if you read it, and it will be complete gobbledy-gook nonsense. (Well, what I say here might piss you off if you're a spiritual person, too.) If your ego is in check, and you understand your infinity, please continue reading. 🙂

Now, I have immense compassion for people. I think being a human is extremely intense. I've definitely suffered a lot in life. People are literally tortured. Children are raped and abused. Shit happens that I can't even comprehend, and if I even try, I freak out. But even these inconceivably painful things to me I no longer see as "bad" as I transcend my ego, and I want to explain myself.

The mind only judges things as "bad" because it has a limited focus and thus a limited understanding. From a broad, universal perspective - if you were to see the world from the perspective of your limitless, infinite, true, higher self - you would immediately see that there is only love. "Bad" is a completely human created construct. Our egos are intensely focused on duality. In doing so, we pinch ourselves off from ultimate truth. "Bad" is only our story that we're creating here. From infinite perspective, everything is always happening for the highest good. We suffer only in our resistance to what happens - only because we label something as bad.

If you look back at your life, you can see this. Here are a couple from my own life:

When I was 15 my parents moved me to Naples, Florida. I hated it there. I didn't know how to handle it. My whole entire world was ripped out from under me. And I'm so glad. Without that, how would I have known that I'm not my school, my family, my town? Would I have lived a life of complacency in a boring small Illinois town?

In 2012 I was hit by a car while riding my bike. This accident paid for me to get Chiropractic care. It led me to Simon Senzon and Network Chiropractic, and healing and awakening on all levels of my being. It's leading me to my life purpose.

I know you have some of those, too.

Having this perspective has made me so much more effective in life, and has helped me embrace life and feel really truly alive. When my dad who I hadn't talked to for four and a half years' heart stopped for six minutes and then he came back to life, I was able to allow the pain and also appreciate the beauty of what was really going on here.

This post has been coming to life since that happened, and has been especially rolling around in my mind for these last few days. When I saw this post by @kittyandcheese about Pronoia I knew it was time to get it out. That post adds another delicious level to this one, which proves beautifully what we're both saying here.


We're fucking infinite.

If you'll start to see your life as a little roller coaster ride from the perspective of infinity, you'll see that being betrayed by a person you love, being homeless, going hungry, being injured is like the scary dip that you take on a roller coaster. It's scary for a little blip in infinity. On an Infinity level, it's thrilling. And it leads to the birth of new amazing things. On a human level, we're completely engrossed in it, and suffering is all we know.


What if being a meth addict in this life is really, really cool from the perspective of your infinite self? I mean, your essence, your spirit is literally indestructible. What if being a bad dad because you're a meth addict is the life that the spirit who is your son signed up for and thought would be a bad-ass thrill ride?

What a fucking bad-ass your spirit must be to have signed up for such intensity!

It's ok that we feel pain when we lose people we love or are injured or are treated cruelly by people. It's part of this roller coaster ride. We can greatly limit our suffering if we've had that God Experience, which gives you all of this in an instant, wordless knowing. If we roll with life and allow our emotions in times of pain, we live. There's a nuanced balance with all this. There's allowing, being a conscious creator, allowing our emotions and allowing healing, and also not resisting.

If you're resisting everything in your life experience, and you're in complete pain and suffering, that's part of the greater good for all, too.

If you're totally engrossed in your story, and your story is all you know - well, that's pretty cool, isn't it? What if you could create a story and be completely absorbed in it, and that story was all you knew? Well, that's exactly what your infinite self did, and that's what you're doing here. * So cool!*

All is well. You're being always supported. And that's part of a mass web of the greater good for all others.

Life is alive.

Recommended Reading:
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

No Boundaryby Ken Wilber

What has happened in your life that was painful but you ended up being glad it happened?

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Thanks for the mention, @brightstar. We have a little trail of inspired post - @atmosblack to me to you. Amazing!

Hooked into the same frequency! 😄

Thank you for a great and deep post.
I personally think that life leads us to our purpose and resistance is pointless. Bad things that happen to us , happen to put us back on the course we are supposed to follow in the first place.

life is just !

Resistance is assistance. It's all about creating the flow of current. I resonate with your post on many levels

You always seem to post just what I need to hear. Thanks!

Well explained. Few touch on this subject. Ty

Thanks for this post. What a cool synchronicity and important reminder/reinforcement. I was just thinking something along these lines last night.

It occurred to me while I was listening to this song called Vincent from Don McClean. I remembered that I had loved the song as a teen mostly because it reflected my own abiding sense of despair. Often when I hear songs that I used to listen to a lot when in the most unhappy periods of my life it pulls me back into the misery I felt then. But this time it didn't.

Instead I saw how the sense of the world passing me by, having moved from NYC to a very small "town" in southern NC a couple years earlier, was what I needed to prepare me for an adulthood of worldwide travel. It planted in me the desire to play with those at the top of their game globally, which I've done since I was 18.

I then saw how a few different elements of my childhood that had made me miserable at the time fostered in me desires that led to incredible fetes and experiences in adulthood, plus becoming someone I really like being.

In the end, we can never understand the choices someone else's spirit has made, and often they can't either. But we can secretly be at peace with it all, even if we couldn't convince anyone who isn't ready to see it.

Instead I saw how the sense of the world passing me by, having moved from NYC to a very small "town" in southern NC a couple years earlier, was what I needed to prepare me for an adulthood of worldwide travel. It planted in me the desire to play with those at the top of their game globally, which I've done since I was 18.

Ouch! That sounds like a very harsh move! Being a child is so hard. I couldn't wait to be an adult to make my own decisions. We were supposed to travel the world when we turned 18, too. Our plan was to move to Belize. I've yet to leave the country still at 35 (though we left Naples the moment we graduated high school), but I have still created a life that I really enjoy and I'm really proud of. I hope I get to read about your world travels with these people who are on top of their game in your blog!

It was a pretty painful move, but thankfully I survived it all, so I trust I'm the better for it!

If it is a part of your desire, then one day you will travel to other cultures and it will be with perfect timing. I wound up going to a college with a lot of international people (some the children of presidents and royalty) but didn't get out of the US myself until I was 22. I didn't live overseas until I was 31! All things with perfect timing.

I suppose bits of my experiences with my travels and such will come out here and there as I write. I often share stories about how opportunities started coming to me and when I was or wasn't internally ready to meet them. You can definitely expect to see a bit about that, because I think it's such an important point for us all to keep in mind.

ha knew it , your also an ekhart follower :) that guy needs a fucking medal!
im really enjoying your posts

thanks again!

The Power of Now is one of the most important books of my life. I came upon the audio CDs, and now I'm revisiting it years later. It's like I'm hearing it with new ears and am appreciating it all over again.

hahaah that sfunny because someone gave me it like 5 years ago and said I should read it, but "it wasnt for me" at that time.. so ironic hahaha.. and then i found New Earth from him in a book shop somewhere and wow thats also a winner if someone wants to understand the ego.
then after i listened to also audiobook, and since then i hear all his stuff on pootube whilset standing selling magerzines..

I think the more we listen the more there is to hear :P

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