in #kr7 years ago

A fleet of nuclear armed Pyeonghwa Hwiparam cars has just crossed the South Korean border and started blowing things up.

Although it has long been known to the western media that North Korea has more than 1200 long range nuclear missiles, it has been kept secret until now that they have also been developing a range of cars equipped with air bags. CNN has recently released top secret spy photos, but it’s already too late, the invasion has begun.


Now, before continuing any further, after the chaos that ensued from my previous Steemit post, in which I claimed to be a Vegas stripper who desperately needed money for breast implants, I’d better say up front that this is all a load of bollocks I just made up so that I could go on about air bags again.


I have no evidence of any of this, other than CNN and FOX News said so. Or they will be saying so soon, once they see this post. And maybe Donald Trump. He often announces things on Twitter. So actually, this is breaking news. And being NEWS, it is exempt from needing any proof whatsoever. It’s also exempt from needing image credits, references, or any other boring stuff.

I’m already starting to really like being a journalist - all I have to do is make people freak out about whatever evil bastards are coming in from the north, and I will get lots of hits.

It’s so much easier than being a Steemit blogger, where people keep asking for proof about my breasts and things. As long as I just spout stuff like “North Korea has nukes”, nobody is likely to say anything difficult like “bullshit, prove it”




Maybe you remember the missile gap? That was fake too.

There are technologies that could actually devastate the Earth, but this hydrogen bomb stuff is crap. It's all a show for the sheep.

North Korea is a danger to no one but itself.

What do you mean? - North Korea is on the brink of starting WW3...

no Flags - yee ha

It's just not the same without the flags. If North Korea was flagged, they would surely desist. Come to think of it I am going to carry a couple of flags in my pocket today...

I can't believe it really crossed my mind, but I actually found myself thinking, I hope nobody believes this and freaks out...

Look!!! Flags

“North Korea has nukes” Bullshit, proof it, it's all a conspiracy!! (That was somewhat rhetorical xD)

I think they do have some long range moobs though :)

Prefer Airbags to War :)

But whose airbags?

The ones Porky the Pig has!!

Groundbreaking journalism, buddy ;D

I'm applying for a job with CNN

that's insane I swear, life doesn't deserve war and doesn't deserve that people become enemies to each other. why don't they just live in peace?

Because war is a license to spend tax payer money!

the war isn't good, they can live in peace and just enjoy these airbags

The Koreans are word leaders in airbag technology

the hell missiles everywhere, I think you heard also of Japan

Yes the media like to make claims about missiles - but I wouldn't worry too much, those Korean ones wouldn't fall off the back of a truck...

I'm a little late getting to your post, but better late then never. By the way is it safe in here? Are the moral police gone. Some people I guess are born without a funny bone. So what should be done with N Korea? Big question. Do nothing and hope Little Fat boy is bluffing. Wait till he starts a war with his Toys, or We play John Wayne and create a new Fuckasima.

Did you see my last post got 156 comments?

Maybe to get this one fizzing I should have said that Kim FatBoy desperately needed money for a bigger missile because people were calling him a tranny

Anyone who believes North Korea has nukes would probably feel emotional for him :)

I'm not even convinced they actually have air bags!

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