Steemit Link Spamming Etiquette

in #klyeart8 years ago (edited)

You've just spent the past 3 days writing a masterpiece of a post to submit to Steemit. As you hit the submit button your hearts racing, this could be that post that maybe pays off your debts or makes you famous around here. When it refreshes you see your glorious new post. What do you do? Copy the link and start pasting i on any set of eyes you can possibly find in hopes of upvotes. You email it to your grandma, text it to your dog, spam it in the chatrooms and basically anything else you can do to increase it's exposure. What some users tend to forget is that spamming links to their articles the wrong way may infact hurt their profits in the long run.

Do's and Don'ts of "Sharing" Your Steemit Links

With the continued success of Steemit we're seeing legions of users from all around the world flock to sign up. As someone who has been on here nearly as long as the sites been running, it's very exciting to witness. I do admit I didn't take Steemit as a life changer the first few times I used it. But now it's crystal clear that I've found a new way to share my creativity with the masses and keep employed.

One thing that has come with the success is users spamming their links inappropriately. I know all too well the struggle of researching, compiling and writing posts (which can sometimes take days) only to have it flop like a limp fish and receive no upvotes or support. Many other Steemit users have run into similar circumstances end up resorting to invasive and disruptive link spamming to try to get more upvotes.. This is not the answer.

A Little Respect Goes a Long Way

Come join the and link up with fellow Steemit users like yourself and find places to share your links in a constructive and non-spammy manner. Respecting other users and informing them of proper link sharing manners is imperative to keeping the site and users reputation above the normal internet standard. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and hopefully you find greater success with your Steemit posting by respectfully sharing your article links rather than spamming them.

Other Illustrated Guides by @klye:

5 Protips on How to Maximize Your Steemit Potential
Bad Reputation? How to Appeal After a Whale Flagging
Flag Taggin' and Uptucks: Welcome to the Wild West of Social Media (Possibly NSFW)
Ways to Acquire STEEM WITHOUT Writing


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