Music in my Soul: Up a Tree in New Orleans

in #killerpix6 years ago

Who plays guitar in a tree? I do. I can't be the only one, especially in a city as seeped in music as New Orleans.

This photo shoot was done years ago (lets not count how many, okay?), and my mother used this pic for the cover of her book Why People Live in New Orleans, which she wrote in the aftermath of the hurricane that was not named after me. (My dad thought he went through hurricane Katrina when I was a teenager, then they had to face the storm, too.)

This photo was taken in Audubon Park, and the tree so kindly supporting my guitar-playing self is a Live Oak. Photo by Dom Koric. I love the Spanish Moss hanging from the trees!

guitar in tree

My parents recently moved away from this gorgeous city. Dodging hurricanes every year got old. I'm glad they relocated, but I'll miss visiting New Orleans. It's one of my favourite places on earth, and having roots in NOLA has made y'all part of my everyday speech. I'm a fun mix of American and Canadian. Every so often I even sneak y'all and 'eh in the same sentence. :)

Thanks for checking out my post! Keep being awesome!

Peace, y'all. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

#teamcanada #teamusa


Hi @katrina-ariel! You have received 0.1 SBD tip + 0.02 SBD @tipU from @tattoodjay :)

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More people should spent time with or one trees makes a cool shot of you sitting and playing there


Trees are the best! (People who tip are pretty amazing, too.) #gratitude

tree hug

Nah I am just average 😎

Hi @katrina-ariel! I like your picture. It actually reminds me a bit of my childhood (there was a tree in the park close to my home that looked similar and I loved to climb and sit on it - unfortunately I can’t play the guitar though).
Also you made me laugh a little at the point where you said you’d use y’all and eh in one sentence, because that’s 100% my sister who had a boyfriend from the south and lived in Canada for a while.
I enjoyed your post :)

Yay! Thanks so much for those stories! I love finding tribe on Steemit. I'm a mother of two, too. :) And it's good to know I'm not the only one who considers both "y'all" and "eh" legit words to use on a regular basis. lol!

That's a great photo. I can see that that particular tree lends itself to freely climbing up or down with a guitar. But the adventurer doesn't allow such things to hold them back, I'm sure.

lol! I had to have the guitar handed up to me. No the adventurer doesn't allow things to hold them back (if they can help it). My friend once brought his guitar up and down a mountain so we could sing at the top. I wouldn't have carried it that far, but he did. When we're passionate about something, we'll do the most amazing things, eh? :) So glad you like the photo. Thanks for the comment!

I figured you had a hand, but didn't want to destroy the magic of it all :)

Still, that branch isn't exactly close to the ground. I guess that's where fairy wings come in handy.

Magic is good. Let's go with the fairy wings story! :)

Yes, fairy wings solve all sorts of dilemmas. I'm convinced of it.

Thats a sweet pic. I have a hard enough time playing guitar let alone up in a tree!

Thank you kindly. Little secret: I neglect my guitar playing for months at a time. I've been playing for... I dunno, more than 15 years, so I'm decent, but no master. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you like the pic!

I have never visited New Orleans, but I can just imagine how 🎼 is in your soul when you live there. Great story! Your parents likely had mixed feelings about moving. We love the beach, but dodging hurricanes is a pain here in Florida too!

I’m also American and Canadian, but naturalized to both countries. I also hold a British passport because that is my country of origin! Really confuses people! Lol!

Oh neat! I think we're all citizens of the world, but I'm always impressed to find people with multiple passports and places they call home.

Yes, it was really hard for my parents to pick up and leave New Orleans. They actually lived in the house my mom grew up in, with the same neighbours on either side as when she was a kid! So they left behind a lot of community, but they were done boarding up the windows every summer and trying to figure out where to evacuate with two cats. I still hope to go back and visit. Florida is beautiful, too, but I imagine anyone in the south-east is feeling the pressure to consider other options, especially after this past season! My heart goes out to Puerto Rico and so many other places that have a long way to go to rebuild.

Hi from #thealliance 👋🏻 I also play guitar but never up in a tree 🎸

Well hello there! :) I don't play guitar in trees very often, but when I saw this one I couldn't resist. Always glad to meet another musician. And a friend of #thealliance is a friend of mine. (I now have Grateful Dead in my head...)

Nice shot...too bad there is no audio to go with it. :)

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