The Tossed and Forgotten - An Ode to Our Veterans

in #kaoticmusings7 years ago (edited)

The Tossed and Forgotten


Every year for one day in November
We take a few moments to remember
The ones we call our heroes who served
The ones we claim should get all that they deserve

You tell us "thank you for your service and your sacrifice"
Thinking that a few nice words will suffice
When in reality, you have no idea what you're saying
And no clue about all the real prices we've been paying

Do you actually understand what we went through on a daily basis,
The constant mind games they played on us to ruin our mental homeostasis?
Do you know how they tore down our humanity and turned us into robots
Thinking of nothing more than where to aim our next shots?

We signed up to be patriots but they made janitorial duties our profession
Further fueling our pent-up frustration and aggression
Then as pawns of the Empire they sent us out to fight
Halfway across the world, the big brown "terrorist enemy" to smite

Dehumanizing the enemy was their main priority
Making us believe in their words because of their authority
Telling us that those people would kill us first unless we were quick to fire
Effectively turning us into nothing more than Big Oil's guns for hire

Then after all the killing and the mental trauma and the pain
They ship us back home on that next available airplane
And our families welcome us back after we get out
Not knowing that we're about to enter into our next big bout

For the families who loved and supported us before we left
No longer know who we are and leave us feeling bereft
Alone in the vast sea of civilians who have no idea
That all we want is a cure for all our demons, a final panacea

Without a real support network we are thrown aside and forgotten
Leaving us to start believing that we are monsters, that we are rotten
But all we really want is to feel normal again, to feel the love of humanity
That's what we really need to quell the monsters of our inner insanity

Yet so many of us never get that help or feel that we are loved
Because so many of us just end up getting tossed aside and shoved
We become the forgotten and the eternally alone
Left to wrestle with our own demons, wondering if we can ever fully atone

So many of us someday even end up on the streets
With nothing to our names but a few jackets and a few sheets
And even still some end up choosing to become a statistic
Extinguishing their fire forever, thinking their hopes were unrealistic

Next time you think of saying "thank you" to us
Keep these things in mind, lest you appear to be superfluous
Fully know and understand what it is you're thanking us for
And show us your true support by never again supporting another war.

Check out some of my other posts!

How I Achieved 200 Followers in My First Month on Steemit
Why I Chose to Invest $100 in Steem
My First Week on Steemit
The Dawn of The Dancing Dreamers
The Dawn of Friendship In a New Age
I'm Just an Island Boy Living in Utah who Loves EDM

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You already know how I feel. Tears this is one of the realest poems. The conflict of being a veteran. 😢🙌💛 (FELLOW VETS IF YOU'RE READING THIS AND FEEL NUMB, REACH OUT, to me, specifically. Anyone will do but if you're reading this than you already know you have somewhere to go. I know what it's like to be shaking so bad you can barely see the numbers on a phone. I'm one message away. Even one word. Or even Morris code, shit I'll figure it out if it means you'll still be here the next day)

(yes I know I'm not asleep yet even though I said I would pass out when we were chatting earlier lol)
Thank you so much for checking out my post @staceyjean!

I know what it's like to be shaking so bad you can barely see the numbers on a phone.

This part really hit me hard. I've been there, too. More times than I care to admit. It goes both ways, I'm always here for you too. Never feel like you hitting me up will ever be a burden to me. What else are friends for, if not to be there when we are needed?


@Rodeo670 man this was such a real piece for me. Having served and dealing with my own demons after being active duty....The struggle of trying to adjust is far to real and I don't think people really understand that. I love how raw this piece was. The entire time I was reading this was agreeing with everything. I love how you supported widely known facts with references. I love this and I especially love how relate-able this piece was. My journey here on Steemit is just getting started but you definitely have a fan in me. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading more of your work Shipmate! #cheers

Thank you so much, @janetherealest! I'm glad you could identify with my words here. I think it's pretty crazy that such a small grouping of words applies to such a huge percentage of veterans. But at the same time, it is the applicability of these words to so many of us, that bonds us together so much stronger after our time in the military. I really enjoyed the little voice chat meeting we all had yesterday, and I look forward to seeing your posts, too!! :D

Wonderful heart felt poem.
I wish it was not true, the demons you get inside you when you are there. I have no clue what it means to do what you have done, no clue what you feel and what you have been going through... I can only guess and ask....
I will not wish you a happy day but I will offer my ears if you ever just feel like a chat!

All of the apples. You get all of the apples.

Thank you so much, @poeticsnake! Your support means a lot. I hope nothing crazy happens that results in me having to take you up on that offer, but know that I most certainly will if a time comes when I really do need your snekky ears to hear me out :P I really appreciate it! Love the artwork!!

The military industrial complex will continue to spit out reasons for war. In some cases war is necessary, like if we were to actually be truly attacked and our homes, lives, families, ect. we're in jeopardy. People would have to stand up.
I hope and pray for peace in you. My stepbrother, an army vet, killed himself a couple of years ago. It wasn't his first attempt either, he was in constant turmoil. It was right after Christmas. He didn't want to go with his mom and sister, who traveled from Colorado to Wisconsin to celebrate near us. We found out why he didn't want to go the hard way. All the warning signs were there, but he never got real help and he jumped off a cliff. If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can talk to me. :) Much love, @snowpea Amazing peom by the way. :)

Yes, unfortunately the Military-Industrial Complex will always come up with new reasons for war. They're all bs though. Read War Is A Racket by MajGen Smedley Butler and you'll fully understand just how dark the real reasons for war are. The hard truth of the world that most people seem to not grasp, is that wars would cease if everyone refused to fight the battles of these super rich fat cats who couldn't care less about any of our lives as long as they make a profit. War is never fought for just reasons, it's always for profit and the Military-Industrial Complex has a long history of arming/funding/training both sides of any conflict. But how will the puppet leaders of any nation fight wars against each other if we the people refuse to fight?

Thank you for your hope and prayers for peace. I am so terribly sorry to hear about your stepbrother. Reading that literally brought tears to my eyes. A part of the deep seated psychological trauma effects I took home from the military is I now cry uncontrollably every time I see/hear/read/watch any mention of troops dying in battle or coming home and committing suicide. Thank you so much for offering your ears and your time for me if I ever need someone to talk to in the future. I really appreciate that so much, and honestly that means the world to me even if we're just complete internet strangers right now. I can't say thank you enough.

Thanks for sharing your work and let's pray there is not another "war" around the corner to shatter millions more lives. My hat is off to you. I am now following, and suggested your for 1.5% upvote with @originalworks

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Thank you so much, @dakini5d! I really appreciate your support. I really hope that there isn't another war coming around the corner, though honestly the past few months have left me truly worried about the future and a very possible impending war. I can only hope that if it does come, that it will end before too many lives are lost this time. And I hope that if it does come, that after it's over, the human race as a whole finally sees the futility of war and begins to understand that we simply cannot afford to continue on the way we've been going, if we are to progress as a species and as a world. Thank you so much for following me! I hope you enjoy my other posts. :)

Ok..that was damn incredible and I just teared up no bullshit. I promise you from my eyes I love all of you and give my deepest thanks from the bottom of my heart for people like you who willingly go to help with the best intentions. You are NEVER forgotten in my eyes and I think you are every other veteran is a damn hero and forever will be. You're absolutely awesome sir. 💜

Thank you so much @kristyyd! Seriously, your genuine words of support mean the world. I'm glad you were able to connect with the message and the emotions behind the words that I wrote. <3 I hope more people see this post...I might just be too proud of my own work but I believe this needs to be seen far and wide and this aspect of Veterans Day must be recognized and acknowledged by the masses.

Well know that there's someone here who will be forever grateful 💜

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You did awesomely well to this @rodeo670

Thank you! But that's not me that you tagged lol

Corrected. Sorry for the mistake

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