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in #justbecause7 years ago

Today, I found out something very useful. Lets be honest something very very useful, and I want to share it with every redfish that has been struggling to vote and keeps coming up empty vote handed. Now you can vote like a fat dolphin, or a humongous whale. You just have to go and read the newsletter post. It contains a lot of very very good information. After you read the whole newsletter, you absolutely must read the comments. So much great information contained in those comments. I mean a lot of information, and not just @steemchiller 's responses to me but his/her responses to everyone. I have been using steemworld for several months now, it and steemd get opened every time I log into steemit, it is that useful to me. There are several tutorials to, but trial and error was how I learned to use it, (mostly for gawking at my miniscule numbers). Here is the important tool that I did not know about:

I tried to use it on a comment, but got a really really long error. Then I used it on 3 newer post. I read the post, they were well thought out post so I commented, when I comment on a post I like to leave an upvote, but as a redfish with no slider I could only leave so many votes before hitting the damn-it need to repower up phase of voting.(that happens way to often for me). It's like @steemchiller heard my etheralic screams,(there was something I desperately wanted to comment on and upvote), and sent me an answer to my dilemma.

How to use it:
First open in a new tab. Okay that done now:

You found that perfect blog, you commented, and now you want to vote for it but like me you have to be careful of how low your vote power is. Not a problem anymore.

Right click the address of the blog you just commented on and want to vote, and click copy on that address.
navigate to your tab scroll to tools, open manual vote, in the link box paste the address from the blog you commented on. For me the Author box auto filled from the link box. The type box defaults to upvote, then slide the bar to how many pennies or partial pennies you want to give the post you visited.

I would love to keep giving everyone 100% upvotes, but I can not do that. Before @steemchiller educated me on his vote slider, I was limited to 10 votes, it has been over two weeks since I have seen the 90% range of vote power, now I can vote a little bit more, and let my power slowly recover.

If you are a redfish/plankton examine his and maybe you to will be a happy fighting Betta Fish instead of a normal redfish.

@davemccoy and @mudcat36, you have to try this.


Awesome find @bashadow! 🐠

It works on comments today, but did not work on a master post today, so @steemchiller is still working on it.

Thank you very much again for letting me know of this. I have resteemed this to spread the word :)

The more that know the more votes that get spread around.

That 10 votes limit reduces one's steemit experience as you won't get to curate all these awesome posts out there.

Actually, there isn't actually a 10 post a day limit. Increases in voting strength are absolute at 20% a day while decreases are relative at 2% of "REMAINING" strength. So if you vote while your voting strength is down to 50%, your vote will cost just 1%, not two, taking only half the time for recovery.

@pibara, I understand the concept behind it. Voting power recuperates at the rate of 0.83% per hour. So if you vote at 100% vote weight and want to get up to 100% the next day you are now limited to 10 to 11 votes per day. Unless, of course, you do not care about having 100% the next day.

Why care? The amount of upvote money you will be able to distribute will be the same. If you vote 11 times a day at 100%, each day, spread out over the day you'll be distributing about $3.30 a day spread out over 11 votes of $0.30 each. If you voted 22 times a day, each day, an equilibrium will be reached at round and about 50%, and you'll still be distributing $3.30 each day.

There is an other reason to vote more than 11 times a day. If your voting strength reaches 100%, it stops going up, resulting in potential voting going to waste. The probability that you will vote less than your daily growth of $3.30, even if you vote your 11 times a day would be rather big. Every minute your voting strength is at 100% you lose voting potential for that day.

@pibara, ok I will explain why I care. First, it is a bit of a let down to have that excellent post up here with $0.00 starring at you in the face. So instead of giving A 100% upvote worth $4, it is better I spread it across A, B, C, and D. It may be all the same for me, but I bet B, C, and D may beg to differ.

Yeah, now I can vote more than 10 times a day.

It makes all the difference.

because it is that limit of 10 ?, I believe I have given more than 10 out of the 15 or 20 day I think I usually vote that if now I do not want to vote because I have power to 40.81 but power if you can vote more than 10 times or That's what I think

Anyway I am very confused with the reasons for wanting to vote more than 10 votes a day, if it is clear that sometimes we want to vote things that we like but economically speaking it is not more powerful to give a few very heavy votes to many but not very heavy ? Does not the weight of the vote reflect when it is high to earn more portion of the pie?

@networker5, You earn more curation reward the higher your SP and vote weight used. The idea of voting more is just to spread the upvotes as there are many great posts one may wish to curate.

If I understand that, what I want to say is that it is not more profitable a powerful vote to a good post to win curatorship than many small votes in many posts? At the end of the day, does not a big vote give more profit than many small ones or am I wrong?

if I'm not mistaken, the curatorship gives more $ the more percentage of vote or vote strength (sp) demos then why my doubts, at the end of accounts it seems that the same effect is to distribute small votes of little power of sp or distribute less votes but 100%

I do not know if I understand what I mean because I'm using a translator.

@networker5, it all depends on the post you voted, sometimes a small vote can earn you more curation if

  1. The number that voted are not that many.
  2. A big steem power user voted after you.

But most times I do not care about curation reward when I upvote. I just feel good upvoting that quality content with zero or low upvote. I understood what you mean. Thanks a lot.

If I understand your point, there are often contents that we want to vote not only for the reward but because they deserve that vote no matter how small a large sum of small votes will give a good reward to the author who deserved it.

although in my case I have to take good care of that point since I am still a small fish and I have to play a lot with the parameters to maximize the profit if I want to grow on the platform.

I need to feed the little fish before I die of hunger ;)

I will love to try this... Once I get to 500 SP... lol

They don't let us newbies have access to this function yet... we need the slider to make it happen... But I did read it and understand it, and I think it is awesome and will certainly use it... Maybe we will win some steem delegation from some of the things we are doing, that will get us there faster for sure!

Thanks for showing me @bashadow, that is cool and awesome that you think of us. :)

You can use it through now. That is what is great about it. Does not matter how much SP you have. It only works on the main post right now, not comments, but still it works on main comments.

I found it... cool... so if I move my slider lower then I don't use up as much of my voting power meter? even before I get the slider?

The slider you want to find is in the tools tab, manual vote. It worked for me last night, this morning it is not working, so I guess it is still a hit and miss thing with it. I never did get it to work on a comment though. Just main post.

edit: it worked on a comment. Here is how I gave you a 25% vote.
I re-opened my page.
Made sure this comment was there.
Navigated down to the tools tab and clicked it open ,
then clicked open the manual vote tab.
Opened the comment you made to me. (expanded it in steemworld comment section)
copied the comment link directly under your name there are two permalinks.
Pasted that link into the manual vote link box, that auto filled in your name as Author, adjusted the slider to 25%, and clicked vote. I had to enter my posting key for the vote to work but work it did. pictures to follow.

This is what the manual vote area looks like with your comment link :

Here is what I meant about expanding and then coping the first link
Works for now, how long, not sure.

awesome... thank you very much... I love when we teach each other things.

On't my friend. :)

Expected version 128, instead got 149

Yeah, he seems to still be working bugs out. Last night I could use on main post but not comments, this morning just the opposite.

Where to find the "tools"?

Found it already 😂

Okay, it is a little bit more work than just clicking the upvote arrow, but it is well worth the extra effort.

Yasss .Thankyou

I have a question bcos im just a newbie here. So, is it true that only 10 upvotes a day?

That is a recommended number for people until they reach 480SP. At 480SP you get a vote slider bar, so you can adjust the percentage of your vote. The 10 vote thing is not a limit per say, it is the number of votes that will keep you in the 90% vote power range. It takes 24 hours to go from 90% back to 100% vote power, so that is why that number is thrown out a lot.

So what do you thnk about my voting power? Can u tell?


You, like me, like to vote. I would try out the slider, even though you only have 15SP. At 15SP your vote is basically worth nothing monetarily speaking. How ever everyone likes to get votes, they may all not like to give them but everyone like to get one. It will take 4 days or so to get back to the 90% vote range. I would set your slider in steemworld to about 33% and then you should slowly build back your steem power, if you keep your vote rate at what you have been doing.

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