"Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 5 Helping Hand"

in #justbecause6 years ago

          Hello and welcome to my round 5 entry. This portion of the contest is being used to introduce a new user to steemit, and give them a helping hand. This ties very nicely into another project that I am helping out in. That project is @mudcat36 and @davemccoy's #newbieresteemday. I also think I may have hit a tiny trifecta in that the individual I am sponsoring is @citizens-ireport, she is a citizen reporter, and I am and have been a supporter of the #informationwar tag and group @informationwar created by @stevescoins.

          Katie G. (@citizens-ireport), has the following accounts:

  1. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citizensinvestigativereport/
  2. Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/citizensireport
  3. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8VYbOH2Z_swlgSSQ-RwaUg
  4. Gab: https://gab.ai/citizensinvestigate

          She is looking to distance herself from Facebook, and is looking into steemit as a means of accomplishing that. I myself do not have a lot of experience with using D-tube, i'm just not much of an upload a video guy, so if any of you can help her or give/explain D-tube to her I am sure she would appreciate that. Now one thing she may also be interested in is D-live. I have used that a little bit to watch "live streams", and you know what I was impressed with the way the videos ran with very little problems.
Source: Apolymask IFC Picture

          To conclude; why did I pick Katie G. She is new to steemit, she has an interest in knowing the truth, she is a citizen reporter and I think we need more of them. And in her intro post, she asked for help, and shared some nice pictures.

Rules for Contest

Can be found here :
- Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 5
- Contest by @apolymask
@stevescoins, @mudcat36 and @davemccoy if you would like your tags removed just let me know.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Bring new users!

You’re on a roll great post I’ll defintiely be sure to check out her intro post and give her my upvote! I think I need a little break but will work on my 5th challenge soon.

Long term contest, so far still pretty fun. Helping people the new users, is kind of a nice thing to do, even though I have just pasted six months, I still feel so friggen new, so still understand some of what it feels like being new. You got plenty of time 7 days, take a break and come kick ass and take names.

Totally I’ve been here since August and I feel like I still know absolutely nothing! I had no idea there was even a vote slider when you got to 500 Steem till a friend told me the other day.

I hope so you as well hopefully it can keep growing and get over 20 participants.

you got my vote : )

Thank you, two cool things came together, the contest and the project. I kind of like being busy some times, not always though.

I think you're OK on the #informationwar tag, but if you are trying to introduce it to new Steemers...past introducing Katie to us ;>, you might add a little more info about what the tag is for.

We certainly appreciate your support!

I see the response below, but also above, two different post, so I should have dropped a line in this post also. Without that line it is like I tell people that just post a picture or video and no words, there is no context as to who, what,why, where, or how about it.

you did that on her post, and I usually get things a little mixed in when I do em right next to each other in time ;>

thanks again!

I like the simple mission statement from your new post, One line easy to understand when i try to tell people about informationwar tag on steemit.

oops, I just checked out your comment to Katie. Good job, Ba!

Hello friend how are You? Please check my last post thank you is a flower hope You like

Nice work bashadow! Looks like you found an interesting one. :) Unfortunately I'm low on voting power so I wasn't able to give her a full vote and I'm going to have wait to vote on this till later as well. But, glad to see at least you and one other entered this challenge, and I'm pretty certain a few others will as well. I was hoping more would do this challenge cause I think it's such a great challenge, but oh well it is what it is.

Well you still have people joining rounds 1-4, so more may join in round 5.

Nice! Thank you for introducing her. Following her now, and the @informationwar page.

I don't understand why people are still on facebook. I like that Katie wants to switch to the brighter side of life. You have my vote.

Awesome. We could use more citizen reporting, and steemit, along with D-tube, is a perfect platform. You're helping not just an individual, but a noble cause! You've got my vote for Round 5!

I'm voting for bashadow as well. I think he did the most exhaustive job and he already has a good amount of experience in this area so it just makes sense to me that he is the most deserving of this one, however.. In this case since I'm one of the last two to vote, it doesn't really matter what my vote is since bashadow got so many votes already and will win no matter what. Though I'm still voting for this entry because I think it was the one most deserving that earned my vote the most. :) Well done bashadow!

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