A Why I like Steemit Post

in #justbecause6 years ago
          Eye Candy, I want to start off with that first. A pretty picture to grace my blog post side line up. The thumbnails are like a book cover, and even though everyone says you can't judge a book by it's cover, having an attractive cover helps people to at least pick it up and thumb through it. And besides if you have a lot of nice looking pictures you may as well share them. So from Captain Cook Park on 7-17-18, a little bee on a really really big flower.

          Kind of like how I feel on steemit sometimes, a little bee buzzing around this great sight looking and hunting for that right nectar.

          One thing I like about steemit, is it has something for everyone. If you want to make money (crypto) then by all means buy in, make a post and self vote to your heart's content, I mean seriously did rancho and haejin do any significant damage to the reward pool? We are all still here, well most of us anyways.

          If you like to chat with people steemit chat and discord are great places to meet people. make a post, and ask for chat room Idea's let people know what you are looking for and you will find it. Here are a couple of the discord places I sometimes chat:


          First chat spot is @apolymask and his @IFC Discord Chat room. The image was made for IFC by @yeszuzia. They have done a lot of artwork for the game.

          The second one is called @thehive, (no relation to the hivemind people), a group of people that are trying to help each other grow their accounts for the long term. I think our resident artist @charisma777, has done a very nice job on graphics for our theme. The site was the brainchild of @jan23com.

          Want to earn a little bit of side money, start a serious blog, it will take a little bit of time to build and find an audience, start your blog post, then go on a followers hunt. Look at other similar blogs, or post from people visit vote and comment, they just may do the same to your blog.

          Want to just let people know what you think, then look for those post and blogs that make you think and leave a comment, heck someone may like your comment and give you a vote. Engagement, a lot of people really like this aspect of steemit. I know I do, you can have long conversations in the chat rooms, or you can have conversations that may span days or weeks via comments on post. This post was borne out of a comment I made on another post, that the author thought would be a good post subject. @whatsup post Relax It's Social Media

          To me a blog and a post are two different animals, a blog=serious, a post=just my shit I wanted to share with you thing. Don't get yourself into to too much of a rut, people change in real life, do not be afraid of changing directions on steemit. Me I do not really blog, I post and I comment, and I have fun. To me that is what it is all about, now put your left foot in and shake it all about...

          I started as a reader, then as a sortofwannabe blogger with a small steemmag, then I branched out to a few other things, then the first half of this year into trying to help onboard new users, then like I said I started as a reader, and now I am practicing writing. I also throughout my entire time here have enjoyed the visual side, so I am trying to do a few picture post also. (see my top photo). After almost a full year on steemit, I have yet to make a post everyday for 7 days in a row, so here I am still trying to accomplish something that is new to me. (Daily Posting).

          Steemit is a lot of things, don't pigeonhole yourself or let other try to make you fit a round hole when your a square, who the heck really cares, do your thing like everyone else. When it is time to grow, grow, when it's time for a change, change.

Crypto, social, TV, Entertainment, steemit is....well its steemit, a lot of things. A not one size fits all.

          One last shout out to @whatsup, (hope you do not mind), thank you, I just saw you were approaching two years on steemit Aug 2016, Me Aug 2017, maybe in two weeks someone joining in Aug 2018 will see a post from you, and then a post from me and realize that yeah, steemit really is not a one size fit all thing and that they are a fit for steemit also.

This account protected by @dustsweeper


I got a comment from @steemitboard a couple of days ago announcing my one year anniversary. I think it was a busy time for sign ups, so it's good to see someone else stuck around from that period.

@whatsup's post was a good reality check. Another good one along these lines is @mattclarke's here

Thank you it was an interesting read, power up, and full steem ahead.

I'm obviously in the same boat. Having a real blog is not something I'm likely to do. Just posting and chatting is my speed.

Kind of a nice thing about steemit. Lots of options, and once more people see that this stuff like whatsup pointed out, is going to go away. Easy to move on when you do not like something. There is so much and so many types and styles of blogs and post. Easy to get lost in it and not find things, a nicer search would be good, but still all in all, I do find a lot to keep me entertained.

You make a good point here @bashadow, well several actually, but mostly your idea not to pigeonhole yourself into anyone one thing. Steemit has so much to offer, like a buffet table, and you do an injustice to yourself is you don't have a little taste of everything :) Congratulations on your one year-versary too!! I'm glad you're still here :)

Two weeks to go, hoping I can come up with a couple more post I think I have 3 in a row now, different days, and still hoping to make it 7 in a row, I don't think my 7 day B&W challenge actually fit in 7 Days, I think it was 5 days. hazard of disrupted sleep as you know well.. T, W, Th, down, F, S, S, and M, to go. Man I wish I would have been just a couple hours faster on my first tuesday post missed monday by 41 minutes. I want that one a day badge before I hit one year.

I think my 7 day challenges always take about 3 weeks @bashadow haha I've considered doig the one post per day thing, but I don't think I want to put that kind of pressure on myself. I'm rooting for you though😅

Just something I want to do before official one year. I think but am not sure, but think I had one day where I did manage to post four times, but I need to check that, and if not after the one week try, I will try that one. Badges we don't need no stinkin badges, but I want some.LoL.;-}

hahaha Were you ever in boy scouts, badge boy @bashadow ... BBB 😎

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