Divine Timing or Coincidence, My Near Death Experience - SWC

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

What A Coincidence

A coincidence is when two or more events or circumstances which have no apparent causal connection with each other happen or exist at or around the same time. Well that's more or less what you will come up with if you look up the definition but is that really what a coincidence is.

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What about the coincidence of numbers or days

  • Like when similar things happen on similar dates.

I was born in 1987, did you know that in 2026 it will be the first time the calendar will be exactly the same as far as days of the week and dates. Both calendars will be exactly the same so don't think you need to throw away your unused calendars you just may have to hold on to them for a long time. The year I was born, a former Texas congressman seeking the Libertarian Party, Ron Paul was nominated for President. The first year I could vote Ron Paul ran for president again.

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Did you know Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946? Not much of a coincidence then that Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860 and John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. But what can be coincidental is both Presidents were shot in the head on a Friday and both were assassinated by Southerners.

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John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln, he was born in 1839 and Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated Kennedy, he was born in 1939. Both assassins were known and called by all first middle and last names and both names are composed of fifteen letters. Then both presidents were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

Divine Timing

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When I was in my teens I once had a dream that I was in the backseat of a small red car while one of my friends (I couldn’t remember who) was driving fast and erratically. As we passed a truck the driver became enraged and sped up to cut us off the road. Instead of pressing the brake and letting the truck pass in front, my friend accelerated but the truck didn’t realize this in time and crashed into the side of the car. Our car began to spin out of control and right before we slammed into the concrete center divider I woke up. The thing that made me not pay much attention to the dream was that the car we were driving in wasn’t one that any of my friends owned.

My Near Death Experience

Then about five years later I was at a hotel party on Hollywood Beach in South Florida when one of my buddies asked if I wanted to ride along to the store and grab some more beers and some snack. As we were leaving another guy asked to come along because he wanted to get some food for later. As we came over the bridge there wasn’t many cars in front of us so my friend began to drive faster, I even remember telling him to chill out and slow down. He responded with relax you’re not the one that will get the speeding ticket if we get pulled over.

So, I just sat back in my seat and enjoyed the wild ride. It wasn’t until he cut of a truck, that I had flashback to that dream. Before that moment I hadn’t once thought or paid any attention to that past dream about the car accident, but at that second, I realized we were driving in a small red car and I was in fact sitting alone in the back seat. Then as if my exact dream was becoming reality I looked out the back window to see the truck began to speed and switch lanes to try and pass us. I got a strange, eerie sense and the hairs on my arm literally moved like the feeling of static electricity moving across them. It was like I knew what was coming next, I saw the truck moving up along us faster and as soon as I felt our car accelerate I screamed out STOP! Press the Brake Please Stop!

My friend did, he pressed the brake and the truck went flying in front of us and then lost control and slammed right into the car on the opposite side of the road. We slowly pulled over and everyone, including myself seemed to be screaming “Oh My God did you see that? We just almost died!” My friend called 911 for an ambulance and we got out of the car and ran to see if the people in the car and truck were injured because the crash was bad. They were all conscious and talking but very badly injured, luckily the paramedics and fire truck arrived very fast.

We got back in the car and that’s when my friend turned to me and said, “How in the Hell did you seem to know that was going to happen, what made you yell out Stop?” That’s when I told them about the dream and how it popped into my mind right when we sped past the truck. It was strange while I was telling them about the dream I wasn’t sad I wasn’t scared I was just happy we were safe but I was unable to stop crying while I was talking. It wasn’t sad tears or scared tears it wasn’t even cheers of joy it was like a divine feeling had come over me.

Divine Timing, Coincidence, or Something Else

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Many have heard of the famous writer and poet, Edgar Allan Poe. Well Poe wrote a book called ‘The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym’. In the story four survivors of a shipwreck are in a small lifeboat for many days until they decided to kill and eat the weakest survivor the cabin boy whose name was Richard Parker.

This had never happened in the past or at the time of the story. Then years later a ship called the Mignonette sunk and only four survived, the three older members of the crew, killed and ate the youngest and he was a cabin boy. What made the account even more accurate was the name of the cabin boy was actually Richard Parker.


Ron Paul - Abraham Lincoln - John F. Kennedy - Edgar Allan Poe

This post is my entry in the "Supernatural Writing Contest" by @jerrybanfield

"In order to participate in this "Supernatural Writing Contest" you need to have an account on Steemit.com. The story has to be original and your own with 1,000+ words. All stories that qualify will receive a 10+ STEEM/SBD bid upvote on Jerry Banfield's bot, which translates into around $50 in rewards. This contest is sponsored by the @budgets account and upvotes will be sent by @gmichelbkk."


Original story.
Your own story, own supernatural experience.
First tag "jerrybanfield"
Use (SWC) at the end of your title, if it is not obvious the post is for the contest.
1,000+ words.

Near Death Experiences
Past Lives
Spiritual Awakenings
Miraculous Recoveries
Moments of Magnificence

This post is also my entry into the History Writing Contest by @symphonyofechoes

Competition guidelines by @symphonyofechoes

  • Posts should be tagged with #symphonyofechoes and #history.
  • Posts must be in English.
  • Posts should be 500 - 1000 words in length. Longer posts will be considered but must be compelling.
  • All sources must be referenced, including images.
  • Formatting counts. If your markdown skills are weak, there a number of online tools that can be used to improve the formatting of your post.
  • Grammar and spelling counts too. Allowances will be made for those who are writing in -
    English where English is not your first language.
  • Be creative. If you are writing about history then your aim should be to stimulate your audience's interest in both your chosen topic and history in general.



Love the Originality of the story, needs to double check the numbers to see how accurate it is, but hope you win the contest. Very Creative.


@digdaga are you going to make an entry post yourself?

I have a creative eye for spotting good designs, interiors, architecture, but definitely not in writing so I guess i am skipping this one.

okay but I think of myself as a horrible writer and until steemit only wrote when it was required by school or business. Maybe the platform will get you out of your comfort zone like me.

Amazing how people are able to plug in to future events.

woww very nice I am followed you....

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I was born in 1987 too.

That's very interesting how you put the history together with your story. Dreams can be life savers... Thank you for participating in SWC, and I'm sending a bid for your upvote now.

Thanks for the comments vote and contest contribution a great topic indeed.

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what an excellent article. the lincoln kennedy coincidences are quite incredible but not as much as your life saving dream !! best of luck

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