Childhood Supernatural Experiences (SWC) @jerrybanfield Contest

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

When I was a child, growing up in a small town, my family used to live in subsidized housing units located close to a golf course. It is here that I believe I've had a few and bone chilling encounters with the spirit world. Today I wish to share with you the events that occurred to me while we were living in that community.

The first instance happened shortly before my 9th birthday. It was summertime and the kids in the community would get together and play games around the property, the game today was going to be a NERF gun fight. Upon deciding the game, the kids disbanded, running back to their homes to get their weapon of choice to begin the battle of a century.

As I ran back home, I was thinking of all the places I could hide and jump out to attack my friends before they knew where the gunfire was coming from. As I run inside, my mom asks me what I'd like for dinner. I respond with a half thought out answer, as all I can think about is the war that is about to happen in our backyard. I leap upstairs, skipping two at a time, opening the door to my room, frantically looking for where I put my NERF gun. Scrambling through my closet, throwing all my toys on the floor outside the closet doors, when I remember I had stashed it under my bed. I slide across the floor and jump under my bed. I've found it! Clasping the handle I shimmy my way out from under the bed and as my head is returning to the light and exiting the darkness from below my bed, something hits me on the head. I stand up and look on the floor to see a golf ball rolling across the carpet and towards the door. I look around, maybe anticipating a sneak attack from my older brother, but no one is there and I can still hear my mother in the kitchen making dinner. I feel my cheeks burning and I begin to freak out, unable to place where or how this golf ball landed on my head, I run out the door and downstairs, continuing out the front door, my mom yells, Be careful coming down the stairs, to join my friends and attempt to forget about what just happened.

It didn't take too long before I experienced more strange activity in our house. About a week later, I had a friend at my place for a sleepover. My mom had gone to bed and my older siblings were out at their friend's places. Kris, my friend, had heard about this poltergeist, Bloody Mary, and wanted to try and summon her in my bathroom. Being the ever curious child I was, I agreed to the summoning and proceeded to the bathroom to call upon Bloody Mary herself.

We enter the bathroom and turn off the light. It's so dark I can't see Kris and he's standing directly in front of me. I turn on the tap and allow the water to stream into the sink. Water is splashing on the mirror and on to the counter top and Kris flushes the toilet as we begin the chant that is supposed to call upon her ghostly presence.

"Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary!"

I ask Kris how long we're supposed to continue before we're supposed to see her.

"Just keep saying it, you have to concentrate or else she won't come."

Fine. We begin the ritualistic chanting again for what seems like ages before I start to see what looks like the outline of a young woman. This is no ordinary woman, she was dressed in a night gown, long dark hair, and eyes that could pierce the mirror that was separating us from each other. She had this red aura that encapsulated her as her figure became more distinguished as she walked closer towards us. She was dripping from head to toe and as she lifted her hand up to place it on the thin piece of glass that protected Kris and me, drops begin to crawl down the mirror, leaving an impression of her palm for both of us to see, as we stand holding each other frightened sick for what we just witnessed.
I'm not sure who ran out the door first, but I do know that neither of us dared to go back into that bathroom again that night for fear of coming face to face with the woman on the other side of the bathroom mirror, waiting for the two young boys who summoned her to return. We stayed up most of the night recounting what we saw in the mirror, whether it was real or just our mind's playing a trick on us. We were absolutely scared senseless, as neither of us had ever seen something like this before. I still get chills down my spine to this very day thinking about her sickly image walking towards us, hands outstretched trying to come through the mirror.


Not until a year later was I exposed to another instance that would scare me and leave me frightened to be in this house again.

I was home with my sister, my mom and brother had left for the afternoon to do some shopping for groceries and we had decided to stay behind. We're sitting in the living room watching some TV when I hear a rumbling sound coming from the dining room. I don't think much of it as we have neighbours in the apartment underneath us and they sometimes are a bit noisy. We continue watching TV when the rumbling gets louder and more intense and things on the table start to move back and forth, sliding from side to side nearly falling on the ground. We jump up and run over to see what is going on. As we get there everything is thrown off the tabletop, scattering the papers and catalogues across the dinning room floor. Fearful for what could happen, my sister grabs me by the arm and pulls me back out of danger and tells me to hide behind the couch in case anything comes flying at us. I glance over the back of the couch to the table shaking and pounding on the floor. The legs, never more than two on the round at a time, wobbling under the pressure and force of the pounding they are taking finally begin to give and the table buckles over on to its side hitting the chairs as it falls to the floor creating a CRACK that echoed throughout the house.


My sister and I look at each other unable to comprehend what exactly just happened, we look over at the massacre left in the dinning room and decide we should probably clean it up before mom gets home. We walk over and start cleaning in complete silence standing up the table and picking up the catalogues and papers.

We decide against telling our mom what we saw that day as she would most likely not believe us and we knew that what we saw was real. We didn't need the validation of an adult to tell us that something mysterious had picked up our table, thrown everything off, and tipped it over. We saw it with our own eyes.

When I told her about my experiences she admitted that what happened to us wasn't the only paranormal activity she had seen occur to her and her friends. It seemed as though we were being visited by some spirits that were left at unrest.

It wasn't until years later that my sister found out the housing units that we lived in were built on old First Nation's burial grounds.

Pictures from Google


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Oh my! Such creepy encounters/episodes! Must have been stressful to live in that house knowing that there was something sinister about it. Did you sleep at all after you saw whatever that was in the mirror??

I love ghost stories, but if anything unexplainable were to happen to me, I'd probably freak the hell out!

Great story and very nicely written! I can't wait to read more from you :)

It wasn't until after we had all moved out that we learned of the graveyard beneath the complex. I'm sure if we had known earlier it would have made it a lot more difficult to continue living there.

If you love ghost stories you should check out some of the other submissions in the Supernatural Writing Contest. I'm sure one of them would be able to send a shiver down your spine!

Haha! Nice, you sent shivers down my spine a couple times with that one. Our chant was "Bloody Mary come to me". It never worked, maybe the "come to me" part threw her off. Cheers!

Haha, maybe you were doing it wrong the whole time! Gotta live on old sacred burial grounds as well.
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