【参加募集】日本在住の方(国籍問わず)8月1日スタートのSeason 2 of The Diary Gameでチームを組みませんか?

in #japanese4 years ago (edited)





日本在住の@cryptokannonから、8月1日スタートのSeason 2 of The Diary Gameに「日本チーム」として参加しませんか?というお誘いを受けました。




・the condition for #thediarygame is you must write about your daily life in the country that you are living in(both local and foreigner are included).
・in steemit, you just have to put a maximum of 8 photos or less and at least 300 words or more to be accepted as good blog .
・about 1000steem prize pool dedicate to the recruitment reward!





そのうえで、もしよかったらぜひご一緒しましょう! 8月1日からなので、今日お返事いただけると助かります。

@yasu24 is interested in becoming a member of us.
I've just added a simple Japanese description of 1000 DAYS OF STEEM: Day 14-The Diary Game Season 2-DRAFT Rules & Guidelines to this thread.
I wrote to @yasu24 that we are glad if we get a reply today.

@yasu24 @abbey701 Hi! Thank you for your interest in joining the team for Japan. Let's think of our team name. I will let you both decide on the team name and create the team account and introduction for our team. I hope we will get another 2 team members along the way and we have many more teams from Japan!
People from all over the world need to know about Japan's current situation for Tokyo Olympic visits soon.

@abbey701 san thank you for the translation you did. I appreciate your great teamwork 🤗😊


Hi @abbey701 I have created @japansteemit account and introduction post too. Could you write the post in Japanese too? Do it similar like you did on your post. I will send you the posting and active key for @japansteemit account at your instagram account private message.

Good evening, @cryptokannon

I just read this message. I'm sorry to be late!
Of course, I welcome to translate into Japanese, that you posted in @japansteemit page,1st article.

Have you already sent a DM to my Instagram account? I welcome your DM.

Or I also have a Twitter account. I can also send a message to the Twitter account you wrote in your profile.

I don't actively post on Instagram or Twitter, but it's welcome if we use DM as a contact tool.

I'm more active on Twitter than Instagram. Please write to me on Twitter and I will DM you soon the keys

Thank you. Somehow, I can't send you a message on Twitter. I follow you right now on Twitter, can you send me a message?

Ok, let's do that. I can't find your Twitter account actually. I will message you once we follow each other there.

I'm sorry for troubling you! I have now liked your latest post on Twitter.

I don't know the reason, but when I try to send DM on Twitter, I get a message saying that "you can't send a message to @cryptokannon", and the message screen doesn't appear...



重複したお返事ですみません! 内容OKでしたらぜひ参加表明されてくださいませ。お待ちしています。

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