Journey into Discovery- My Introduction

Growing up in a dysfunctional family with one alcoholic parent and the other having no idea what to do with his life, she had to become independent to survive to adulthood. Drinking and drugs were great escapes from the madness of the family home.


As a child, always the “tomboy”, she preferred playing outdoors to having conversations with schizoid imaginary friends or playing with Barbie dolls! Her idea of fun was building forts, taking a dip in the neighbors pool or playing sports. Softball was a favorite, swimming was a close second.

Being such an independent child she rarely let her mind rest long enough to explore her creative side. Truthfully, that word was not even part of her vocabulary. Not excited by drawing pictures or creative pursuits in school, she stuck to writing the superficial silly book reports demanded by her teachers.

Many stormy days were spent reading books, or working as an assistant in the school library. It wasn’t long before the little tomboy discovered books recounting exploits of the early American settlers, hero’s of America’s West. She was hooked on reading. Not science fiction or scary books, just stories about how the West was won.

Good mystery books were a favorite when she could get her hands on one, babysitting provided the method to pilfer such treasures. By the time she was twelve she had read every Harold Robbins book in print. Trashy books were always a fun read, but romance was just plain boring.

Worlds expanded with books, they were her passage into other places and different ways to live.


One Christmas as a silly gesture for a gift she and her sister put together a montage of photographs slated for the trash can. For each photo they made up a story putting it together as a book. It turned out to be one of the funniest things they had ever done. The entire family got a good laugh out of it. This was the crowning event that began her creative explorations.

In retrospect their laughter indicated approval and in turn permission to explore the creative rather then more practical pursuits of life.

Not too long after that Christmas she began to write, the words flowed slowly, but the writing was more of a passion holding her intrigued rather then duty bound.

Organization was never her strong suit, she knew there were many ways to accomplish things. Realizing that although people may see the exact same thing at the same time, when putting it into words the meaning and essence differs widely.

Each individual mind processes memories and events differently. Her greatest desire is to find her writers voice, she has so many stories locked up inside waiting to be released. Perhaps then she could finally breathe, moving on from the memories and wreckage of the past.


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Really great writing @mother2chicks. Enjoyed reading your intro.
My aspiration is to also find my place in the writing world, unfortunately the stuff I love is eclectic and not very popular.
I wish you the best in your future writing endeavors.

Thank you for your comment. I think you already have great writing abilities. Now for finding the right audience. 🐓🐓

I like this story. I was a voracious reader when I was younger. Anything would do, even backs of cereal boxes! lol. I am glad that you found your creative outlet. I can't wait to read more stories from you!

Haha! I forgot how much fun it was to read the back of the cereal boxes. Thanks for your comment. I can’t wait to read more stories from me too. My inspiration is rather unpredictable. 🐓🐓

This was a great read as usual friend! I like how you make it so easy for us readers to get lost in your tales. Googley wants men lost in her tail but that's another story lol
Hugs and hoping you are having better weather than us down here!

Good play on words my friend. I am about ready to feed Googley to the chickens! Lol. It is gorgeous here. Take care frien❣️🐓

Happy Wednesday 💜

Hi, @cecicastor, so glad to see I wasn't the only one to devour the words on the backs of cereal boxes! Butylated hydroxytoluene will stay with me for a lifetime...🤣

LOL. All those ingredients I couldn't pronounce...Now I don't even eat those cereals. If they preserve what is in the box, what do they do to my body?


Now that you mention it, butylated hydroxytoluene probably WILL stay with me for a lifetime 😳 Gulp

Thank you. 🐓🐓

Hey, nice story and I like the main character. I have always enjoyed your avatar name in here "mother2chicks".

I appreciate yo stopping by to read my story. 🐓🐓

Oh I liked this!

I'm going to go away, think it over and come back to it to give you my thoughts.

Nicely done and pleased to 'meet' you. :)

Alright will be glad to know what your thoughts are. Thank you.

This was so great. I love reading about your life and getting you know you more and more, little by little 🌸

Thank you my friend @lynb. I appreciate your kind comments and that you resteem my work. It’s been a bit of a crazy 10 days since my wrestling with the darned lawn mower. However, have started on track to see a doctor and am feeling better just having accomplished getting an appointment.
Don’t worry about the Henny Penny, the girls are not very nice to her, but we have all of the time in the world and she is very happy here. She does tend to get special attention! We have read but can find no special tricks to get acclimate them. Much love to you. ❤️🐓🐓

I'm so sorry you hurt yourself so badly. I must have missed that part!!?? Now I feel really bad for laughing out loud :( hope all will be well soon. Love

It was a laugh out loud moment. I laughed at myself for having done the same thing twice. In my mind I am stil young and vivacious but my back must have been donated to me by an elderly person. Lol. No offense taken. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love your friend. ❤️🐓🐓

You are too funny, Ellie Mae...back donated to you by an old person....🤣🤣

Oh dear, I also missed the WWE news! 😳Hope you feel better soon.💗💗

That was breathtakingly beautiful, Ellie Mae. Thank you for that window into you 💗💗

Dear Kiligirl, so glad you enjoyed the story of how I became a famous writer! Lol. It is a bittersweet story that has forced me to succumb to writing here on steemit. You may know me as detective James Patterson. I am currently seeking a ghost writer for my next book. Are you interested?
Glad to read that your L-bow is finally giving you some relief.
Much Love to you my friend. Your pen pal Ellie Mae. 🐓🐓❤️
The 🐓Gazette is up.

Isn't it sad/funny/strange that we've had to "reclaim" our creativity - that the school system in those days did so little to help us understand what creativity meant? Anyway, Ellie Mae/James Patterson, I'm so glad you've found your creative voice and are continuing to chase it.

And of course I'd be honoured, not just interested! Perhaps, er, later in the year?

And thanks for the well wishes on the L-bow. Giving me space to get really peeved at printers and scanners that won't talk to my computer.

Much love to you, dear 🐓🐓 pen pal 💗💗

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