We Are Change Colorado is stepping onto the Steemit scene! A Denver-based activist collective, here to bring you news, videos, philosophy, and much more!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit!

We are so happy to make our first post here on Steemit, and to begin adding value and content to the community. We Are Change Colorado is an a freedom-loving, solutions-oriented, activist collective based out of Denver, Colorado. Our Steemit account is going to start off as a collaboration between @kennyskitchen, @johnnyhurley, and Bruce Baumann, with the door being open to other members of our community to submit content as well. Each post's payout in STEEM/SBD will be split 50/50 between the author and the group, to help create abundance for something that has a hugely positive effect on the Denver area, and the world as a whole.


We Are Change

We Are Change started in NYC when some of the 9/11 victims' family members were not getting acceptable answers to their questions concerning what happened that day from the government agencies conducting the official investigations. Along with many others Luke Rudkowski took to the streets with great big signs and pamphlets and a bullhorn and a camera. They started to confront the politicians and figureheads who were lying to them. It turned into a major underground journalism movement with people everywhere demanding answers from all the crooks, cronies, and gangsters in charge.

Most folks who really look into 9/11 often begin to connect the dots and start seeing other big lies, so naturally as WRC spread across the country and quite literally the world the kinds of things they report on now vary greatly, but always in the interest of uncovering hidden truths. The kind of work that Luke and now many, many others have done and are still doing is truly “the great work”. Each chapter has in some way tried to emulate what Luke started in New York but they have each evolved in their own way, and the Colorado chapter is no exception. What we have created is quite unique.

WRCC Begin

We Are Change Colorado

We Are Change Colorado was formed in November of 2007 by a handful of concerned and courageous folks. Our first meeting spot? In the back of a local indoor kid's funhouse called Funtastic Fun (like an independently owned Chuck E Cheese). Yes, once a week we would walk by arcade games and ball pits and whackamole to discuss taking action to solve some of the world's biggest problems. We quickly established a presence in the downtown Denver area with our gigantic signs, Radioshack bullhorns, and copied DVDs on everything from 9/11 to the Federal Reserve to public water fluoridation. The ACLU even backed us up on a phony solicitation charge from DPD on founding member Rob Weiland; they were sent a warning to leave us alone, and they did.

Covering the DNC in 2008 with Luke Rudkowski and Alex Jones helped us get recognized nationally, and little stunts like confronting Al Gore on his book tour (video is long gone) and invading the CDC's forum on mandatory vaccination inspired other chapters to follow suit and vice versa. Check out our YouTube channel to see all of our remaining videos, most of which were expertly shot and edited by founding member Law Johnson, like our confrontation with Newt Gingrich, 9/11 demos galore, the underwear interviews at Denver International Airport on National Opt Out Day (watch for us to do it again later this year!), confronting Joe Lieberman, our emulations of Charlie Veitch's Love Police/anti protests, our many visits to the Denver Water Board concerning fluoride, and many more.

Since the beginning we have added (and lost) some heavy hitters and key players. Johnny Hurley came on the scene in '09 and led the group to many successes and victories. He was invited to give a presentation on 9/11 to the student body government of CU Boulder and organized many street actions and rallies, not to mention getting arrested a couple times. Bruce Baumann came a short time later and really began to shake things up and has brought WRCC's message to far more people in our immediate community than we ever had before. Also unjustly arrested on more than one occasion, Bruce fought a totally falsified charge from the Federal Reserve Police and won. It is truly amazing what people can accomplish when they set their minds to it. WRCC has now evolved even further to foster more community growth and connection to our fellow man and woman. What we are now is a little different but nonetheless amazing and inspiring.

While always keeping in mind that we are here to seek and spread truth, we have now begun to create a real community of like minded folks with big hearts and good intentions. The truth may be harsh and uncomfortable and unforgiving at times, but the reason we care enough to face darkness is because we love the light so much; we love ourselves and we love life. We want to stop war because we love peace. We want to remove poison from our bodies and our environment because we love health. We want to come together purposefully and voluntarily because we see the folly of forceful human relations. Bruce Baumann has been an incredible force for bringing the light and joy back into focus and it has expanded our community and broadened our reach immensely. While still tackling difficult topics and battles like removing fluoride from Denver water and labeling GMOs, he has also brought out artists, musicians, dancers, and lovers of all kinds to share their beauty with us.

We commune with organic potlucks, dance and meditation, unified breathing techniques, and many other expressions of heart. We have tapped into the local permaculture gardening community which has been trying to bring healthy food and the invaluable skill of providing for oneself back to Western culture.


We have also begun a very unique, energetic, monthly open mic night. Unlike a typical open mic, the evening includes a short interview of a community leader, someone with wisdom and expertise to share. After the myriad of beautiful music and poetry and prose we hear every month we have a local band play a short set at the end of the night to really get the vibes up high. These shifts towards more of an existence as a community umbrella have worked wonders to spread our message to new audiences and strengthen the support for our key focuses.


As long as you hold truth love and freedom in your heart, you cannot go wrong. The world is a terrible and wonderful place, and it is our job as truth seekers to embrace it all and not push any of it away. If you don't have something like this in your town, well dang it make one. That's what we did and it has only gotten bigger and better. It's not going away any time soon. We are all powerful individuals, and when we come together we cannot be stopped. Be the change you wish to see in the world.


Please be sure to like, share, and follow us on:

You can also support us with donations via:


I live in Westminster, CO. Welcome to Steemit.

Looking forward to reading more amazing change.

A bit long winded now that I look at it but I wanted to cover our past and present as best I could. Looking forward to writing more!

The firm, the enduring, the simple, and the modest are near to virtue.

Have you ever SCREAMED at someone? (What did they do?)

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Hey there @wearechange-co!

I was looking to organize a #meetup in Aug. Let me know if/how you might want to be involved - https://steemit.com/steemit/@tayken/steemit-meetup-denver-co

I just created the We Are Change Colorado Steemit Bridge. This should help us link WACC members who use Facebook, into the WACC Steemit Community. It will also help us work around the Facebook Algorithms, allowing everyone to receive notifications when one of us post an article.


you said: >>>We have tapped into the local permaculture gardening community which has been trying to bring healthy food and the invaluable skill of providing for oneself back to Western culture.<<<

Are there any AnarchoVols among that crowd in CO?

Vols? Voluntaryists? Anarchovoluntaryists? Is that not entirely redundant? Or did you mean something else? Just hadn't heard that hyphenation yet.

Usually, I just put A/V for AnarchoVoluntyrist. ...to distinguish from AnCaps who are too centered on, and/or consumed with earthly covetousness, and AnarchoCommies who LIVE to force people into shit. So no... Not redundant.

Anyway... in relation to growing REAL food, we have an opportunity presenting itself in Costilla Co., CO (on the NM border), where we can build a full blown AnarchoAgora. About 5k population. Do you skype?

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