Salam kenal sahabat steemian

Hai steemian

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.
Saya Waliyuddin, dengan nama akun @waliyuddin, Kelahiran tahun 1968. Tinggal Di Kota Panton Labu Aceh Utara, Provinsi Aceh - Indonesia. Bekerja di Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Aceh Utara.
Saya mengenal dan bergabung di steemit ini atas dorongan sahabat saya @masrijafar. Steemit sangat bermanfaat bagi saya, disamping menambah wawasan dalam hal menulis juga mempernyak sahabat di seluruh indonesia bahkan di dunia.

Di samping itu juga saya akan mencoba berbagi pengetahuan dan karya saya, mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat terhadap orang

Salam persahabatan dunia


Welcome to Steem Community @waliyuddin! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

Welcome to Steemit @waliyuddin upvote :D

Welcome to Steemit @waliyuddin!

I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Introbot is hosted and managed with donations from @byColeman to help make your journey on Steemit be truly rewarding. Your feedback is always welcome so that we may improve this welcome message.
Oh yea, I have upvoted you and followed you. Many blessings from @introbot & @bycoleman

Welcome to Steem @waliyuddin.

Do read A thumb rule for steemit minnows - 50:100:200:25 for starter tips.

Spend time reading Steem Blue Paper to know how Steem blockchian works and if you still have any queries ask them on our Ask me anything about Steemit post and we will try to answer that.

All the Best!!!

Salam.Welcome to steemit.

Hi Thank you for #introducingyourself. Im myself quite new in steemit community but I realized that there are few things you could do to have a better start:
Mostly I invested a little bit in STEEM in order to purchase STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS. Why? Its simply important. Without initial investment it will be very hard for you to build reach here and be noticed.

Im not sure if you ever heard about this site:
Perhaps you know it already :)
If you will reply to this message (that would allow me to believe that we may develop mutual engagement and help each other) then I will follow you and upvote some of your future posts.
Cheers and good luck.

Welcome to STEEMIT! @waliyuddin, I am really glad you are here, enjoy the steemit.

selamat bergabung dalam komunitas platform baru steemit, semoga sukses

Welcome in steemit my freind ❤️

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Tips to avoid being flagged

Thank You! ⚜

welcome! to the steem room!

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