The Story of a Cockroach Under the Sink

Hello Steemians!

My name is Vishnu from a little 10x10 foot room I call my home in The Netherlands. I'm 25-year-old writer turned entrepreneur, on an eternal journey of breaking monotony and stereotypes in my life. I was born in India, home to a billion people living amongst a myriad of cultures, languages, history, and gastronomical tastes. Life there was largely chaotic, with people running a rat race, trying to work things out, a day at a time.

I came from one such family, living in the exploding bourgeois of a happening metropolitan in the southern part of India, home to some delicious food (spicy, of course) and a great music & art scene. Nonetheless, right from my childhood, I was impressed with the idea that I had to study hard to earn money and that ultimately, would keep me happy.

I did what I was told, for a better part of two decades. Studied hard, made it to a good engineering university, got working in a decent corporation after graduation. I was living the 'quintessential Indian dream' of earning in a white collar job.

Until I cracked, one fine summer morning.

You see, I wasn't the type who was interested in engineering or a desk job. I loved to write, to dream, to debate and importantly, to travel. I realized that my life in India was making me comfortable and lazy, and the money I was earning was singing a eulogy to my dreams and aspirations.

And thus, I quit. Quit my job and on a whim, thought of trekking across the legendary Himalayas. So I did just that, with branded hiking shoes and a spotlessly clean backpack. After a month, I came back home with stinky socks, a torn backpack and a devilishly serene grin on my face (my mom threw my socks and backpack out and would have thrown me as well, if I weren't her only son. Would make a great story for another day). I also had clicked some pretty good pictures while I was wandering around in the mountains.




Something in those ranges changed me for good. I realized that there was nothing more dangerous than getting paid a handsome salary, the first week of every month. The city life I had been used to, somehow felt revolting. I decided to move out and thus began the second chapter of my life, a story which kept changing courses faster than a traffic light would.

To be frank, things have been a blur since then. Just a few episodes after the revelation -

  • I moved to house just on the brink of lake Como in Northern Italy, with a view to the Swiss Alps
  • I founded a preventive healthcare company called Freshrr ( in the Netherlands
  • I became a travel writer, traveling to over a dozen countries across Europe
  • Started consulting to startups around the world
  • Got lost in the woods in Portugal, in the midst of a treacherous fog while trekking alone
  • Slept on the pathway in Romania, unable to find my AirBnB and with no local currency

All this in under a year and a half.

Life works in strange ways. There was a time when I used to lie down on my bed, flat on my back, wondering why there wasn't electricity in my house to switch the fan on, as temperatures soared to over 45-degree celsius (113 degree F). To people reacting in horror to the absence of electricity or to the temperature levels - Welcome to South India.

Surprisingly, that wasn't a long time back. Things have changed pretty fast and I intend to keep experimenting with my life a lot more. And if you have gotten this far, you'd probably be interested in what I got to offer after this rant as well. Please watch my space for articles related to travel, sick adventures, tech updates and things that I feel strongly about (hope it catches your breath as well).

So long and thanks for the fish!


Beautiful pictures. Thanks for posting.

Hey Vishnu, welcome on Steemit. Enjoy the process and keep up the hustle.
I subscribed and hope you find also some interesting stuff on my channel. We should definitvely connect. Feel free to say "hi"

Hey Lagipicasso, thank you! Hope to keep up on the site. And I've subscribed to your channel as well :)

Welcome Vishnucr92! Nice to see more people like you - here joining steemit!! Becoming a steamian is a great adventure !! Here you can win money while bloging! At the beginning it wouldn't be easy, but it isn't impossible. So just write from your heart and everything will be allright. ! Cheers! Greetings, @khunpoom!

Thanks for the advice mate!

Hey Tieu, thank you! :)

Greetings Vishnu. I enjoyed your stories & look forward to more. I'm a fellow backpacker and have been doing it on and off for 12 years. It's a liberating thing. Thanks.

Great to hear from you Joseph! We seem to have a lot of things in common then :)

Let me welcome you to Steemit Vishnucr92 . I'm @chrisx and if you need any help feel free to contact or follow me :-)

Welcome and Thank You for being with us!! Following your Blog now

Thanks @digitalplayer! I'm following you back as well :)

Love the story and your journey. Going to check out

Thank you Justin! And yes, if you like our startup, do give me a ping and we shall talk about it :)

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