Hello Steemit - My Story - Success, Failure, Personal Tragedy, Love and eBay

in #introduceyourself8 years ago

Hello Steemit, I found this blog through a friend, and look I'll be honest here, I have never blogged before, but like everything else in my life, I tend to just jump right in and have a go.

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My name is Ron. I'm 38. Born in October 1977. Here's a mug shot I swiped from my Facebook account. I am married and have two amazing children, aged 17 and 13

I mostly grew up in Canberra, Australia, but was moved around a lot when younger, I have counted up and had been to 12 different schools by the time I was in Year 4. Here is a map of the area we finally settled down in.

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Unfortunately, my childhood was not the greatest, I'm not going to go into too much detail in this post, but lets just say that I grew up with only one parent, and there was not much money for luxuries.

There were some good times though, and I do remember when I was younger we lived in Queensland, in a town called Yeppoon, this is the gateway town to a beautiful island resort called Great Keppel Island.

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I remember going here for free as my mother worked on the island, and pretending that I was a rich tourist, sampling all the island had to offer!

At age 16 I left home and began my life on my terms.

My first job was with a mechanics workshop, where I was training to be a mechanic, following one of my passions which is everything automobile!

I made some great friends here, and there were a few older guys who I looked up to and showed me the ropes. But I soon started to think that if I stayed in this industry, I would end up just like them...40 years old with knee and back problems, multiple past injuries and not a huge pay packet to show for it all. So it was time for a change.

I was always interested in buying and selling, and decided to use my mechanical knowledge and moved into retail for a national auto parts supplier. They were more focused on the retail DIY customer rather than the professional workshop.

I started off as the Spare Parts Interpreter, but within a year I worked up to the Assistant Store Manager. I then was offered an amazing opportunity in the same company, which involved travelling up and down the whole east coast of Australia, from Darwin in the north to Melbourne in the south, and everywhere in between. I snapped up the job offer and relocated to Brisbane, Queensland.

I loved this new job, I was travelling to a different area of Australia every second week, staying in fancy hotels and sampling the some of the best restaurants Australia had to offer. I often had spare time to explore the regions I was working in, I thought I had the best job in the world!

Some of my standout memories of this time include watching the sun set over the ocean in Darwin - I lived on the East Coast, so I never had seen this before!
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Another one would be The Barren Falls in Cairns, Queensland, absolutely beautiful!

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I saw the best of Australia, and I really do wish I had photographed my travels so I had more of a record of what I saw and experienced.

However, there was a small problem with this lifestyle.

I was leaving my young family behind. My poor partner, Michelle, was stuck at home with my 2 year old son, while I was off gallivanting around the country, having the time of my life.

Time for Change again.

We relocated back to Canberra, in order to be closer to Michelle's family, and to provide a stable, secure upbringing for my son. It was during this time that I discovered eBay...what a revelation is was to me then!

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More on my eBay journey in separate post!

I was still with the same company, now as Store Manager and quickly established my reputation as good leader and business operator.

I was then "poached" by another company, and started running a business selling sports gear.

I then "job hopped" a fair bit, nearly every new year saw me in a different company, I had sold everything from Sportsgear to Carpet, Electrical Switchboards to Commercial Refrigeration.

My last role was with a national electronics and technology retailer, and I managed to stay there for 4 years, as I really enjoyed the feel of the company, and had good success there.

Unfortunately, higher up the corporate ladder, things were not going so well, and the company collapsed, leaving me without a job for the first time in my life

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And so began the most challenging year of my life.

I decided to take some time out of the workforce, to work on my eBay business, and do some renovations at home.

But something was wrong.

I didn't feel well. I mean, I was constantly sick and tired, and was gradually getting worse. I had no appetite and had lost a lot of weight.

Then came the day that I could barely stand up. My blood pressure was through the roof and my heart was pounding.Michelle convinced me to go into hospital. I was immediately taken though to emergency, and blood was taken for testing.

The news came back...I had zero kidney function. My kidneys had failed.
This was irreversible and permanent.

That had caused the high blood pressure. I also had severe anaemia, there was not enough oxygen getting around my system. I was very sick, the doctors told Michelle that if I hadn't have come into hospital then, I would have been in a coma within a week, and perhaps even dead.

That was 9 weeks ago, now I have to have dialysis three times a week for 5 hours at a time just to stay alive. I am being put on a transplant list but that might be 3-4 years away.

I do feel a bit better due to the dialysis, but still along way from 100%

But I have not taken this a setback.

I decided early on to make this an opportunity.

I had always been doing well on eBay since starting to sell way back in 2004. I was a part time powerseller, making extra money whenever I needed it.

This was my opportunity to go full time. To realise my dream of making a living on eBay and working to my own schedule, to break free from the 9 to 5 mentality.

Its still early days, and I am still battling with my health, but so far things are looking promising, I have already managed to match my previous income when i was working full time for the last month, despite having to go into hospital for barrages of tests and treatments.

So there is me in a nutshell, thanks for reading, if you would like to know anymore of my story please let me know in the comments section.

Of course, upvotes would be appreciated !!


Welcome to Steemit Ron. Thanks for sharing your journey, I look forward to hearing more. Keep that positive attitude. Its inspirational.

Thanks @jennsky - looking forward to becoming a part of the steemit community

Nice post. Your putting in the time over the years to develop your side business has really paid off for you and your family in the face of job loss and health problems. How devastating it must have been to hear that your kidneys had totally failed. I hope you get your transplant sooner rather than later. I wish more people were willing to be donors. I have met some transplant recipients, including a woman who got a pancreas and kidney. They were so grateful for a second chance at life and health.

@steemerpat...thanks, appreciate your thoughts. Was pretty shocking to hear but I made the decision early on to keep a positive attitude, and I am sure that has been a huge help to my family and myself in getting through day by day. Its funny now how if i come across anyone with negativity spewing out of their mouth I tend to avoid them instantly.

You have a great attitude Ron, nice post, great photo's. Looking forward to reading of your Ebay adventures.

my man you are blessed !!to have lived in a beautfull contry an to have travled like you did !! i want to share something with you that will help you leve more comfortable an with Gods blessing a lot longer with your family !! you can have it for FREE !!1an you can make all the money you want with it !!!James Dickerson a lot people are lerry of checking out a proven winner but my friend earnest has the right comcept with CTFO http://528610.chewthefatoff.com/freebiz
Your emails are encouraging, informational, and motivational for me. I am excited each time I get one. They are helping me form my emails to my down line. You are awesome.
I started with CTFO in the end of July 2016. I loved the concept, but like everyone else I wanted to see if I could make it work the way it promised.
I immediately, within minutes of signing up, started promoting my links. In the first 3-4 days I had my first 3 enrollees. I was promoting with free FB ads. My 3rd new member made a purchase, and put me into the "paid" category. At this point I had not spend a cent yet, and I had a downline, and an income.
I got excited, so I bought some clicks (45). In that order I got 5 new enrollees. Before I got those new members, I ordered Chew the Fat off, and super 7. One for me and one for my wife (I don't need to lose weight).
Since then I have gotten other new members on FB. I have another paying customer, and I am now on clicks auto-ship. This is my first time ever to sign anyone up, and to make any money on the Internet.
I am totally sold because the Super 7 has been incredible for me. I call it my awesome positive energy. I am never tired now. I do all the work that needs to be done around the house without even thin king about it. I am alsothinking clearly. I write a lot, and was starting to get bogged down. Now I am writing again.
I am contacting my members almost daily with a variety of positive and encouraging emails. I also send them a product ad in once or twice per week, just to keep the products in front of them. I am sure some of them will begin to catch on with how awesome this is.
I write my own ads for FB, and I have a Graigslist ad, and another free add out there somewhere. when the opportunity comes up I tell everyone why I am feeling so good. They can see the positive in me.
I am all in, and hope to have a snowball effect starting soon.
Thanks for your encouraging emails. I love the information and motivation you provide for me. I do a lot of motivational speaking and this product, Super 7, is really giving me an extra boost of energy for that. The thinking clearly plays a great roll in that as well. http://528610.chewthefatoff.com/freebiz

Chew The Fat Off

Great intro! Welcome

cheers @condra thanks for reading my lame attempt at an intro :)

Welcome Ron! Nice to see more people coming in to Steemit. And your story is a book in itself. Thanks for sharing it. Somehow, it also reminded me of my own health.

There has been so much going on here right now on Steemit. And I want to share with you a very good post from one of our Steemit pioneers @stellabelle. I thought you might want to take some time to read it.


Have a great time here in Steemit!

@cjclaro thanks for your kind comments, i just read the post youmlinked and yeah, exactly what i am here ...to share my story and who gives a f%ck about making money!

Welcome to Steemit Ron. That's an inspirational story.

thanks for the kind words @nubchai ...not too sure about inspirational, just telling it like it is.

Thank you for your post. I share your attitude(and your love for cars) I too started out as a mechanic. I have had a rollercoaster ride as well. All you can do is hang on and enjoy it.

Awesome a kindred spirit! Once cars are in your blood it never leaves you...ill be posting soon about my car collection and my favourite muscle car!

Who's the last person that deeply disappointed you? (What happened?)

Welcome to Steemit! Life is nothing if not filled with twists and turns - and you're showing the kind of resilience that will get you through this latest challenge. I hope you'll keep writing.

hi @steemitpatina thanks for the welcome! Its just a day by day thing, ive been dealt a low card recently but there is many other people worse off than me. Just have to make the best of things and try to find the silver lining.
Yep planning some more posts now so shouldn't be far away!

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