WHY I’m ON Steemit - Reason 3

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Uncensored Social Media Platform.


I will share some of my firsthand experiences of social media censorship in this post.

I’ve experienced censorship from mainstream social media platforms many times. I stopped using these platforms (for a number of reasons - that I will share) 6 years ago.

I discovered a direct correlation between the amount of time that I spent on social media platforms - with the loss of brain cells and a significant deterioration in my overall mental health. I felt increasingly dumber, and more frustrated the longer that I spent time on them.

I also found them to be a great waste of my time and a distraction from far more important things.

Bottom line - I gave them up for health reasons 6 years ago while medical studies play catch-up.

Except for you tube that is, which is not any better - just different.

I don’t watch tv or movies - you tube is pretty much my tv and movie night. I like to watch good video content so you tube (and other video platforms) is what I choose to watch. It provides me with many more channels, and much more content than I could ever hope to get with a cable or Netflix etc subscription - and it’s free!

I choose to spend a lot of time outdoors - in nature. I like read to non-fiction books and well-researched content from anywhere - so long as I learn something valuable from it. I read a lot of really great content on Steemit and hopefully I am contributing to some of that great content in my little own way?

When it comes to social media…


Steemit is like a breath of air as I’m scuba-diving in a hostile and unforgiving environment. It is like pure drinking water in a deep, dark swamp. It is a cleansing bath that washes away the filth that attempts to permeate my mind, body and soul.

Steemit is the current nirvana of social media platforms and that is why I have chosen a Uncensored Social Media Platform as my #3 reason for being on Steemit.

Protecting You From Reality


Mainstream social media channels have been censoring and suppressing people and their opinions for many years. Whether that be a content creator or commentator - they can, and have been targeted - I am just one of many - and I am not special.

They have promoted and elevated garbage to the trending feed as they simultaneously suppress truth and promote shills.

Mainstream media news websites, that used to allow comments on articles, have for the most part, stopped accepting comments - especially for fake news and propaganda articles (their bread and butter).

Many internet forums are heavily moderated, increasingly so. After quitting social media 6 years ago, I switched to forums.

The relationship started out well - as most symbiotic relationships often do.

I gained a niche audience, some respect and a small following within its confined social circles - they gained traffic and revenue from my content while I earned nothing. It was a match made in heaven - or so I thought - then I swallowed the red pill and really began to wake up at a constantly accelerating pace. As one domino fell another would soon following it and I was swallowing red pills left, right and center.

The honeymoon began to end approximately 1 year later - as I co-incidentally began sharing of my newly discovered truth. My comments started to get blocked and they did not appear on the forum feed unless a moderator/gatekeeper approved or rejected them.

Depending on the time of day that could take 12 hours or more.

If my comment was approved, people would reply. If I replied to their comments I often had to wait another 12 (rarely less than 2) hours for my comment to be approved/rejected. If my reply was rejected I tried editing it (watering it down) and re-posting it.

In the meantime, most people had already moved on to the next topic. My attempts were primarily futile, and while this was many years ago - I am certain that a few seeds were planted.

If only I knew back then what I know now!

This was, and still is, a very subtle and effective means of censorship, that I twigged on to quite early. After jumping through their hoops and attempting to satisfy their moderators for a month or two - I simply gave up on talking about truth on most forums.

I later realized that many of the more popular forums are part-owned by mainstream media conglomerates.

The men paying the bills control the content and direction/moderation of the forum in more instances than you may realize.

Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo have been manually overriding their algorithms and totally blacklisting, or re-ranking targeted websites e.g. Natural News.

In some countries (e.g France & Germany) websites are completely removed from search results altogether at the behest of the government - simply because the content does not align with government opinion e.g Storm Front.


Following is a short-list of examples where I have been personally censored:

  1. One of my you tube channels was closed down for nefarious reasons.
  2. I have witnessed many other you tube channels closed down (overnight) for nefarious reasons.
  3. I have been denied access to one of my you tube channels for 3 years. I have answered every secret question and sms code so as to regain access, but to no avail.
  4. I do not receive email notifications (or any notification) to the comments that I leave on videos. If I want to see if anyone has replied - I need to manually remember each video that I commented on and re-visit it a later date to see if someone replied.
  5. I posted a video on my you tube channel that got 137,000 views in 2 months. Almost 1 year later it has 139,000 views.
  6. My comments on you tube have often been regularly ghost-banned. I can see my comments but no-one else can see them. It goes much deeper than me waiting for the channel owner to check his spam comment folder and approve my comment. Google ‘ghost-bans’.
  7. I have have had conversations on you tube that I have carried on for many months on one device, with one individual. When I searched for those comments from a different device and IP address those comments did not appear i.e. ghost-banned. I was most likely talking to a paid government shill the whole time. They do this to tie us up in knots and waste our time.

Mainstream social media (and 99% of media) is infiltrated with shills and trolls. If they aren’t shills or trolls - they are seriously deceived. Take your pick!

I say that with the utmost of respect. I was also deceived once upon a time and I have not forgotten.

Need I mention these well recognized facts?

  1. Smith–Mundt Act (USA Legal Propaganda Act)
  2. Church Senate Committee
  3. Operation Mockingbird (yep, they mocked us)
  4. Facebook pulling down a 9/11 post that appeared in their trending feed, globally
  5. Zuckerberg on ‘hot mic’ telling Angela Merkel that Facebook was working on solutions to censor and suppress opposing voices
  6. You Tube’s systematic de-monetizing of alt-media/truther channels
  7. Google - Do No Evil

It would take me many weeks, probably months and possibly years - to list every example of social media censorship.

Steemit is a Uncensored Social Media Platform


We live in a world of fake-news and comprised social media.

We are fortunate that Steemit has provided us with an uncensored social media platform to write and comment about the things that we care about.

I’m here because I believe that every individual has a voice and a right to be heard (freedom of speech) - whether we agree with that voice or not is another story - but that voice should not be suppressed.

Steemit is without doubt - the best social media platform that we have today.

My truth may not be your truth - that’s ok. I am merely sharing my truth and introducing myself to you during this series and I welcome hearing your truth.

Thank you for reading this post and for allowing me to share why I love Steemit with you!

I hope that this post has been profitable to you!

Till next time…

Love, Peace & Truth

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WHY I’m ON Steemit - Reason 1

WHY I’m ON Steemit - Reason 2

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Controlled Opposition - Your Friend Might Be Your Enemy

Image Credits: 1 2 3 4 5


Believe me steemit is also a great distraction whaha :p

I can relate to this post.
first came the suspensions on facebook, then youtube channel closure, and finally lost my twtter a few months back. Now I'm trying Steemit with renewed hope even though I've already stumbled on a few posts and comments hidden by negative flags, and in some cases it was flagging of opinions and not abuses. This is concerning but something that can be solved.
I think flagging should be reserved for clear cut abuses : abusive language, plagiarism, spam etc and never used to bury opinions . This needs to be stated clearly in the FAQ (currently it is not) .
Also Steemit, though based on a blockchain database, is currently still a centralized website so it can be easily targeted by governments.
Steemit needs to become a decentralized application to really be censorship-proof.

You've made some very good points. I think Steemit will be able to resolve some of those issues in time. It is still in beta technically. There are not many places left online where we can share our opinions openly these days. Let's hope that Steemit can be one of them.

Great article - has my vote :)

Thanks a lot :)

great article my dear i vote you

I'm glad you're here.

Keep calm and Steem on!

Thank you for saying so. I appreciate the encouragement.

A good thought about social media is: "Stop talking about Life, And Go Out and LIVE it!"

that's excellent advise :)

We share many similar views. Great content! Looking forward to more from you :) Followed!

Glad that you enjoyed reading it. Thank you @artystuff

Great article, I think it's safe to say that many of us are here because we love liberty and uncensored speech.

Yes we do - thank you!

There's a lot to be said of Steemit... I started
calling ourselves STEEMERITES...

KInda like meteorites? I like it :)

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