
Hello to the Steemit-Community! =)

You probably know by your own that's not easy to introduce yourself. But I realized it’s absolutely worthy for aspects like this:

You have to think about yourself
You have to take the time to think about yourself
You have to take the time to write all this thoughts down and structure them
You have to reduce all the stuff you want to illustrate and put it in a few sentences

I decided to tell you the steps in my live they generated my best decisions and changes.


My name is Rebecca, I’m 30 and original from Germany. I just started my journey as a digital nomad living in a roof top tent on my Suzuki Vitara. Since I’m traveling I feel more and more @home in the world. But let’s start with some facts to my previous life.

My previous life - the time my life was still normal…

… but boring, exhausting and stressful at the same time.

I never had a 9to5 job. Most of my time in the working world it was more a 9to10 job or sometimes more. It was always okay for me, I rarely complained and I was happy with my job.

Maybe I should tell you that I came to a company after finishing high school and I stayed them loyal for nearly a decade. It was a big system gastronomy company and I quickly realized, that I was doing a good job. Fortunately they realized the same facts and so I became the manager of one outlet in no time at all. I was 24 at this time - managing a 2 Million Euro business with 50 employees in Germany. My last year in this company I took over an outlet in Austria (by the way this was the time I discovered my new love I will tell you later =)).

In this time I learned more than ever imagined before about people, their behavior and especially my behavior towards others. Also it was a hard time with a few stones on my way I won’t miss this broad experience.

With all these experiences and soft skills - gained during the first decade of my live in employment - I wanted more.

More career - more money - more experiences

I decides to get a management consultant. It was a tough start as a bloody lateral entrant and the first few weeks nearly broke my famous fighting spirit =).

In the end it was anything but no bad decision. Also I hated the job, neither the long working hours (once more) nor the full time traveling during the week deterred me. On the contrary, I discovered my wanderlust in this time. Thats the best expert knowledge about myself I could take away from this job and additional this time as a management consultant (less than a year) taught me much more about me and my live.


In this time I realized a few facts which I don’t want for my future live

The most important fact I learned from this consulting job is that I don’t want to use the polite form of address to customers or colleagues in the future. There are much more learnings from this time. Maybe I could tell you sometimes...

Now you know a few things about my work history. But guess what I’m doing today?

I think it is the right time to slow down for a few days, or weeks, or whatever how long...

No cars, no planes, to trains.

I fell in love (this is the new love I told about) with the mountains during the time I lived in Austria and am addicted to hike and also doing via ferratas since this time. In the mountains you are in the middle of nature and all the people you meet - if you meet people on the way - are kind and warm people.

My first time hiking on a mountain I wondered that the ways are so easy to go. Of course it was really exhausting, but you are walking on a normal path. Before I made my first trip I thought you have to climb to get to the summit. So the first time on a summit - and it was a long trip in the middle of January - was such a mind-blowing experience. Since this time I went every week on another mountain in Austria.

No cars, no planes, to trains. You hear nothing except the nature on a mountain. I love it.

Basically I think with the right willingness can everybody hike on a mountain. You don’t have to take the highest one first but there are so many nice trips for beginners they still present you an adventure you will not forget. If you want more informations for trips in Austria feel free to ask me!


This time in Austria I also decided another important thing in my life:

I never want to live on a place where I cannot see the milky way with my own eyes

I really don’t like cities and I’m fine only if I can be by my own without thousands of other people around me.

If you put all these facts - love people, but not so many at once, love nature, love quietness, love being on different places, love movement, love being outdoor - into an bucket and mix them. The result is what happened to my live in the last few weeks:

I became a digital nomad living in a roof top tent on my Suzuki Vitara and traveling around wherever I want.


I want to tell you more about the circumstances that affected me to sell all my stuff and go on this journey... maybe in another article.

Thats me. I hope you enjoyed reading my introduceryourself arcticle and maybe you are a little bit excited about my trip and all the stories I’ll have to tell =)

Thank you for your time - I know how valuable time is



Hallo Rebecca!
Cool, dass Du hier gelandet bist! Alle Achtung, das ging schnell. Du lässt Entscheidungen nicht lange aufweichen, das ist gut so!
Eine ganz tolle Intro hast Du hier gepostet. Die werde ich gleich mit an meine Wand nehmen, damit es einige mehr sehen.
Ich wünsche Dir viel Spass und Erfolg hier und nehme gleich mal Deine Verfolgung auf. 😃

Halli Hallo! ;)

Dein Kommentar klingt als würden wir uns persönlich kennen (korrigier mich falls das wirklich so ist 🤪) - sehr symphatisch.. Danke fürs anpinnen.. vielleicht hast du Tipps was ich tun kann, damit das Intro noch mehr sehen? Bin ja ein Newbie 😇

Was meinst du mit: das ging schnell?

Hallo Rebecca!
Sorry, nein so richtig persönlich kennen wir uns nicht, sondern von Sola und da auch erst ein paar Tage - Ich bin der Kerl, der Deine Idee cool findet, aber lieber Wohnmobil fahren würde! 😉

Natürlich habe ich noch Tipps für Dich. Einen möchte ich Dir sofort mit auf den Weg geben: Mach Deine Intro auch noch einmal auf Deutsch. übersetzt Dir alles ziemlich gut, naja, von Hand verbessern ist trotzdem nicht falsch. Du kannst dann auch "introduceyourself" meines Erachtens noch einmal verwenden.

Tagge diesen Post dann unbedingt (mit einem der 5 zulässigen tags) mit "deutsch" und dann wirst Du sehen, was auf einmal los ist. Wir haben eine ganz tolle, starke deutsche Community, die sich sofort in Gang setzt mit vielen, vielen Tipps und Hilfestellungen. Sie müssen Dich halt nur sehen.
Nicht erschrecken, es werde wohl auch einige deutsch "bots" Dich anschreiben, die sind alle freundlich und hilfreich.

Tipp: Ich selbst mache meine Posts fast immer zweisprachig D-GB und tagge sie "deutsch".

Den Rest wirst Du nach und nach entdecken. Es ist alles etwas komplizierter als bei Sola aber auch 1000 mal aufregender hier.

Du darfst immer gerne bei mir nachfragen, wenn Du etwas nicht weisst, aber Du wirst sehen, es gibt einige deutsch Delfine und Wale hier, die viel mehr Wissen und Erfahrung haben als ich und Dir sicher auch gerne helfen.

Hier mal ein ganz schöner Artikel zum Anfangen:

Viele Antworten auf Deine Fragen wirst Du auch auf Steemwiki von dem tollen deutschen Steemian und #deutsch - Förderer @afrog finden:

Zu guter Letzt will ich Dich noch auf unseren Discord Channel D-A-CH der deutschsprachigen Steemit-Community aufmerksam machen:

Wie gesagt: Viel Freude und Erfolg in unserer grossartigen Steemit-Familie!


Hey Patrick!

Vielen lieben Dank für die ausführliche Beschreibung und die vielen Tipps..!! 😊

Ich habe lange überlegt ob ich auf Englisch oder Deutsch schreibe... Dabei habe ich gar nicht wirklich bedacht, dass auch beides in Frage kommt 🤪

Denkst du es ist generell besser zwei einzelne Posts zu machen, oder beides in einen zu packen?

Ich freue mich auf regen Austausch!

Ganz liebe Dachzeltgrüße 😉

Hallo Rebecca,

es gibt tatsächlich bei den Zweisprachigen welche, die immer zwei Posts machen, es gibt sogar welche, die haben zwei Accounts, einen in jeder Sprache. Die ganz große Mehrheit postet einfach die Artikel zweisprachig, zu dieser Gruppe gehört auch meine Wenigkeit.

In dieser Gruppe gibt es einige wenige, die den Artikel zweimal hintereinander schreiben und oben auf die zweiter Sprachausgabe weiter unten hinweisen. Die große Mehrheit der "Zweisprachigen" schreibt die beiden Sprachen paralell, entweder durch Abschnitte oder Tabellen getrennt. Mit HTML-Codes kriegst Du das gut hin. Wenn Du dabei Hilfe brauchst, sage es mir. Ich bin zwar bei Weitem nicht der HTML-König hier, bekam aber viel Hilfe hier. Die Tips gebe ich Dir gerne weiter.

Ganz liebe Grüße ins Dachzelt! 😊

danke danke ich melde mich! ☺️

hi rebecca...welcome to this awsome community....very nice introduceyourself
... hope u spend great time here.

hey! Thank you... 😎
I wanted to start in Steemit since December. Now I did it finally 🤗

You got SNEKKED!
I love your post!

You got snekked is my project for Jan 2018!
I look for good content (one post) and 2 new members who I will give a 100% upvote and mention in my daily post about this project later today! I will share your link in that post hoping it will bring you even more eyes and followers.

Welcome to the Steemit platform!
I hope you will have a marvelous, slithering time here on the platform!
Have a look at @minnowsupport ! This is a community for newer members on the platform. You can also find them on Discord chat!
You can also find me there and in some other groups on Discord under the name Snekky!

Best wishes

What a sweet post =) Thanks a lot!

Welcome steemit rebbeca,happy traveling . Follow me 😊

Thank you for the wishes!

Follow me and upvote 😀

I loved your post, really, sometimes i have the will to do the same just travel around in my car, but doesn't it get kinda lonely doing it alone?

I never want to live on a place where I cannot see the milky way with my own eyes

My father told me that when he was young he could see the whole milky way from his home, but nowadays it's almost impossible unless you are far far away from a city.

Welcome aboard, i followed you, you might run into some bandwidth problems when you post, if you want some tips how to work around this problem watch my latest post, i talked about this problem
I'm waiting anxiously for your posts

👋 and thanks for your comment...

Sometimes it’s indeed lonely alone 😉 but I think that’s a reallly good opportunity to find yourself... and maybe it’s time to do this in the age of 30...

On the other side I can always decide if I wanna be alone or not. You can meet people everywhere. And when you are traveling you meet a lot of great people on your way!

Yes, as long as you got one of those personalities that makes getting friends easy you can get friends everywhere and never be alone on your travels
Oh well, if you ever come trough Portugal give me heads up

I try to remember.. sometimes I do not know what I ate yesterday 😂

Me too 😂😂😂

Welcome to your New Journey here on Steemit! Well, the journey here won't be successful being alone. But, rest assured we will support you as a community along the way. Looking forward to your posts.

i am never alone 😂

Welcome Rebecca to Steemit, love your rooftop tent. Looking forward to reading more of your travel journeys.

Are you a rtt camper, too?

I do my very best :)

Whoaa! Welcome @rebeccaontheroof! Such a friggin amazing story - I esp like the 'digital nomad' term which suits this post quite well. Keep on blogging - subscribed (or followed)

It’s nice to see that you like my story! 😍

Vielen Dank!

Welcome to Steemit Rebecca, Great Intro. You are on an adventure !
I invite you to join Adventure Contest

Thank you for the invitation! I will have a look 😎

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