Hello Steemit. I am Imperfect! MummyImperfect

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)


I'm Rena aka MummyImperfect. I've been blogging for about a year and was recently introduced to Steemit by @nanzo-scoop.

As per my bio:

I’m a Writer, Director, Producer, and general creator and lover of entertainment. I was one of the founders and Artistic Directors of a theatre company called Caste Away Arts. I also work in broadcasting as an Assistant Radio Producer. I’m a Mum of two (soon to be three!), I’m Made In India and imported to London via Coventry.

I think Steemit is a cool concept although I'm really not sure how the money bit works! No big deal though. I figured, all I need to is sign up with my Facebook and blog some stuff (which I do anyway), so why not! If something comes of it, great. If not, I'm sure I'll meet some interesting people on the way.

I blog about

family, lifestyle, entertainment, health….and a good dose of randomness! Whatever I write about, I try to tell it like it is and I hope that my blog will amuse, inform, or inspire you in some way.

Here is a post I uploaded to my website to verify it is me. I will also tweet this out on my personal twitter lol!

That's it for now. Feel free to say hello in the comments!

For more of my #Lifestyle and #Parenting tips follow me @mummyimperfect or visit my website

#MummyIP x


Yay, well done and thanks for the shout out!

Hope we're onto something.

@mummyimperfect: Great first post and welcome! As an outside blogger who has posted on Steemit, you have a chance to win $300 from our contest which is on this month. You just need to reply to my contest post (link below), posting a link to your blog (this page). Then get some more of your fans to come here and vote for you...if you have the most votes by July 4, you get $300 in additional to what you earn from those extra upvoters!

Contest post: https://steemit.com/blogspotlight/@donkeypong/300-reward-for-the-most-popular-guest-blog-post-200-finders-fee

Welcome! I am sure you are going to do great here! Feel free to ask questions. Dont worry about the money part(i dont fully understand either) focus on blogging and you'll get loyal followers like me :-)

Thank you. I'm happy that people are reading my blog so that's great :)

Thanks for this, I've read this post and it's really helpful. nanzo-scoop is the one who introduced me to steemit :)

OOPS! Didn't realize it was the same person HA!

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing your blog here as one of the pioneers.

Never been called a pioneer before! Thanks :)

But you are.

Great to see! :)

Hi. Thanks for reading my post :)

Welcome MummyIP, as an established blogger do you believe projects such as SteemFeeder (you can read about it here) which will allow you to use the rss feed of your existing blogging platform to automatically post your new content in steemit be useful to existing bloggers like yourself who'd like to try steemit - I'd love your input as your my target audience.

Sounds like a good idea. I'm going to look into this as it sounds like it would save me time.

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