$300 Reward for the Most Popular STEEMIT Guest Blog Post + $200 Finders Fee

in #blogspotlight8 years ago (edited)

$300 Reward for the Most Popular Guest Blog Post + $200 Finders Fee

Do you have a blog on the Internet? We invite you to write a guest blog post on Steemit. Promote your blog to a whole new audience on this fast-growing site. When readers upvote your post on Steemit, you get paid. Because the site is new and just getting established, some bloggers are making as much as $6,000 for one post.

But that’s not all. If your guest blog post gets the most upvotes between now and July 1, 2016, you ALSO can win this $300 contest by becoming the most upvoted guest blogger.


How do you get upvotes? Just ask some of your blog subscribers or members to try out Steemit also. The more of them upvote your content, the closer you will be to collecting this reward. Because it uses new technology, Steemit is able to pay the voters, too, so your blog members will love you for introducing them to this site!

Finders Fee: An existing Steemit user (who already has a registered account as of May 21, 2016) can claim the $200 Finders Fee by referring the winner of the $300 Most Popular Guest Blog Post contest. Referrals must comply with the guidelines below.

If no one claims the Finders Fee, a second-place finisher also will be declared and will receive $200 in the Most Popular Guest Blog Post contest. The second-place finisher is the guest blog poster whose blog post receives the second-highest vote total.

Eligibility and Guidelines for the $300 Most Popular Guest (MPG) Blog Post contest

  1. To win the MPG Blog Post contest, you must have an existing blog on the Internet (existing as of May 21, 2016). It must be active enough that you have made a posting on it within the past 30 days and you must have a membership or subscriber base of 20 or more members. Your blog must have its own website or a page on WordPress, Blogger, or another commonly used blog platform.

  2. To enter the MPG Blog Post Contest, first join the Steemit platform (it’s free) and make a new post. Links and references to outside material are acceptable, but only posts with at least 90% original content will be considered. That means that no more than 10% of your post can consist of quoted, paraphrased, or otherwise borrowed content. At least 90% must be in your own words, original content that is unique and fresh.

  3. Final step to enter the MPG Post Contest: You must reply to this post. In your comment, paste the link to your post. Only upvotes to YOUR post (not this thread) will be tallied in determining the prizewinner.

  4. Voting closes on July 1, 2016. The guest blog post with the highest vote total wins. The first-place winner will receive $300 in STEEM Dollars (which are almost always redeemable for the same amount in US Dollars, or they may be used to Power Up your Steemit account). If no one claims a Finders Fee, then a second-place winner will be declared and will win $200 in STEEM Dollars. Winner(s) will receive payments in STEEM Dollars during the week of July 4, 2016, except that if there is any postponement of Steemit’s first July 4 payout, then the payment date for the prize winnings may be postponed for the same amount of time.

Eligibility and Guidelines for Claiming the $200 Finders Fee

  1. To be eligible for the Finders Fee, the user must possess a registered Steemit account as of May 21, 2016. This requirement exists to prevent fraudulent accounts being created by a blogger after this announcement for the purpose of claiming both the prize and a fee. For those who join Steemit after this date, do not despair, since we will have more contests in the future.

  2. Spamming out invitations to bloggers is expressly forbidden. Such behavior could cause damage to all parties involved, including Steemit. If you communicate with bloggers to invite them to guest-post on Steemit, please do so with the utmost courtesy and professionalism. (See next section for help with this.)

If they ask questions to you about Steemit or how to get started, you may need to lead them through this process of signing up and getting started. Communicate with them only in a courteous and professional manner. If there are complaints about any Steemit user’s actions in promoting this contest, then those complaints will be deemed to be true, and that user who is the subject of a complaint will forfeit the right to collect any potential Finders Fee in this contest or any such contest in the future.

  1. To submit your claim for the Finders Fee, you must reply to this post before the guest blog post is posted. Include in it the registered Steemit name of the guest blogger or enough identifying information to allow his/her identity to be matched to that of the MPG Blog Post contest winner.

Help with Finding Blogs and Reaching Out to Them
Here is a sample outreach letter for blogs, written by Steemit CEO Ned Scott. Please note that this is a sample only, which you should customize. You can modify it to mention this prize announcement if you wish. Then substitute your own contact information for Ned’s; do not pretend to be him and do not use his contact info. Again, anyone doing so will forfeit the right to collect any potential Finders Fee, now or in the future.


Link to full-sized letter:

Leads to Top Blogs: Try running a Google search for “Top Blog List”, “Blogs By Subscriber”, “Most Popular Blogs”, or using a particular category such as Travel, Wine, Games, Cars, Dogs, Weddings, Weight Loss, SEO, or Astronomy (those are some examples), you could search Google for something like “Wine Blogs”. Most blog sites list their contact e-mails or have a contact form on the site. The above topics are just some ideas; pick off one or two areas you like and start there. You can find a much longer list of the most popular blog categories by subscriber in this post:

If you have questions or find that any aspect of this contest is unclear, then please reply to this post and @donkeypong will respond to your question.

Steemit Blog Spotlight Newsletter
The $300 prize is coming from the upvote proceeds of the newsletter. The extra $200 will come from the upvotes on this and other posts by @donkeypong. When you read the most recent issue of the Steemit Blog Spotlight newsletter, also please be sure to upvote the posts of these great independent and original blog posters. The more we can do to encourage and reward high quality content creators, the more Steemit will grow terms both size and quality.

Here is the link to our first issue of the newsletter:

--Yours truly, @donkeypong, curator of Blog Spotlight





okay but why does it matter if one is a blogger if the content cannot come from the blog at all [90% needed fresh]. ?
i understand you want fresh stuff but still dont get why person has ot be the blogger.

and yes i am blogger with alot of followers but just not getting it ;)

Good point. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I can see how that requirement might be restrictive. What I meant by "fresh content" actually was that I don't want to reward someone for just re-posting/regurgitating someone else's material (e.g., commenting on an article, when the article that's quoted makes up most of the post). But if the blog entry is yours and you are posting it here, that's fair game. Go ahead and enter it...and bring your followers to vote it up!

i will polish and update one of my things and post it here soon :)

Hi @donkepong,

I just have a couple of clarification questions first if that's ok?

  1. I am preparing a post at the moment, but it is off-topic from my usual blog, is that OK?

  2. I also have an idea for a second post; can I post both up, see which one is being voted up more and then enter that into the competition.


Here's my 2nd article Format Your Article And Gain Steem Power!
My site is called Betfair Trading Tips

Yes, great questions. You can post and enter as many times as you want, and once you post just reply again here with the link to your post(s) -- each one is an entry. I don't see any problem with that, and may the best post win. This contest is designed to hit two birds with one stone: more fresh content and more users. So if you can encourage some of your existing blog readers to come here and upvote your post (whether it's the same topic or not), then I'll be happy. Thanks for the questions and thanks for posting.

Thanks for your answers, one more question I forgot though; there's no mention of how to prove you have a blog, should I post the link to my site when I post the link to my Steemit article?


Sure, you can link it here. Thanks.

Your post is very beautiful.I read the post carefully.I

hope you will be with us like this

OK, here's my first article submission, it's called Forward The Revolution https://steemit.com/steem/@cryptogee/forward-the-revolution

We submit our May 6th BitShares / PeerPlays / Smartcoin POS Hangout Transcript : https://goo.gl/aCwejf

Pretty sure this is the longest post on Steemit at over 10,000 words. :)

Our blogs : TuckFheman.com and BitSharesNews.info

This transcript was posted exclusively on Steemit.

Making a submission! The Seismic Effect Series, check out part 1 below. You can also visit our external site, come read about our adventures around the globe!

Here is my first guest post on Steemit, for my site Betfair Trading Tips, where I blog as The Zen Trader. I hope you enjoy, Trading Emotions At Euro 2016

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