
really great to have you, wonderful post. I think you are in the right place my friend, a very good community with a lot of eagerness to support and help in almost all human ventures. much success to you on here

I'm getting that impression already! Very excited to be on this platform.

Welcome to steemit... enjoy the madness.

Here's a link that may be helpful...

follow mithrilweed.png

Awesome! I used this link, it's very helpful!

Welcome to Steemit pal! @lizanomadsoul told me about you. I sure you will have the time of your life here. I hope it is everything you are hoping for.
Upvoted and resteem! Don´t forget to go through the introduceyourself tag and welcome other people!

Yeah, for sure! This community is all about supporting each other. Thank you for the up vote and resteem, I've followed you! And thank you again to @lizanomadsoul , you are the best!

welcome to the neighborhood!!

I recommend read @papa-pepper @steemitqa and @sykochica -- I am a bit biased ;) but these wonderful folks have a bunch of useful things in their articles.

And thanks for all the community service that you do! You are appreciated.

Thank you very much for the recommendations, I will definitely check them out!

I wrote post about you on my Steemit blog asking my followers to say hi, resteemed your post, tweeted it, upvoted and sent it to 5 Steemit groups on Facebook. You should get some views.

Anything my post makes I will transfer to your account when it pays out to give you a boost. Good luck and Steem on!

Here is some links for help.

Thank you so much, hopefully I will be in a position to return the favor in the future!

Welcome to Steemit! It was good to meet you and hear about your adventures.

Thank you very much! It was great to meet you also!

Welcome my friend! Glad you made it! Steem on :)

Thank you! You're the best!

I am sure you are gonna be a great member of this community! Can´t wait to follow your stories & travels ;) Nice to have you on board. Let me know if you have any questions or need help! - I know you will love it here.

Spoken like a true Steemweaver.

Thank you master luzcypher muahahaha :D - I have a great teacher ;)

This is so exciting! Can't wait to see all your post also! :)

Well go ahead :) - yeah! the post is doing great so far!

Welcome to steemit
Today marks my first full week on steemit and I am blown away by this community and it's potential. Enjoy your youth, the travels, and life in general. A year ago today I was on my way with my wife @clickinchicken and some people from my church to Belize to help a church reach some less fortunate than ourselves. I want to see steemit help us reach a goal of helping people full time. I believe it is possible. Reach out, meet people here and post away! I'm following you so keep us posted!

Such a positive and uplifting comment. I followed you back straight away. I very much respect your goal and wish you lots of luck in the future! I will also be following your successes!

Nice to meet you. What an interesting life you've had already. Look forward to your future adventures

Thank you very much, I'm happy to share them with you!

Welcome to steemit @maxy-hopkins :)
You seem like a really adventurous and down to earth guy! I can't wait to see your future posts!
I'm new to the platform as well and I'd love if you checked out my introductory post at

I'll definitely check out your post, lets look to supporting each other in the future! :)

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