How to make a great #introduceyourself post on steemit. ( A case study )

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

You want to make a great post that makes the front page do you? Well read on . . .

First and fore most put yourself out there!

I can finally afford to buy a new PC even though my mac book air has been with me for the past 4 or 5 years and I cannot think of how I am going to let her go.. My girlfriend even calls her my first girlfriend and my actual girlfriend is just the mistress. . .

hehe. Anyway I thought I would give you my thoughts on what was going through my head when I crafted that #introduceyourself, my thoughts before and my thoughts now.

Hopefully this will give you an insight into how to make your own post that reaches the front page whether it is about #marijuana or even #piston. .

I mean heck, you could probably get the steem logo tattooed on your forehead (and I don't mean the one above your neck) , if you need the #money so badly. . .

So here goes..

I signed up for steem a few months ago because I wanted a place to share my joke website with people without it being downvoted to hell like it was on reddit.. (Yeah.. You have said this before man! ) Ok yeah I have.. But at the time a funny thing was going on. A friend of mine had a windfall of cash from trading Eth in the week of the DAO crowdsale with a large margin position and wanted to start a Eth contract 0% house edge casino.

I was meant to be project manager but long story short #DAO collapsed and nobody really knew how smart these contracts where any more. .

Luckily for me at the same time I met someone in the marijuana niche that owns a network of over 4.5 million fans and so started to build out his site. Currently you can only see the coming soon page here : but here is a sneak peak of the front page.. SHHH don't go showing anyone now, its a surplize. (yes that spelling was on purpose thank very much grammar police).

um... So what was I saying again?

Oh yeah, steem posts. front page.

So after working on this site (there is tons of products and been quite a bit of work) for quite some time now and only getting paid a percentage of revenue, which their is none yet as we still developing some last things, a friend reminded me of steemit and so I thought I would give it a second shot.

First post back

I made a gif about the first time I saw a high quality gif.. Damb I hope one of those guys come here. #Gifmakers are awesome! Someone remind me to go tell those guys about this place after I am done writing this.

And yes that is a video I had made by my mate in cali so yes it was original content and I made the gif with the text etc :

Earned : $0.00
Thoughts: Hmm.. I wonder about this place. What is it about? What is doing well.
{/me spends about 4 hours studying some other top posts and reading up about steemit}

Second post

Some simple gui design of a slot game that I thought would be cool. -

Earned : $0.11
Thoughts: OK well getting better. Probably has to be longer and even more value. What was that anyway. cumon worstdevever you can do better than that!
{/me spends a few hours thinking about what valuable things I have done recently and that would be good for a forum type environment. }

Next few posts

Tested a few memes with some content, played around with how I felt. Simple small posts again. Tried a marijuana post out of some images I had made..

Earned : $0.15
Thoughts: Well I think I am understanding it a little better, but still not enough original value.. I have to dig deeper!

8th and 9th post

This was the turning point. Even though these two posts did not earn a lot. It is where I found value. I decided to create some infographics about some of the stats floating around in the top posts as they looked kinda bland and could use some color for my designer eyes. You have probably all seen the retro design I did that I reposted into my intro post so no need for me to post it again here. .

Earned : $0.13
Thoughts: Man these look great and I don't care if I don't get paid for them. Anyway.
{/me Time for me to put in my introduction post and let everyone know what I have been up to in the background. Who cares about getting paid anymore. This place is cool anyway I think I will stay}

You see what happened there?

I stopped caring about the #money and started loving the fact that I had made something of value for a community.

You all know what happened to my next post as it is slowly fading from the front page but you can still see it. :)

My next post this morning took me 4 - 5 hours to complete and I am glad it has reached so many people already even though it has not earned much money.

Here is the main one in case you missed it..

But if you want to see the rest I made this morning they all jammed into this here post :

So yeah. Hope you learning something from me. This opened me up to being free and not worrying about making posts that make money. Loosen up. Relax. And enjoy the place.

Anyways. Love you guys. Not more than my actual girlfriend but its getting close. @berniesanders heres looking at you boy!


Really interesting post and I enjoyed reading it! I think it shouldn't be about money like you said, as soon as you try and make something with tactics of earning cash, people can feel it and it doesn't go anywhere. Do what you love and what you are passionate about and everything will follow :)

Thanks for weighing in. :) You going to have to send me one of those treats sometime so I can taste that passion of yours seeing as you have already seen some of mine (graphic design). ;)

Steemit welcomes you here!
it's great that you took the time to post here, thank you!

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