HI ALL- it's gonna be short, but hopefully enjoyable!

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Im a polish girl living in beautiful city of München / Germany. I have been lucky to see a bit of the world, mainly South Africa to which I have a deep and ongoing love since I came for the first time in 2012 . I have been visiting the country many times since.


In my life iI have been doing a lot of exciting things and hopefully will keep on going. Some may call it confusion I call it deep thirst for adventure, checking out new possibilities, checking myself, going out from the comfort zone and a passion to continuously develop myself.

I'm an experienced diver with Cmas ** certification. Have been taking part in several archaeological underwater expeditions. Obtained a master degree in archaeology from the University of Warsaw and during my studies had a chance to see worlds most magnificent archaeological sites and artefacts.

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I have finished profiled college for fashion design and tailoring. I was also working in theatres in Germany, in props and costumes production. It was a part of my dream to be behind the scenes of an amazing operas, hearing the worlds most famous arias and to be the part of creating the world of magic on stage. All these experiences eventually led me to establishing my own fashion label.

I think its pretty cool to share some experiences and learn from each other, therefore I have chosen to write a blog and open this profile. Hope you will find this lecture enjoyable.

wersja polska tutaj
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Paulina Purska.


I love travel stories and experiences :D
Welcome to steemit!

Hi @johnycrypto,

Well stay tuned man :) I promise some cool stories !

All the best

Im following you to keep with the updates :D

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Welcome Paulina ;)
Great to see another person who seems to have gained some international experience - always a nice improvement to this growing platform!
What are you planning to post about? Diving?
Btw, resteemed you via @welcoming, my page for sharing promising newcomers like you!
P.S.: I assume you speak german? A german introduction post would be awesome as well!

Grüß Gott ;) @theaustrianguy ,

So nice of you to welcome me this warmly.
You are correct I do speak German, will definitely need some grammar improvement though.. so I will get right into putting this german introduction post into the oven! :)

My plans for writing , heh , well I find myself quite good in describing the real life situations, meaning, the parts of my life, which gave me the most thrills. I think it's honestly the best way to go, experiences, raw flesh. So Yes, diving is a big part of this, also most challenging , body pushing and mind calming , comparable to meditation. But I would also like to focus on my ongoing travels mainly to South Africa and the insights I have acquired. I assume it might be interesting for many people who as me like to learn about themselves by indulging in the encompassing and omnipresent nature.

Thanks again !

Sehr gut, freue mich schon auf die Posts - Posten ist eh sehr gut um dein Deutsch zu festigen:)
Habe deinen anderen Blog gesehen - Glaube sowas in der Art passt hier sicher gut her! Und hey, hier kannst du sogar etwas verdienen. Dein Vorstellungspost ist zum Beispiel gerade gut über 25€ wert :) LG

Hallo Paulina, willkommen auf Steemit. Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen deutschen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schaue einfach mal in unserem Chat vorbei: https://steemit.chat/channel/deutsch

Hallo @neuvorstellungen,

Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, es ist ein gutes Training für mein Deutsch, Ich werde sicher in die Gruppe schauen.


Welcome to Steemit and enjoy :) I‘m also new on Steemit and be happy about nice contacts :) See you!

Hi Marion,

Thank you, nice to meet you , will keep track of each other than , take care. ! :)


Found you via a comment you left on my post @highonthehog what an interesting life you have set out before you with being able to dive and see the big blue.

Working behind the scenes with opera must be fun and interesting. Travel of course is the nicest way to find out more in living, I look forward to your future posts Paulina.

Hey Paulina,

ein Fashion Label klingt interessant und ich wünsche Dir alles Gute auf Deinem Weg. Ich freue mich schon auf Deine Beiträge.
Alles Liebe, Swantje

Welcome. Enjoy yourself here ;)

A big welcome to you @highonthehog . I hope you'll have a lovely time here on steemit. You know I really loved that deep water picture you took. It seems you used a camera that was water resistant. Nice 😁😁😁😁

I just resteemed and upvoted your post also,so that more people will see this post and support it too.

Please I need a favor. am in a design competition now, here is my design

and I'll really need your help. All you need do is to go to this link


And then check the comment section for the logo above, and then upvote the logo. My user name is @lucyc.

If you are good at designing logos, you can join the contest also. Thanks so much for your help.

A merry Christmas to you and your family.

done ! :)

thanks for upvoting too, hope you will win this competition dear!

All the best

Your posts are wonderful. Welcome to Steemit and it's great to have you here!

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