" NEW-B JUICE " ... ""BE"" the low hanging FRUIT !! - ))steemCreated with Sketch.

... do YOU recognize ??? - )))
... YOU HERE "NOW" ... on this AM-a-ZING PLATFORM !!! !!! - )))

YOU .... ARE AT .. the VERY BEGINNING ... !!!!!!!!!!! - ))


IN THE "hi-STORY" ... of the ... YOU N i VERSE ... (( U-n-i-VERSE -))

YOU ARE !!! - )))

...."UP is IN" - ))
... an original doddle - )))

STEEM currently has less than 250,000 users ( !!! ) ... on a global scale, this is nothing. IF YOU can imagine, tHERE will BE many copy-cat "STEEM" platforms ... and that ... WE are FIRST, and FASTEST (= technology structure .. thanks NED + DAN + DEV. TEAM !!! - )) WitH-IN .. this understanding ITS not HarD to IMAGINE ... that at some time in the near FUTURE ... STEEM will have a commUNITY of at least 700,000,000 ( 1%-ish ... of E-ART-H'S pop. -)))) ... and that, this COMM-UNITY will certainly join MULTIPLE PLATFORMS, perhaps out of MONETARY 'desire' .... but, likely from a place of APPRECIATION !!! - )))

THIS PLATFORM ... is pure POTENTIAL !!!!!!!! - ))
THE entire D.igital C.urrency C.ommuUNITY ... ... the " NEW-B" paradigm !! - ))

... what does this mean for YOU ??? - )))

WELL ... this is my first POST ... !?!?! - )))
.... so, ANY "STEEM W-is-do-M" i'm able to share, is NOT my 'own' - )))

HoWeVeR ... i'm a self-directed RE-(SE_A-RCH)-ER ... and a VERY well P.R.-act-i"C"-eD ... 'meditate-OR' -))) IN essence ... my "B.S." detector (( B.elief S.ystem ... me-a-sure-me'nt deVICE-))) ... is TRUSTED by me - ))) ... and, IT has BE-EN DOING BACK-F-LIPS (!!!) since i st-ART-ed ... looking into STEEM !!!! - )))

i have FOUND "INSPIRATION" ... OOZING out of STEEM ... in ALL SUBJECTS !!! - )))

While waiting for my account approval ... i collected around 100 fantastic PEEP'S to FOLLOW (in a folder on my desk top-)) ... and duRING this T_i'mE ... the S-UP-RISE and de-LI(G)hT i've HAD .... WOW !!!!!!! - )) MY FIRST INSPIRATION .. was this ( !!! !!! ) https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@itchykitten/feeling-steemy-i-m-jared-from-montana-and-i-stayed-up-all-night-writing-this-it-s-morning ... THIS ART-i"C"LE ... LIT ME UP !!!!!!!! - )))
WHY .... ??? - )))
... simple ...... IF, the STEEM COMM-UNITY ... is willing to RALLY AROUND ORIGINALITY, PERSONALITY, CREATIVITY, and lets face IT ....... AMAZING ENERGY !!!!!!!!!!! - ))

... the-N ... i'm ... HOME !!! - )))

(( SPECIAL NOTE ... look HERE ... at my W-ALL-eT hiSTORY !!!!!! - ))
https://steemit.com/@fun-along-theway/transfers ..... BLOWN AWAY !!!!!! - ))
... thanks ITCHY !!! - )))

ha ha ))))

SO .... i'm CERTAINLY not GOING TO ... H-OLD BACK !!! - )))

(!(!( SURPRISED RIGHT )!)!) ... ))))))))))))

(( psssss'td ... don't ask me to sing -)))

... ha ha )))
FIRST POST ... s-WING-in-G for THE MOON -)))
... STEEM is a type of rocket fuel ... right ??? - )))

NOT ( !!! ) that i thin-K my CONTENT ..or.. CREATIVITY ... is any 'beTTer' - ))
BE-CAUSE ... i k-NOW how TO BE 'me' ))))
... i LOVE BEING 'me' -))))
... and HERE was " @itchykitten " ... smacking IT ... OUT OF THE P-ARK !!! - )))
.. by BEING himself !!!!!!!!!!!! - ))

SO ... AWE-SO-ME !!!!!! - ))

THE-N ... i watched this V-iD on youtube connected to this POST ))

VERSATILITY swept over me ... i could ...'do' that ... couldn't i ??? - )))
... ""BE"" ANY-w-HERE ... doing THIS ??? -)))

ha ha )))

SincerelY ... every person i've DEcidED to FOLLOW ... has INSPIRED me !!! - )))

  • more on "FOLLOWING" ... in a second - ))

SincE i'm going to use the 'introduceyourself' tag ... for any NEW-B'S ((NOOBS)) .. hi )))
IF YOU'd like a short PEAK into the links i'm finding helpful ... here YOU GO !!! - )))

... and this is a SOLID "PULL" in the Ri(G)hT direction !!! - ))

Earlier toDay ... while considering this 'first' post ... i found this - ))
It's a well written introspective on "FOLLOWING" - ))
i shared my thought's in the comment section; but, my reply illustrates 'me', my thought's and intention's ... so i'm 'pasting' the comment HERE TOO ))))

... i hope you don't mind -)))

... )))

i LOOK forward to the continued EXPanION of the "USER INterFACE" ... and the EVENT-u-AL creation of a "deTAILed" TUTORIAL !!! - ))) OF cOURse tHERE are already many "GREAT ART-iC-LES" ... to help while starting OUT ... and, like yOUR PiEcE HERE ... helpful iD.E.As ... about 'following' -)))

MY (( P.R.-act-iC-.E.S. )) ... )))

i'm GOING to FolloW ... anyONE + EVERYONE !!!!! - ))
... who "IN"s-Pi-r"ES" me ... ... NOW !!! - ))

AT some point ... my list of me "following" ... will BE HUGE ... which, if 'not' adequately paid attention to .. is of NO ValuE, to the wonderful people i've deCIDed to FOLLOW !!! - (((

SO ... ??? - )))
... how to deal with this EXP-and-ING .. AblitY to REspoND ?? - ))

Simple .. first, as i scROLL my 'feed' ... i will k-NOW (!!) EVERYONE 'in' my FEED has inspired me at sO-Me POINT !!! - ))) ... and, i mayBE a ""m(IN)-(NO)w"" NOW ... but at some POINT SOON ... my "STEEM POWER" ... will have some SERIOUS "day" SHAPING POTENTIAL !!! - )))

SeconD ... i'm NEVER going to UN-FOLLOW ANYONE !!! - )))

(( ... thanks " Fi " = this wasn't as clear to me ... ??? ???
... until i read this POST !!! - )))

WE are each, .. RED HOT and ICE COLD .. ALL the T_i'mE ... = life is day to day ... and, i RESPECT THAT ((( LOVE THAT ))) !! - )) SO, depending on wHERE (( i'm )) AT (today) .. some CONTENT (today) ... may not appeal to me ?? ... IT does NOT mean ... i don't VALUE the CONTENT CREATOR !!!! - ))))
... and TO-MORROW ... always a NEW ... "" TO D AY ""
... right ??? ??? - )))

ThirD ... when the T_i'mE CO-M-ES (= SO 'soon' i can TASTE IT ... = YUM !!! - ))) ... and my STEEM POWER has significant PULL .. i will choose a number of bots, to L-END OUT ... HalF of my daily PULL ... and reward the SHINNING GEMS of my personal "following" ... with repeatable PATRONAGE !!! - )))

  • i will still enJOY finding NEW CREATORS !!! - )))
  • DIVING into and S-UP-PORT-in-G , the DAILY BEAUTIES in my FEED )))
  • playing my P-ART ... in the EXP-ans-ION of this plat-FORM - )))

F-OUR-TH ... tHERE is " Z-ER-O " fear in me ... that if ... i ap.PROACH this potential in the 'wrong' WAY ... and that, if others were to do the same ... that, 'SOME-HOW' ??? ??? this platFORM "could" "FAIL" ??????????? - ((

  • HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))

THE GREAT FEELING aROUND ""HERE"" ... has it's ROOT'S "TAPPED IN" to "THE" S-OUR-CE ... that can NOT BE CORRUPTED !!!!!!!!!! - ))

... ALL will "" C "" !!! - )))

... and, i TRUST ... EVERYONE reading THIS ... ))))
... has ""AB-AND-ONE'D "" their ((SEA_t-BE_LTS)) !!! - )))

(( jodie foster, move-i .. CONTACT = VIBRATION is EVERYTHING- ))

" ... i'm OK to GO " !!!!!!!!! - ))

((( STEEM ))) ... is the "" Dr. Op "" SE-QUE-N-CE !!!!!!! - )))
... are YOU READY ??? - )))

ha ha )))))

... hope this HELPS ))))))))

... or ... is at least ... some FUN !!! - )))

greb'Z )

ps ... the HUMAN BODY .. is a ""STAR-GATE""" !!!!!!! - ))
........ not an 'assumption' !!!!!!!!!! - ))
... tHERE are 18 "SL(iD)ES" ... in total )))
... enJOY )))

psps ... PL-EASE HONOR the FOLLOWING re-QUEST !! - )))

... i'd like my POSTS ... to have "ZERO FEAR" commenters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - ))
.... ha ha )))

... PLEASE refrain yourself from ANY NEED to "FLAG" comments made by others on 'my' POSTS ( . ) IF ANYONE is ever FILLED with (negative) PASSION ... and something i say, makes them "SALTY & MEAN SPIRITED" ... i'm HappY TO HEAR "IT" )) )) ))
... withOUT judgement !!!!!!!!!!! - ))

... sticks and stones ... ... riGht ?? - ))

HERE is a very CLEAR POST ... concerning this subject !!! - )))
... so GOOD !!! - )))

LAST bit ... ha ha )))
.... as a new guy, EXCITEDLY .... deFINING himself on STEEM ... - ))
a 'note' .... about my 'crazy' writing style // word theory ?? - )))

IF, YOU CAN imagine ... i'm singing ...or... MoldINg C-LAY ?? - ))
... rather then writing ??!?? - )))
... my ' style' may be ?? - ))

... easier on the "E . YES" ??? - )))

WeLL ... !!! ??? !!! - )))
... i didn't "INT-END" ... for this length ??? - ))))
... hope you're not ALL "BROKEN inSIDE" !!! - )))
....ha ha ))))

C-HoW c-HOW !!!!!!!!! - ))


your syntax is purposeful, but a casual reader will see it as random, (I know from experience writing in a special way) so my suggestion to you is to have a mixture of your special writing method and purposeful syntax, alongside some normal writing for contrast and grounding, like an anchor. This will amplify the effects of your other writing to make it's purpose fulfilled.

Good luck on your journey ^_-

Y-UP .. YOU get me !! - ))

IF i could ONLY translate ... the "FEELING" of energy in 'me' ?? - ))
... with just words alONE ... dang IT !!! - ))

... ha ha ... someday )))

FantastiC advice ... by the WAY !! - ))
((( purposeful syntax ... contrast, as an AnchoR - )))
BE sure to 'POP' IN ... see, how yOUR advice is P-LAY-IN-G "OUT" -)))
... i LOVE R-each-IN-G for ... NEW foUnd CLARITY !!! - )))

... and, thanks for the, " ... writing in a special way" -))
ha ha ... that's kind of YOU ! - ))))))))))))

greb'Z )

Welcome to steemit! enjoy it here
welcometo.gif Welcome to visit: REPORTS FOR NEWBIES by @hien-tran
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.

... even the BOTS are FUN .. HERE !!! - )))

hi ... ThankS ALLOT ))))

... and i won't FOR-GET ))))

That was hard to read. It got a little easier along the way. Hopefully it will get even more easy later haha! but welcome to steemit. Good luck!

... how'd i miss this ??? - )))
ha ha ))))

ME-EP ... TOO )))
... ha ha )))
greb'Z )

Steemit goal #1 ! Get a peep out of meep. Initial strategy : Hope that @ionlysaymeep accidentally mistypes and types peep, then take all the credit for it! Final attempt: follow around ionlysaymeep on a pleasesaypeep account peeping your meeps until the peep happens!


ohhh this is meep, he is also crazy :) if you can get him to say anything besides meep you get the golden prize. And noone will ever know what that is. because we can't even get a peep out of him! Meep is a hero. Our local Emperor Norton haha!

MEEP .... so MEEP ... to MEEP YOU ))))))
MEEP .. twice .. MEEPterDAY !!! - ))
MEEP YOU ?? - )))
... MEEP !! - )))

meep'Z )

MEEP me ... ??????? UUUUUUhhh g - ))
MEEP YOU .. and then MEEP me !!! - ))

MEEP ?? - ))
... but MEEP !!! - )))


ThankS -))
... sincerely i struggle holding back my CRAZY !!! - )))
... ha ha )))
i think i spent at least TRI-PLE the time ... ?? or more ??
... smoothing OUT this post ... then the time it took to write ?? - ))

= it was much less read-able on first draft !! - ))

... thanks for making it th-ROUGH -))
greb'Z )

Hello there and welcome to Steemit! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run FULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)

hi ... thank YOU )))

i don't gAMble ... but, i LOVE giving people lottery tickets !!! - ))
... the look in their E.YES ... hoping, reaching !!! - )))

When i've made a splash ... i will see-K YOU OUT -)))
.. thanks for being YOU !! - ))

greb'Z )

ITs a LONG story !! - ))
... energy is the short answer -)))
... ArtistiC LICENSE ... sort of works ??? -)))
and .. it just CO-ME-S ... OUT of "N-atu-R-all-Y" -)))

... is the best i can summarize -)))

i will write the 'book' .. at some POINT -))

sincerely ... thank YOU .. for asKING !!! - )))

greb'Z )

hah! thats what my eyes are doing when I'm trying to understand your post :P

... Hop-in-G & R_each-IN-G -)))))))
ha ha ))))
... i was considering doing a rewrite ))
SAME POST ... str-ai-ght PooL ??? - ))

... to "C" the ... RE-(a"C"t)-i-ON ?? - ))

... thanks for having me -))
FRONT toward ENEMY ... good advice !!! - ))


.. my apologies for the massive print ?? - ))
FIRST swing of the bat ... ha ha )))
ANY .. input on editing would BE GREAT !!! - )))
... good luck !! - ))

greb'Z )

hey F-A-T(EEEE!!!) It's definitely fun, maybe a little uncomfortable, also makes you think! I"M STRIVING TO EXTRACT ALL THE POSSIBILITIES RIGHT NOW!!!! I like alphacore's SUGbestION. Mixing it in with some easier to digest pieces could be smoooo00ooth.


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